Showing posts with label crosswurd 4. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crosswurd 4. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Crosswurds with Basil #5 and the Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop with Pepsi

Welcome to

Supurr Crosswurdy Greetings Furriends

Welcome to another rather puzzling post!

This week we're having a change, but more about that in a moment as we're sure mew're bursting to find out the answers to last weeks puzzle.

To see our previous crosswurds & answers click here:

Here's the answers to last weeks crosswurd.

If mew managed to get all the answers right here's the supurr pawesome badge fur your epic efforts! Just right click the image to save it to your computer :D

So as we've gone into week five of our crosswurds, we've discovered that some of mew are not a fan of said crosswurds, so today just to mix things up we're offuring mew a wurd-search instead! MOL

It should take two shakes of a lambs tail to complete as we timed the P.A. 
FYI: The P.A. said it was fun as we got her to road-test it before we hit the publish button.

Basil's Bonkers Wurd-Search #1

Wurds go in all directions:


To print it off, just right click the image.

And here's a delightful badge fur your pawesome efforts, as before - just right click the image to save it to your computer.

Well it's time fur us to go get ready fur tomorrows Pet Parade, so we do hope mew have fun in the meantime... and let us know what mew think to today's puzzle.


Bestest Crosswurdy Purrs

Basil xox

Don't furget to join in the

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Crossword made with

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence and

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Crosswurds with Basil #4 and the Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop with Pepsi

Welcome to

Supurr Crosswurdy Greetings Furriends

Welcome back to our most puzzling posts! 

Aftur a furry serious meeting with a lot of cross-wurds we've decided to make things a bit easier by including the links to the post where mew can find the answers... isn't that thoughtful of us, so now all mew have to do is click the links to go straight to the answers... almost... aftur a little bit of page scanning... but nothing too taxing or time consuming as we know how busy mew all are and we know how precious time is and there are many other things mew could be doing such as frolicking in a pile of catnip, snoozing, eating and getting cuddles with said precious time! MOL

Anyhoo, it would be lovely to know how long it takes to complete, we're guesstimating about 10 - 15 minutes tops, purrhaps much less if mew are a mouse-clicking wizard - if any of mew would be kind enough to let us know that would be truly stellar!

To see our previous crosswurds & answers click here:

So let's dive in and get started on crosswurd #4 ~ Mew can print off the crosswurd by right clicking it or use a snipping tool

Time to get scribbling on...

There's another really fab and rather nifty badge fur completing this crosswurd too, which we'll post with the answers next week.


Bestest Crosswurdy Purrs

Basil xox

Don't furget to join in the

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Crossword made with

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence and