Showing posts with label cat tracker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat tracker. Show all posts

Saturday 18 November 2017

The Saturday Special featuring TabCat Cat Tracker

Welcome to another edition of

Caturday greetings wunderpurr furriends

Today we have one of our *sponsored posts* to share with mew.  The fabulous peeps from the company:

asked us if we'd like to field test one of their new tracking devices, and as most of mew know we love new tech here and so of course we said yes.

We were sent the unit way back in April, and so mew maybe wundering why we're only just reviewing in it November, our answer is simple, we wanted to really give this unit a really decent trial period.  So we nominated Parsley who is our Resident Techie and also our Expert-Over-The-Fence and Missing-Down-The-Field-Fur-Hours to be the guineapig.

So what was in the box, we hear mew ask?

Upon opening the box we were greeted with the destruction manual.

Underneath was the tracking unit, plus 2 x trackers with covers.

And finally, removing the tab in the battery compartment, and placing the collar unit in its cover.

*    *    *

This is quite an ingenious piece of kit, mew'll hear in the video coming up in just a moment, that when the P.A. zero's in on Parlsey the hand unit beeps like crazy, and the collar unit beeps too, so don't furget to turn up the volume.

As mew can see the unit isn't furry big at all and we think that Parsley looks rather fetching in that nice aqua shade.

So collar on, the P.A. gave him a 30 minute head-start to go and hide - which is fair game fur hide and seek! MOL  

And then went into the garden to search.  She pushed button 4 on the hand unit and off she went.

What we like about TabCat:

The unit is furry light
Fits easily onto any collar
A range of 122M or 400ft
It comes with a protective cover which is splash-proof
4 collar units can be assigned to one hand unit
Each of the collar units makes a slightly different beep so if mew have more than one kitty they'll each have their own unique sound. 

Mew can also train your kitty to come home, by pressing the button on the hand unit which is assigned to the collar unit.  The collar unit will beep if in range and this is how the P.A. found Parsley so quickly, he was 'prompted' to return by the collar unit.

The whole system is rather intuitive, in other wurds, it's easy: 

To set up
To learn
To oppurrate

The battery life is good too, and both units use the furry easily obtainable:

 CR2032 batteries ~ one in each unit

It's a one off purrchase price, so no monthly subscription service to drain your coffers.

In fact we can't think of  anything that we don't like about the system.

*    *    *

Our closing thoughts:

We think fur a one off price fur the system we tried at £69.99 is amazing fur the device mew get.

The four unit system costs £99.99 which is fantastic value and what's even better is mew can buy additional single tags fur £19.99 each should mew need to.

So, if mew want a cost effective way to keep tabs on your kitty, then we don't think mew'll get better than this. It's Brilliant! 

*    *    *

We would like to say a special thanks to the fabulous peeps at TabCat fur giving us the oppurtunity to try our their cat tracking device ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH it was pawesome fun!

And if mew would like to find out more, here's their links:




 Many thanks fur joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur our usual Sunday Selfies post.

Happy Caturday

Basil & Co xox

[*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s]

Glitter Text

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Saturday 3 September 2016

The Caturday Special ~ Mission Impawsible featuring MiauFinder & Parsley

Caturday greetings pawesome pals

Just before the P.A. abandoned, sorry left us fur her trip to OZ the totally fabulous peeps at:

asked if we'd like to try their new cat tracker, well mew could have knocked us offur with a feather as only a few days before the P.A. had said,

"I really need to get a cat tracker for young Parsley!"

Mew see, young Parsley has a habit of disappearing fur hours and hours and hours, then the P.A. has to go and do the 'search pawty' thing, which can take hours! MOL  Unlike me, who comes back nearly effury hour on the hour, has a little nibble of something delicious fur a quick refuel and then goes off again.  Parsley hasn't quite got the hang of things yet, and he gets caught up in his 'Kitty Patrol' duties and loses track of time.

Anyhoo, I'm digressing so the amazing peeps at MiauFinder sent us this cat tracking system and at the weekend we got to test it out, so are mew ready fur

Furstly let me show mew Parsley's playground...
 ...not exactly your typical back yard or garden.  The field is approximately 4 acres and then he can go right through the hedge into other peeps garden or further down the field and into the village park.  If he goes straight on into the treeline, there's a small dumble and then arable fields beyond.  To the left is Kevin the cats garden [may mew rest in peace Kevin, we miss mew] and then further down a small paddock which leads to more paddocks.  So there's quite of bit of ground to cover fur our Patrolling Services.

