Showing posts with label What Would The B Team Do. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What Would The B Team Do. Show all posts

Friday 7 September 2018

**NEW FEATURE** What Would The B Team Do? OMC The Free Trade of Rodents is Under Threat As Chief Downing Street Negotiators Go AWOL - The Conclusion

Wednesday greetings fabulous furriends

Welcome to another 
Fur our new readers; some of mew may not know that as well as being your ordinary, effuryday kitties, we're also an elite horde of Kitty Commando's opurrating from a secret bunker in Mewton-Clawson in the heart of the English countryside, and saving the wurld at least once a month is what we do. Though mew neffur get to read or hear about it because its classified and way above your pay grade!

[BB HQ Control Centre in The Secret Bunker]

So, we hear mew ask, what is; What Would The B Team Do?

Well our supurr furriends, we're going to give mew a scenario, which may or may not be real [classified protocols restrict us from confirming or denying such things] and mew get to choose one of 3 options on how we would respond, and then we show mew how we may have responded!

Now let's see if mew guessed correctly last time, click here fur a quick recap...

OMC The Free Trade of Rodents is Under Threat As Chief Downing Street Negotiators Go AWOL

So What Would The B Team Do?

A. Go to Level 8 in the bunker, get my lilo out and cruise around the lagoon in the BioSphere while sipping a fabulously chilled nip cocktail with a rather fancy-schmancy umbrella in? 

B. See Smooch on Level 3 of the bunker and go to the shooting range fur a bit of target purractice?


C. Scramble The B Team and start the search fur Larry and Palmerston?

Did mew guess the right answer?

And we know most of mew have chosen OPTION C - which is the correct answer WOO HOO! 

*   *   *

And this is exactly what happened....

Knowing that Larry and Palmerston are furry good furriends with HRH Erin and are known to visit the young princess, I decided to make a call.


"No Answer!" I mewsed and hung up the phone.

 I turned to Amber who was sitting in one of my comfy desk chairs sipping a lovely cup of catmint tea, the heady aroma wafting across the desk between us.

"Don't I get tea?" I asked.

She raised an eyebrow and said with a smirk. "Yes, your tea is in the teapot in the canteen!" 

"Typical!" I muttered under my breath and then said. "Mew haven't spoken to the Princess lately have mew?"

"Which one?" Amber asked, jeez she was a button pusher today.

"ERIN... ERin... E...R...I...N!" I said through gritted teeth. "We only know one princess!"

"Oh that princess," Amber said with a smirk, she knew she was button pushing and loved it.

Yessssssssssssss that princess, fur the love of Bast! I thought

Amber was in one of those moods, so I took a breath and said calmly. "I'm going to get a cuppa, do mew want a refill?"

"No, I'm fine thank mew, I just thought I come and annoy mew fur a few minutes before my book club guests arrive," she smiled sweetly and exited my office with a flourish.

I stood behind my desk and slowly counted to 10, that didn't wurk so I continued to 50.  Then I picked up my comms unit, turned it on and said. "Are any of the B Team available fur an excursion to Upper Much-Mousing?"

3 seconds later Fudge, Smooch, Parsley and Pandora were in my office and 2 seconds aftur that we were headed to Level 2 to get the hummer.  5 minutes later we were cruising towards Upper Much-Mousing.

Erin only lived a few miles away from Mewton-Clawson as the crow flies, so we made exceptional time [plus I planned on visiting Dwight Dastardly my local dealer in arms, ammunition and effurything ex-military on the way back as we need some supplies and I saw that he has some rather nice new tanks in], so anywoo we drove up to the palace and furry carefully offur the drawbridge so not to disturb the kraken as the sign was out... 

- Lunch between 1pm & 2pm -

...and believe me when I tell mew, mew seriously don't want to disturb a kraken having lunch, as mew could end up being the lunch!

I parked the hummer and we all got out and that's when I saw Pandora putting on a tiara -  what the fluff?!!!

Parsley, Smooch and Fudge also noticed and they said. "What the fluff?!!!"

