Showing posts with label funny cat photo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label funny cat photo. Show all posts

Friday 29 September 2023

**FRIDAY FLUFFERS** Showcasing The Latest Batch of Photo Bloopers From The BBHQ Archives Starring Amber, Fudge and Smooch ~ PLUS Friendly Fill-Ins & Pet Photo Fails

The B Team's Friday Fluffers ©BionicBasil® September Banner

Happy Friyay Fab Pals

Welcome to our Friday Fluffers post where we showcase a selection of photo bloopers, or photo fails from BBHQ, the photos that we thought would neffur see the light of day, buried deep, deep, deep in the archives on level 12 of our secret bunker, with no chance of effur being seen on the interwebs for the world to see... UNTIL NOW!

Are mew ready for some fun outtakes from The B Team? Of course, mew are!

And as it's the last Friday of the month, today is also... 

...and luckily we think this selection fits the criteria! MOL

First on the podium is 

 Amber's Catnip Moment

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Amber's Catnip Moment

Date: October 2017

While Amber has the persona of a strict librarian, deep down she loves to let her fur down and pawty, and is incredibly partial to a dollop of primo catnip! MOL

Next up is

 Fudge Hijacks Basil's Snooze Box

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Fudge Hijacks Basil's Snooze Box

Date: April 2017

Not long after Fudge arrived at BBHQ, he tried to get squatter rights on my (Celestial Basil) custom snooze box, and I had to evict him.

He cited rights to the box, as he said it was the same colour as him! MOL

And finally 

Smooch Needs More Driving Lessons

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Smooch Needs More Driving Lessons

Date: January 2018

Poor Smooch, he was so excited about getting in the tank, but in his eagerness, he got in the wrong way! MOL

Don't worry, he's had more lessons and is quite proficient now.

This week we're also joining in Friday Fill-ins with the fabulous 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.
1. I find ________________________ annoying.
2. _______________ is a favourite charity of mine.
3. I often have to explain _________ to others.
4. There’s a lot of _________ in my life these days.

The P.A.'s answers are...

1. I find going out annoying. It might just be me, but I do find it irksome these days, I prefer to stay home and be with the cats as much as possible.

2. _______________ is a favourite charity of mine. I have a couple of favourite charities; Guide Dogs, and obviously cat charities and shelters that are local to BBHQ. 

3. I often have to explain not to let the cats out to others. If people visit BBHQ, I have to usher them inside quickly, so that Melvyn and Fudge don't escape, as they only go out when I'm in the garden. Otherwise, Melvyn goes off on unsanctioned expeditions over the fence, and Fudge likes to get on the single-story roof! Whereas Pandora, Parsley and Smooch just hang out and chill in the garden, those two are a pair of utter heathens. And Amber, well, Amber snoozes for 22 out of the 24 hours a day!LOL

4. There’s a lot of apathy in my life these days. Yes, it's still here, I'm waiting for this mid-life phase to pass, but it is rather persistent.

Other Fun Blog Hops to Join Today


We do hope mew enjoyed today's fluffers, and this one is the last of the current season as Amber is back next Friday, kicking off the new book review season.
Tomorrow we'll be sharing Episode 6 of our supurr exciting Pirate Tails rerun, and if mew've missed any of the story so far, here are the links:

Join us again on Sunday when we're here with our usual selfie selection and Smooch's Historic UK Travel Guide, in the meantime...

Keep calm, and purr on

Supurr purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another review! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Friday 22 September 2023

**FRIDAY FLUFFERS** Showcasing The Latest Batch of Photo Bloopers From The BBHQ Archives Starring Parsley, Amber and Smooch ~ PLUS Friendly Fill-Ins

Welcome to

The B Team's Friday Fluffers ©BionicBasil® September Banner

Happy Friyay Fab Pals

Welcome to our Friday Fluffers post where we showcase a selection of photo bloopers, or photo fails from BBHQ, the photos that we thought would neffur see the light of day, buried deep, deep, deep in the archives on level 12 of our secret bunker, with no chance of effur being seen on the interwebs for the world to see... UNTIL NOW!

Are mew ready for some fun outtakes from The B Team? Of course, mew are!

First on the podium is 

Parsley's Fuzzy Catmint Moment

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Parsley's Fuzzy Catmint Moment

Date: April 2016

We can't quite remember what Parlsey was doing at that moment, but he was in the thick of the catmint! 

Needless to say, a small garden pawty for one ensued! MOL

Next up is

Amber's Angry Glare

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Amber's Angry Glare

Date: April 2015

Poor Amber, she's always been a little crotchety, but this look takes it to a whole new level.

If memory serves me correctly, I think Parlsey had just denied her unlimited access to his credit cards! MOL

And finally 

 Smooch's Tree Fail

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Smooch's Tree Fail

Date: August 2015

While it's totally epic tripawed Smooch can climb trees, this time he hit a branch and got himself stuck!

Luckily the P.A. was on paw to assist in the rescue and lift him out of the tree.

This week we're also joining in Friday Fill-ins with the fabulous 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.
1. ___________, _________________ and _______________________ are a few of my favorite things.
2. If I had ________________________, I would ________________________.
3. You don’t have to be young to _________.
4. _________ comes with age.

The P.A.'s answers are...

1. My Hubby, my cats and my garden are a few of my favourite things ever.

2. If I had a farm, I would open a rescue sanctuary for all anipals.

3. You don’t have to be young to learn life lessons.

4. Wrinkles, grey hair and a lot of wisdom come with age.


We do hope mew enjoyed today's fluffers, and we'll be back next Friyay with more funny photos.

Join us again tomorrow as we share the third episode of our epically epic Pirate Tails rerun, and if mew missed the first two episodes, here are the catch-up links:

 We'll also be here on Sunday with our usual selfie selection, and Smooch's latest Historic UK Travel Guide, in the meantime...

Keep calm, and purr on

Supurr purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another review! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Friday 15 September 2023

**FRIDAY FLUFFERS** Showcasing The Latest Batch of Photo Bloopers From The BBHQ Archives Starring Amber, Pandora and Parsley~ PLUS Friendly Fill-Ins

Welcome to

The B Team's Friday Fluffers ©BionicBasil® September Banner

Happy Friyay Fab Pals

Welcome to our Friday Fluffers post where we showcase a selection of photo bloopers, or photo fails from BBHQ, the photos that we thought would neffur see the light of day, buried deep, deep, deep in the archives on level 12 of our secret bunker, with no chance of effur being seen on the interwebs for the world to see... UNTIL NOW!

Are mew ready for some fun outtakes from The B Team? Of course, mew are!

First on the podium is 

Amber's Flufferoonie Moment

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Amber's Flufferoonie Moment

Date: June 2015

Amber was enjoying a manic moment with the pink fluff! 

In fact, we'll let mew in on a little secret, she did a spot of pole dancing at the Fuskerton Miners Welfare to get cash for books, and this pink fluff was part of her act. 

Needless to say, she will deny this allegation, but if mew head to this link, and this one, mew can read her own admission, and do expect a complete and utter diatribe of an explanation when she returns next month with her weekly book reviews.

Next up is

Pandora's Pink Tongue is Rather Long

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Pandora's Pink Tongue is Rather Long

Date: April 2017

This wasn't long after Pandora arrived at BBHQ, she was a tiny little thing with no ruff. Who knew she'd become an Ewok! MOL

And finally 

Parsley's In The Dark

Friday Fluffers at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Parsley's In The Dark

Date: January 2015

This is Parsley is totally stealth mode, if it wasn't for his toe beans, white star and shiny eyeballs, he'd have just melted into the blackness. 

Dude mew need to work on your Purredator skills! MOL

This week we're also joining in Friday Fill-ins with the fabulous 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.
1. _______________________is something I accomplished this year.
2. _______________________ is something I have yet to accomplish.
3. I would _________ if I found _________.
4. Recently, _________ really piqued my interest.

The P.A.'s answers are...

1. Starting to write a new book(s) is something I accomplished this year. Having suffered from a severe case of writer's apathy and block for the last four years. So I am quite pleased with my progress. 

2. Finishing said new book is something I have yet to accomplish. Although, the good news is, that one is currently standing at 33,000 words, and the other one is at 11,000 words. Plus I've been working on several picture books for younger readers, exciting times! LOL

3. I would keep a kitten if I found it in my garden! Yes, if I discovered a stray kitten, it would be immediately claimed as a brand-new BBHQ resident and memfur of The B Team.

4. Recently, _________ really piqued my interest. I have a lot of things that do this, I'm like a piquing butterfly flitting from topic to topic! LOL Though I will share one thing I was researching just last week and that is, can you grow a tree from a pine cone? And I didn't know this, but the pine cones need freezing first to assist germination, so much like the catnip seeds, who knew, I didn't. So guess what? I've got a bag of small pine cones off the deodar tree in the freezer right now, as I'm curious to find out if I can grow more!


We do hope mew enjoyed today's fluffers, and we'll be back next Friyay with more funny photos.

Join us again on Sunday when we're here with our usual selfie selection, and Smooch's Historic UK Travel Guide, in the meantime...

Keep calm, and stay fluffy

Supurr purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another review! 

Graphics created with paid licence