Thursday, 22 September 2016

Crosswurds with Basil #4 and the Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop with Pepsi

Welcome to

Supurr Crosswurdy Greetings Furriends

Welcome back to our most puzzling posts! 

Aftur a furry serious meeting with a lot of cross-wurds we've decided to make things a bit easier by including the links to the post where mew can find the answers... isn't that thoughtful of us, so now all mew have to do is click the links to go straight to the answers... almost... aftur a little bit of page scanning... but nothing too taxing or time consuming as we know how busy mew all are and we know how precious time is and there are many other things mew could be doing such as frolicking in a pile of catnip, snoozing, eating and getting cuddles with said precious time! MOL

Anyhoo, it would be lovely to know how long it takes to complete, we're guesstimating about 10 - 15 minutes tops, purrhaps much less if mew are a mouse-clicking wizard - if any of mew would be kind enough to let us know that would be truly stellar!

To see our previous crosswurds & answers click here:

So let's dive in and get started on crosswurd #4 ~ Mew can print off the crosswurd by right clicking it or use a snipping tool

Time to get scribbling on...

There's another really fab and rather nifty badge fur completing this crosswurd too, which we'll post with the answers next week.


Bestest Crosswurdy Purrs

Basil xox

Don't furget to join in the

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Crossword made with

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence and


  1. OMC! Crosswords make the petcretary go into spinning mode...her head spins so fast it almost sails she would rather keep her head where it belongs...and that means she rarely does crossword puzzles, MOL!

    1. Guys, get a bracket fur your petcretary as that head-spinning sounds awful! MOL MOL Don't worry next week we're mixing things up and we're sure she'll like what we're offuring! MOL XOX

  2. We'll have to try to come back later when we have more time. Typist says it's too early this morning to think straight.

    1. Awwwww Mario, we understand our P.A. is not a morning-peep either! MOL XOX

  3. MeOWWWWW Basil, dat's really cool. Mommy gets cross eyed doin' crosswords so we didn't play, but it's really neat dat you made your very own. Hope you all ahve a pawsum week and weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Hiya Dezi & Raena, not to wurry we've got something else up our sleeves fur next week, so we're sure your mommy will want to join in! MOL XOX

  4. dood...due ewe noe de crozz werd ewe did bee fore holly dayz time
    we had EVEREE ANSWER filled out N toll de food gurl ta hang on two de
    puzzle sew we could come bak N chex R answerz.....N due ewe noe what
    her did with it.........WE DUNNO EITHER ~~~~~~~~~~~ FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


    1. dood !!! we just finished de puzzle....bad part....we forgetted ta look at start time...good part: end time iz 5:37 pee emm ~~~~~ purrhaps 13 mints ☺☺☺♥♥♥

    2. Wooo hoo Tabbies, congratulations, so that means mew get badge #3 [hop to link 3.5 above] and badge #4 will be ready fur mew next weeks post!! And we're weren't far off with our time either! XOX

  5. How sweet of you to give us the links to find the answers.

  6. My Momma loves crosswords ... I like to lay on them :) ~Bear Cat


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