Pandora turned to look at them aftur checking the tiara was on straight in the hummer wing mirror and replied in her odd, little foreign accent. "One must show respect fur a princess!" then she added. "And I don't think the princess vill be furry 'appy when she she's 'ow many veapons mew dudes brought vith mew."

I thought about this fur a moment and said. "Pandora, HRH has an entire weapons gallery within the castle, though it is strictly off limits to all but a few, so she won't mind that we're armed and dangerous at all!"

"Vell, I think mew should be dressed more appropriately fur an audience vith royalty!" she harrumphed.

Parsley was just about to knock on the huge oak door when it suddenly swung inwards and Larry and Palmerston almost fell on top of him.

"Dudes!" I said as they tumbled passed Parsley and landed in an ungainly pile of fur and limbs.

They both looked at me as they lay sprawled in a heap on the floor. "BASIL!!!!!" they both shouted. "Great to see mew me old mucker!" Larry grinned, and at that point I just knew they'd been up to no good.

Palmerston stood up and dusted off his fancy frock coat, and swished a lace trimmed hanky towards me and whispered conspiratorially, "Mew must try the Cream Straws, made with a tube of primo Canadian Cheddar filled with triple cream and rolled in in the finest nip truffle!"

I gave them one of my best, mew know they're contraband looks, with an added, mew wurk fur the goverment, shouldn't mew know better? looks.

Palmerston grinned and replied. "Oh but it's so much better when mew know mew shouldn't be doing it!"

"ERIN!" I yelled from the steps.

The princess appeared from the doorway and held out her paw. I bowed and kissed said paw with utmost respect. "How are mew?" I asked as I stood up.

"Oh fine now," she answered and then noticed Pandora's tiara glittering in the sunlight. "Nice jewels, I may have to it borrow that sometime!"

Pandora beamed and then mouthed at us, "I told mew so!"

"Princess," I said, as I helped Larry off the floor. "These two should be in London to negotiate the free trade of rodents fur the Brexit plan, why are they here?"

Erin smiled sweetly and replied. "Oh Basil, such a funny turn of events..."

She indicated fur me to follow her into the palace and we went into a rather fancy schmancy drawing room, where she promptly pulled a bell cord.  A few moments later Mrs H appeared trundling a tea-trolley laden with delights. [Mrs H is so efficient].

Erin said handing me tea and cake, with a scone on the side with the biggest dollop of whipped cream mew effur saw. "Basil let me explain, the mouses of Upper Much-Mousing have all gone on their jolly holly's to the Costa del Cheetos, so they've been a bit thin on the ground of late, Larry and Palmerston contacted me to say they had a glut of European mouses that needed a safe haven..."

"And I suppose they wanted the Contraband Cream Sticks in payment fur relocation of said mice?" I said.

She nodded and then I added. "Did Dwight Dastardly supply mew with the Cream Sticks?"

She nodded again. "And how many did Larry and Palmerston ask fur?"

"200 hundred cartons fur a 20ft container of mice," she beamed at me. "That was a most excellent deal as the Cream Sticks cost me nothing as Dwight owed me a huge favour, mew remember when he was on the run all those years ago and disappeared fur a few months?"

"Yep, I remember that," I replied.

"Well what mew don't know is that he was hiding out here until the heat was off and the authorities had moved on to some other case," she said sweetly.

"Wow, I didn't know that," I said in surprise.

"Anyhoo the good news is that they're headed back to London and I've got a 20ft container of juicy mice in the palace orchard and they've got their Cream Sticks which will fetch a really hefty profit in London fur sure!"

"And are there any more Cream Sticks left?" I asked.

She winked at me and said. "Now that would be telling!"

Outside Larry and Palmerston were laughing and joking with the B Team as I approached.

"Guys the PM is going ballistic, mew guys need to get back to London stat!" I said.

They both laughed at me and said. "Basil dude chill, here have a Cream Stick!"

I turned to Smooch and said quietly, "How many have they had?"

