Showing posts with label Search and rescue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Search and rescue. Show all posts

Wednesday 18 July 2018

**NEW FEATURE** What Would The B Team Do? There's A Volcano Erupting On The Isle Of Cats - Can This Fabled Island Be Saved From Certain DOOM?

Wednesday greetings fabulous furriends

Welcome to another 
Fur our new readers; some of mew may not know that as well as being your ordinary, effuryday kitties, we're also an elite horde of Kitty Commando's opurrating from a secret bunker in Mewton-Clawson in the heart of the English countryside, and saving the wurld at least once a month is what we do. Though mew neffur get to read or hear about it because its classified and way above your pay grade!

[BB HQ Control Centre in The Secret Bunker]

So, we hear mew ask, what is; What Would The B Team Do?

Well pawesome pals, we're going to give mew a dangerous or deadly scenario and mew get to choose one of several options on how we would respond, and then we show mew how we responded next time!

And today's scenario is this...

There's A Volcano Erupting On The Isle Of Cats - Can This Fabled Island Be Saved From Certain DOOM?

Just 5 days ago we got a frantic call from the Wurld Safety Authority [WSA] in Geneva, Switzerland asking if we could quell a volcanic eruption that was currently occurring on the mountainous and sacred Isle of Cats residing in a secret location in the Adriatic sea.

The volcano was bubbling away, small lava flows were gently cascading towards the capital city of Ocelot, not to be confused with Camelot. Anyhoo, the liquid fire riverlets were only 3 clicks away from the capital and surrounding suburbs; homes of 1000's of feline residents were under immediate threat.

The WSA had called fur an immediate evacuation of all affected areas, but all indications from the esteemed Institute of Volcanology aka The IoV, the volcano had about 2 to 3 days before it erupted in a monumental way, and pawsibly destroying the fabled isle.  

And the local golfing community were not best purrleased!

Die-hard Golfers Trying To Navigate The Wurld Championship Golf Course On The Isle of Cats During The Volcanic Eruption

This is a part transcript of the actual conversation:


"Fur fluffs sake Amber answer the phone already!" I shouted from the bunker corridor. I was fur all intent and purposes rather busy moving a recently delivery of supplies to level three, our warehouse level and the many,  many boxes on my trolley were nearly touching the corridor ceiling - yep when we have a delivery, we really have a delivery!

"Welcome to the Cats Whiskers Holistic Health Retreat, this is Suki how may I help mew?" Amber said sweetly using our regular cover-story just in case it was a wrong number calling.

"This is Hans Plush from the Wurld Safety Authority in Geneva," said the caller in a lovely lilt. "We require the immediate and urgent services of Basil & The B Team."

"One moment purrlease while I transfer your call," Amber replied in that same sweet tone, then yelled at me like a fish-wife. "BASIL CALL ON LINE ONE, IT'S HANS PLUSH FROM THE WSA IN GENEVA!" 

"Thanks Amber," I called back. "I'll take in it my office."

A few moments later I was at my desk and picking up the phone. "This is Basil, how can I help mew?"

"Is that  Basil, Commander Basil Widdairs?" Hans asked.

"Yes this is he!"

"Thank cod, we've got a deadly situation," Hans replied tensely and quickly explained the details to me.

if we have time we'll share more of the transcript next time...

So What Would The B Team Do?

A. Tell Hans we're remodeling the bunker and we can't pawsibly make it until the refurb is offur.

B. Hop in the stealth bomber and fly up to Greenland. Use Humphrey's miniaturizing ray gun to shrink the giant iceberg that's currently threatening coastal communities.  Take the shrunken iceberg; keeping it well frozen fur the journey back to the Isle of Cats. Then throw it out of the stealth bomber as we're circling the erupting volcano, and using the reverse feature on the miniaturizing ray gun to make it full size, and let it land on the volcano thereby extinguishing it.

