Showing posts with label box of kitty treats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label box of kitty treats. Show all posts

Saturday 8 July 2017

The Caturday Special Featuring PURRFECTBOX ~ Sponsored Post

Caturday greetings pawesome pals

Today we have one of our sponsored posts to share with mew.  The pawesome peeps at the company:

...asked a while ago if we'd like to sample one of their latest boxes, and of course we said yes as we've loved the boxes we've had in the past.

So let's dive in and see what fantabulous goodies we got this time!

Fudge, of course was on the front row.

As we peeled back the tissue paper, the pawesomeness of the box was revealed.

OH MY COD, just look at this lot.

1.  Catnip Spider Toy aka Mr Spider

2.   Trixie Cat Treats

3.  Feather Ball

4.   Miniz Treats

5.   Purr Notes Booklet

6. & 7.  UFO Toy

8.  Cat Tray Litter Mat

*    *    *

Let the Fun Begin...

Smoochie who usually leaps furst and then looks much, much later actually decided to read the Purr Notes... I know I was so shocked too!  Then he decided that propurr manners and eti-cat were the order of the day and decided to introduce himself to the spider... guys, seriously I have no wurds... only that I think Smoochie has been bodysnatched! MOL   And fur those purrsons who have bodysnatched the real Smooch, can we have him back purrlease?  ASAP!!!

Me on the other paw, found Mr Spider made a purrfect little cushion while I had a quick snooze... although he did get murderized rather a lot later... oh dear poor Mr Spider! MOL

Though aftur Fudge came back into the room, it was purretty much a game offur fur effuryone else as he's a TOTAL TOY HOG!

Fudge absolutely adores the UFO toy, we already have something similar and so this was epically epic fun fur him.

See, he just can't get enough of it! MOL

*    *    *

Now Let's Talk About NOMS

The Trixie cat Treats were delightfully pawesome, and the P.A. actually did a video of me nomming down the Miniz Treats, howeffur, she'd just been doing a little bit of painting prior to opening the PurrfectBox and didn't realize that she had brown wood stain splattered all offur her nails as she was showing the bag of treats on camera, yep #truestory and when she looked at the video and saw the state of her nails close-up, she said. "Basil, we'll have to do a retake, I'll be back in a few minutes after I've scrubbed this paint off my talons."

"No wurries." I replied eyeing the open bag of yum'a'licious treats. "I'll wait right here fur mew!"

Five minutes later she came back and said. "OK Basil and the Miniz Take 2!"

I burped and and then grinned my most toothiest grin.

The P.A. looked at me, then looked at the shredded, empty bag under my paw and let out a huge sigh.  

Swiftly moving on, as I can't actually repeat what the P.A. said, as we have a P.G. rating happening here, so let's talk about the Trixie Litter Tray Mat.  Now we already employ 8 of these mats with each of our litter trays and have to give them top marks all round fur durability, washability and keeping the cat litter from walking out all offur the floors. It is such a meowvellous product and if mew haven't tired it, mew definitely should.

*   *   *

All in all we can safely say that the PurrfectBox experience was rated 10 out of 10 by all purrticipants.

If mew would like to find out more, here are their social media links:





We would like to say a special thanks to the pawesome peeps at PurrfectBox fur giving us this oppurtunity to receive a parcel of goodies ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

Many thanks fur joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur Sunday Selfies, when we'll be parading our furry fizzogs fur your entertainment.

Happy Caturday

Basil & Co xox

[FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s]

Saturday 1 October 2016

The Caturday Special ~ Featuring Purrfect Box

Caturday greetings pawesome pals

Today we have one of our sponsored posts to share with mew.  The pawesome peeps at the company:

...asked us a few weeks ago if we'd like to try their latest box of wunderfulness, and how could we say no to that, especially having previous experience of their surprise parcels! MOL

So without further adieu lets dive right in and see what we got...

We were all furry excited as the P.A. placed the box on the breakfast bar and began to open it.

"Hurry up!" I said. "We don't have all day to wait fur mew and your camera!"

Seconds later, she was unpacking a whole host of wunderpurr goodies just fur us!

As mew can imagine we were furry happy with the contents.


1.  Fabulous Refillable Catnip Toy
2.  Supurr Cute Felt Toy
3. Yummy Squeezable Pudding
4. Purr Notes
5. Pet Munchies
6. Pawesome Cat Teaser Toy
7.  A Fab New Water Bowl

Take a look at the close ups! MOL

We've got more video's today, as the P.A. is trying out a new camera. [And she still has no clue at all about it... looks like I'm going to have to read the manual and explain it].

Furstly young Parsley set about the felt toy and gave it a damn goo seeing too!

He said and I quote, "Basil that was pawesome dude!"

Meanwhile I was assassinating the teaser toy and catnip mouse.

The teaser toy then somehow ended up with Amber under the sideboard, although Young Parsley did try to steal it away, rather unsuccessfully.

Then Amber got her mittens on the catnip mouse and all I can say is, "Did mew really need to slobber all offur it Amber?!"

Amber then decided that she needed a recharge and insisted on trying the pudding, as mew can see no wurds are needed. Other than she is a PUDDING.

Smoochie and Parsley at this point had managed to whisk away the newly opened bag of chicken liver treats into the lounge unbeknownst to all of us still in the kitchen.  We are so sorry we don't have any pictures, but there was nothing to take a picture of by the time the P.A. had realized what had happened.  Needless to say the treats got a top paw rating as there wasn't even a crumb left, that's the good news, the bad news is the rest of us missed out! MOL

I bet mew'd like to know our final thoughts on today's goodies, aftur plenty of playtime and testing the products, we can say a totally fab time was had by all, oh and before we go we must mention the water dish as this is rather ingenious.  It's a double skinned plastic dish which has water trapped inside, so when mew put fresh water into the dish itself it actually keeps it cool, we found this really nifty and use it outdoors under the carport, so we can have cool water even if it's a warm day - what a great idea!

We were delighted with today's goodies and give Purrfect Box a big PAWS UP.

If mew would like a PURRFECT BOX 
mew can get a £5 discount on your order, please enter the following code at the check-out:


Follow Purrfect Box of Social Media:

We would like to say a special thanks to the pawesome peeps at Purrfect Box fur giving us the oppurtunity to sample another fabulous box of goodies ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

Many thanks fur joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur Sunday Selfies.

Happy Caturday

Basil & Co xox

[FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s]