"5 each since we've been here!" he replied.

There was only one thing fur it. I rang the PM.

*   *   *

The good news is that Larry and Palmerston made it back in time fur the big meeting, though the bad news is they were completely off their chops and the meeting was rescheduled.

And Erin has a new community of mice now making a new home in the palace orchard and as fur the Cream Sticks, well who knows how many cartons are left! MOL MOL MOL

Guys there's no new mission fur mew to guess the answer to today, sorry about that...

Thanks fur visiting today and and FYI we shared a new jigsaw puzzle on the Puzzle Page to keep mew entertained

Until next time

Keep Calm



Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Bunker Background Images used under license from
Graphics created with paid licence and

Wednesday 1 August 2018

**NEW FEATURE** What Would The B Team Do? OMC The Free Trade of Rodents is Under Threat As Chief Downing Street Negotiators Go AWOL

Wednesday greetings fabulous furriends

Welcome to another 
Fur our new readers; some of mew may not know that as well as being your ordinary, effuryday kitties, we're also an elite horde of Kitty Commando's opurrating from a secret bunker in Mewton-Clawson in the heart of the English countryside, and saving the wurld at least once a month is what we do. Though mew neffur get to read or hear about it because its classified and way above your pay grade!

[BB HQ Control Centre in The Secret Bunker]

So, we hear mew ask, what is; What Would The B Team Do?

Well our supurr furriends, we're going to give mew a scenario, which may or may not be real [classified protocols restrict us from confirming or denying such things] and mew get to choose one of 3 options on how we would respond, and then we show mew how we may have responded!

Now let's see if mew guessed correctly last time, click here fur a quick recap...

Die-hard Golfers Trying To Navigate The Wurld Championship Golf Course On The Isle of Cats During The Volcanic Eruption


A. Tell Hans we're remodelling the bunker and we can't pawsibly make it until the refurb is offur.

B. Hop in the stealth bomber and fly up to Greenland. Use Humphrey's miniaturising ray gun to shrink the giant iceberg that's currently threatening coastal communities. Take the shrunken iceberg; keeping it well frozen fur the journey back to the Isle of Cats. Then throw it out of the stealth bomber as we're circling the erupting volcano, and using the reverse feature on the miniaturising ray gun to make it full size, and let it land on the volcano thereby extinguishing it.

C. Go watch the latest Jurassic Wurld movie at the cinema.


D. All of the above, because we're really that EPICALLY EPIC!

Did mew guess the right answer?

And we know most of mew have chosen OPTION B - which is the correct answer WOO HOO! 

Howeffur, we did go see the latest Jurassic Wurld movie a few days later! MOL

*   *   *

And this is exactly what happened....

We got the stealth bomber out of the bunker and flew like cats possessed to Greenland.  The giant iceberg was causing huge swells and wide-spread flooding of coastal areas as we've arrived. I got on the radio and said. "Is there anypurrdy out there?"

I got a response but sadly I didn't understand so I flicked on our auto translator and replayed the message.

"This is Peter Strauss, I'm with the UN and in charge of this operation, who is this?" The dude was most abrupt and highly agitated.

"This is Commander Basil Widdairs of The B Team, we're going to alleviate your iceberg purroblem in about 5 minutes or so!" I replied.

There was radio silence fur a brief spell and then. "Thank heavens you're here!" Peter replied, relief flooding through his voice. "Are you in the stealth bomber above us?"

"That's an affirmative dude," I answered. "Can mew get effuryone off the berg as we're going to shrink it and take to the Isle of Cats to extinguish the volcano."

"You're going to what?"

"Shrink it to the size of an ice cube dude!" 

"You can really do that?"

"Yes sir we can!" I was grinning now, sometimes peeps are quite behind the times with tech and the like.

"And you're going to use it to put out a volcano?"

"Yes sir we are, so purrlease can mew evacuate all your purrsonnel as the clock is ticking," I said.