C. Go watch the latest Jurassic Wurld movie at the cinema.


D. All of the above, because we're really that EPICALLY EPIC!

The answer will be on the next

MOL sorry about that, but mew that's know how we roll!

Thanks fur visiting today and and tomorrow we'll be sharing a new jigsaw puzzle on the Puzzle Page to keep mew entertained until Friday when we'll be back with The Pet Parade blog hop.

Until then

Keep Calm



Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Bunker Background Images used under paid license from
Graphics created with paid licence and

Wednesday 4 July 2018


Wednesday greetings fabulous furriends

Welcome to another new feature on the blog today
Fur our new readers; some of mew may not know that as well as being your ordinary, effuryday kitties, we're also an elite horde of Kitty Commando's opurrating from a secret bunker in Mewton-Clawson in the heart of the English countryside, and saving the wurld at least once a month is what we do. Though mew neffur get to read or hear about it because its classified and way above your pay grade!

[BB HQ Control Centre in The Secret Bunker]

So, we hear mew ask, what is; What Would The B Team Do?

Well our supurr furriends, we're going to give mew a dangerous scenario, and mew get to choose one of 3 options on how we would respond, and then we show mew how we responded!

And today's scenario is this...

We get a call from Search & Rescue to say there's a kitten stuck on a cliff ledge and all their resources are tied up with another opurration.

 The kitten was on a seaside outing with his little buddies when they decided to try and climb down the rock face to the beach to get an ice cream, he slipped and tumbled down landing on a narrow ledge 75ft above the beach and the tide is coming in rapidly and the ice cream dude has gone, so What Would The B Team Do?

A. Ignore the call and have a pawty

B. Mull it offur and then decide what to do


C. Scramble into the helicopter in less time than it takes to say 'I'll have a niptini, stirred not shaken with a sprig of catnip on the side' and go save the kitten and then get ice cream

This is what happened:

"Hold on little dude!" Smooch shouted to the terrified kitten as he dangled from the rope suspended from the helicopter.

"Smooch," I said into my comms unit as I kept the helicopter steady. "I need to swoop up and offur the cliff edge, can mew grab him and I'll deposit mew both on the top?"

"Copy that Basil, I'm all good fur a swoop and snatch opurration," he replied. 

"On my mark Smooch and be careful not to smash into the cliff, ok?" I said. 

"No wurries Basil, I'm ready!" Smooch answered.

" and let's do this!" I hollered and pulled back on the controls and the helicopter lurched upwards and then I began to bank hard to the right so that Smooch could swing in grab the kitten and then fall away from the cliff face as I did a quick circle and lifted them to safety.

Smooch dangled precariously from the rope, it began to move towards the kitten, timing was crucial fur the swoop and snatch.

"Slow down Basil!" Smooch yelled into his comms as he swung quickly towards the rock face.  He angled his body so he came in from the left, snatched the kitten and they both fell away from the deadly cliff as the helicopter flew in a tight turn and lifted them onto the cliff top, gently depositing them on the grass.

The kitten was wailing, Smooch was whooping and I landed the chopper, and tapped my comms unit to activate it.

"Amber find me the nearest ice cream dude and get him here now, we have a traumatized kitten that needs a big dollop of nip ice cream stat!" I said. "And tell S & R that the mission was a success."

"Copy that Basil!" Amber replied, then added a few moments later. "Parsley has found the ice cream dude and will be there in 5 minutes."

"Excellent!" I replied as I patted the kitten gently on the head. "Hey little dude are mew ready fur some ice cream now?"

The kitten stopped wailing and said shakily. "Can I have a double mice cream with a nip flake purrlease Commander Basil?"

"Of course mew can," I replied.

Another successful mission from 

The B Team 

Did mew guess the right answer?

Thanks fur visiting today and and tomorrow we'll be sharing a new jigsaw puzzle on the Puzzle Page to keep mew entertained until Friday when we'll be back with The Pet Parade blog hop.

Until then

Keep Calm



Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Bunker Background Images used under license from
Graphics created with paid licence and