*   *  *

When we came to open the box, we found a small device with an antenna to attach to Parsley's collar,  the handheld tracking unit, instruction booklet and a mains adapter, plus a set of earphones and several mini cable ties.
The handheld unit takes 3 x AA batteries which were included and the actual transmitting device is really light, and takes a lithium CR2032 battery, which lasts about three months and is easily changed.  The really great thing about this system is that you can have up to 10 transmitter devices paired with the handheld unit. So if mew have a lot of kitties, mew can track them all at once! MOL  And it has a range of a kilometer which is furry useful.

Anyhoo, we attached the small antenna to Parsley's brand new yellow high-vis collar and turned on the handheld unit to get a baseline reading.  Then young Parsley decided he needed to limber up a bit and spent a few minutes stretching.
When he'd sufficiently limbered up we entered the airlock [aka the porch] and had a brief meeting.
"OK Parsley," I said seriously. "I'm going to count to nine hundred and elebenty two, so mew have plenty of time to go and hide or do what mew do!"  [I'll be having a nice little nap I thought to myself].

"We're playing hide and seek?" Parsley asked.

"We play hide and seek effuryday with the P.A.!" I replied.

"Yeah mew're right," he said and grinned widely. "This is going to be great fun Basil!"

I nodded and pointed at the door, then added. "Your mission should mew choose to accept it is to go get lost!"

Parsley ran out of the door laughing and shouted, "Find me if mew can!"

After investigating effurything in our garden, he breached the perimeter gate and off he went into the wilds of Sweepy Ville.
Two hours later after a thoroughly delightful nap, I roused myself and stretched, then I went to find the P.A. and said, "It's time to track down Parsley!"

"OK Basil let's go!" the P.A. replied as she switched on the handheld tracker.

Smoochie suddenly appeared as said, "Are we going on this mission or what?"

"And then there were three," I answered just as the lightweight tracking unit burst into life.

The screen lit up and it began to beep, beep, beep.... and off we went into the great outdoors!

We ambled out of the gate and carefully checked the readings.

"This way!" Smooch said.

"Hold your horses!" I said. "We need to get the P.A.'s cousin, as he's going hold the tracker while the P.A. takes pictures."

"Awwwww ok, but hurry up!" Smooch murmured barely containing his abject impatience. 

In two shakes of a lambs tail, the Parsley hunting pawty or P.H.P. was fully assembled and we were avidly watching the screen and listening to the beep... beep... beep.

In fact the P.A. said the tracker reminded her of the second Aliens movie, the only thing missing were the incoming dots on the screen when the aliens were approaching.  She said she was really purrleased that there were no aliens in Sweepy Ville! MOL  MOL [If only she knew the truth!]

After a few minutes testing all the different directions Parsley could have gone, we arrived at the bonfire [not lit of course] and got a positive fix.

We honed in on the signal and headed towards to really dense hedge that led into one of the smaller paddocks down the left-hand side of the field.

Standing next to the hedge the reading said 93% and that's when we heard the small 'mew'.

The P.A. called out, "Parsley! Parsley!"

The mew was louder and two seconds later he burst through the undergrowth.

"Mew found me!" he cried excitedly and rolled offur in grass.
It took us approximately nine minutes to find him with the aid of the MiauFinder which is amazing as the P.A. can call him for ages and ages and still he remains more elusive than the Scarlet Flumpernel much to her chagrin!! MOL

We have tested it most evenings this week, and have had similar results, finding Parsley within fifteen minutes or less, which has delighted the P.A. immensely as she can now pinpoint his location and snaffle him before bedtime.

All in all this is a pawesome cat tracker and Parsley doesn't mind the small unit attached to his collar either.  In fact it's brilliant as sometimes he comes home collarless, so if this happens in the future we can go and locate it.

Mission Impawsible became Mission Accomplished - A Top Result!

Mew can follow MiauFinder on Social Media here:




We would like to say a special thanks to the pawesome peeps at MiauFinder fur giving us this oppurtunity to field-test their most excellent cat tracker and had great fun while we were doing it ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

 Many thanks fur joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow fur our usual Sunday Selfies post.

By the way, there's still time to enter Parsley's Birthday Give-Away just leave him a comment to be entered into the free prize draw fur a surprise bag of goodies - we're shipping wurld-wide too!

Happy Caturday

Basil & Co xox

[FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s]