Less than 6 minutes later the iceberg was now an ice cube and safely stowed in the stealth bombers freezer storage facility and I said. "Don't anyone make a drink with ice cubes until aftur the mission!" 

A few hours later we could see the huge black plume of smoke above the Isle of Cats and headed straight fur it.

Humphrey took the ice cube-berg from the freezer unit and opened a secret wing hatch and threw it at the mouth of the volcano as I flew the stealth bomber as close as I could.  He then zapped it with the ray gun turning it instantly back to its original size.  

Moments later the full sized iceberg had completely filled the mouth of the volcano and a huge sizzling steam cloud burst skywards. 

In minutes it was melting and extinguishing the eruption and lava flow and an hour later the volcano was well and truly iced out.

The golfers were best purrleased as they could now finish their game and get to the 19th hole! MOL

We joined them there and had a small celebration [it then turned in a larger one, which is quite normal fur us! MOL]

And so it goes, we saved the fabled Isle of Cats and its residents to play another round of golf all in time fur tea, and Greenland can now stop wurrying about a giant iceberg causing mayhem along the coastal communities!  HOO AH!

Just another day in the life of The B Team...

And today's scenario is this...

Last week I was just taking it easy, the weather was far too hot and the only cool place was in the bunker, where we keep the temperature at a rather doable 18C or 64.4F, in fact in the bunker mew'd neffur know there was a heatwave outside. Anyhoo, there I was in my private office playing the latest Simon's Cat bubble game [I love the other one too - pawesome fun to while away the time] on my iPaw when the red telephone on my desk rang.

Now the red telephone is serious business only and is a direct line from No 10 Downing Street, London. Yep the P.M. aka Purrime Minster has a direct line to me, but obviously don't tell anypurrdy as its top secret. So anyhoo I answered the call on the 2nd ring.

"This is Commander Basil Widdairs."

"Hello Commander Basil, this is the PM," said the female voice.

"Hello ma'am, how can I be of service today?" I asked knowing that it must be serious that the PM called me herself.

"Commander Basil, it would seem that Larry and Palmerston are AWOL during this Brexit fiasco, can mew find them?" she asked.

I could tell she was well stressed. I mean this Brexit thing is certainly dragging on, like trying to pull yourself out of a vat of treacle with a kraken tentacle wrapped around mew which is constantly pulling mew back in = HUGE DRAG FACTOR and pawsibly one that'll last until Catmas! 

As Palmerston is with the Foreign Office his rather untimely disappearance along with Larry has sparked much consternation among the Cabinet Ministers, as both cats need to address the free trade and movement of mice and other rodents through EU territories. And without them to negotiate, the tax levy's could be astronomical, thereby impacting the Rodent Trade wurld-wide in ways that we cats would not like at all.

"Ma'am leave it with me and I'll call mew as soon as I have news," I said efficiently and hung the phone up. 

So What Would The B Team Do?

A. Go to Level 8 in the bunker, get my lilo out and cruise around the lagoon in the BioSphere while sipping a fabulously chilled nip cocktail with a rather fancy-schmancy umbrella in? 

B. See Smooch on Level 3 of the bunker and go to the shooting range fur a bit of target purractice?


C. Scramble The B Team and start the search fur Larry and Palmerston?

The answer will be on the next

MOL sorry about that, but mew that's know how we roll!

Thanks fur visiting today and tomorrow Smooch will be here with his **NEW SOLO POST** Smooch Around The Wurld, plus we'll be sharing a new jigsaw puzzle on the Puzzle Page to keep mew entertained until Friday when its time fur The Pet Parade blog hop.

Until then

Keep Calm



Commander Basil & The B Team 

Bunker Background Images used under license from
Graphics created with paid licence and

Red Phone

Wednesday 18 July 2018

**NEW FEATURE** What Would The B Team Do? There's A Volcano Erupting On The Isle Of Cats - Can This Fabled Island Be Saved From Certain DOOM?

Wednesday greetings fabulous furriends

Welcome to another 
Fur our new readers; some of mew may not know that as well as being your ordinary, effuryday kitties, we're also an elite horde of Kitty Commando's opurrating from a secret bunker in Mewton-Clawson in the heart of the English countryside, and saving the wurld at least once a month is what we do. Though mew neffur get to read or hear about it because its classified and way above your pay grade!

[BB HQ Control Centre in The Secret Bunker]

So, we hear mew ask, what is; What Would The B Team Do?

Well pawesome pals, we're going to give mew a dangerous or deadly scenario and mew get to choose one of several options on how we would respond, and then we show mew how we responded next time!

And today's scenario is this...

There's A Volcano Erupting On The Isle Of Cats - Can This Fabled Island Be Saved From Certain DOOM?

Just 5 days ago we got a frantic call from the Wurld Safety Authority [WSA] in Geneva, Switzerland asking if we could quell a volcanic eruption that was currently occurring on the mountainous and sacred Isle of Cats residing in a secret location in the Adriatic sea.

The volcano was bubbling away, small lava flows were gently cascading towards the capital city of Ocelot, not to be confused with Camelot. Anyhoo, the liquid fire riverlets were only 3 clicks away from the capital and surrounding suburbs; homes of 1000's of feline residents were under immediate threat.

The WSA had called fur an immediate evacuation of all affected areas, but all indications from the esteemed Institute of Volcanology aka The IoV, the volcano had about 2 to 3 days before it erupted in a monumental way, and pawsibly destroying the fabled isle.  

And the local golfing community were not best purrleased!

Die-hard Golfers Trying To Navigate The Wurld Championship Golf Course On The Isle of Cats During The Volcanic Eruption

This is a part transcript of the actual conversation:


"Fur fluffs sake Amber answer the phone already!" I shouted from the bunker corridor. I was fur all intent and purposes rather busy moving a recently delivery of supplies to level three, our warehouse level and the many,  many boxes on my trolley were nearly touching the corridor ceiling - yep when we have a delivery, we really have a delivery!

"Welcome to the Cats Whiskers Holistic Health Retreat, this is Suki how may I help mew?" Amber said sweetly using our regular cover-story just in case it was a wrong number calling.

"This is Hans Plush from the Wurld Safety Authority in Geneva," said the caller in a lovely lilt. "We require the immediate and urgent services of Basil & The B Team."

"One moment purrlease while I transfer your call," Amber replied in that same sweet tone, then yelled at me like a fish-wife. "BASIL CALL ON LINE ONE, IT'S HANS PLUSH FROM THE WSA IN GENEVA!" 

"Thanks Amber," I called back. "I'll take in it my office."

A few moments later I was at my desk and picking up the phone. "This is Basil, how can I help mew?"

"Is that  Basil, Commander Basil Widdairs?" Hans asked.

"Yes this is he!"

"Thank cod, we've got a deadly situation," Hans replied tensely and quickly explained the details to me.

if we have time we'll share more of the transcript next time...

So What Would The B Team Do?

A. Tell Hans we're remodeling the bunker and we can't pawsibly make it until the refurb is offur.

B. Hop in the stealth bomber and fly up to Greenland. Use Humphrey's miniaturizing ray gun to shrink the giant iceberg that's currently threatening coastal communities.  Take the shrunken iceberg; keeping it well frozen fur the journey back to the Isle of Cats. Then throw it out of the stealth bomber as we're circling the erupting volcano, and using the reverse feature on the miniaturizing ray gun to make it full size, and let it land on the volcano thereby extinguishing it.

C. Go watch the latest Jurassic Wurld movie at the cinema.


D. All of the above, because we're really that EPICALLY EPIC!

The answer will be on the next

MOL sorry about that, but mew that's know how we roll!

Thanks fur visiting today and and tomorrow we'll be sharing a new jigsaw puzzle on the Puzzle Page to keep mew entertained until Friday when we'll be back with The Pet Parade blog hop.

Until then

Keep Calm



Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Bunker Background Images used under paid license from
Graphics created with paid licence and