Showing posts with label mystery novel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mystery novel. Show all posts

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #42 featuring Sherlock Herms Purranormal Mysteries: The Case of the Dancing Ghosts

Welcome To

With Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Supurr salutations fellow biblio-cats

*waves paw*

Furstly we have to say huge thank mew to Pipo & Minko fur the gorgeous Birthday card fur Basil's birthday last week, we were going to post it on Sunday and then on Monday but the posts were that long we decided to wait until today to propurrly show it off!   Isn't it just fabulous?

*     *     *
So anyhoo it's time fur book business, so mew know how us gurls get together and talk about stuff, well the other day Pandora and I were having a little tete a tete in the garden when I mentioned I'd got a supurr special book to review.

"I've got the best book effur this week!" I said.

"Really Amber, do tell me more?" Pandora replied in her strange, little foreign accent.

"Like OMC, mew just can't believe that when the P.A. was at BlogPaws she got to meet the real Herms from the Sherlock Herms series!" I gushed. "I just wish I'd been there... he's just so dreamy and handsome and.... he's ginger and white just like me... we've got so much in common... Oh my cod I would've just loved to have met him in purrson!"

"Amber," Pandora suddenly interjected. "Purrlease could mew speak more slowly as I can't understand a vurd mew are saying!"

I really didn't hear a wurd she was saying either as I floated away on my little cloud of happiness all wrapped up in my own little wurld of just Herms and me in my library with books, books and more books. Ah what a purrfect day that would be!

Thoroughly engrossed in my purrfect daydream as I hugged the book he'd sent JUST FUR ME, Smooch suddenly popped out of the play tunnel.

"Amber," he said. "Mew're really weird!"

"What!!!" I spluttered. "I'm not weird at all, in fact I'm the normal one of the furrmily!"

Smooch began to laugh. "Herms, oh Herms I luff mew Herms!!!!"

"Well," I replied rather huffily. "Mew have no appreciation of a great book, get back in your tunnel right this second." 

Aftur Smooch had vanished back into the tunnel of doom, I took it upon myself to have a little wash, as I didn't want getting dirty paw prints on my copy of the book! MOL

 And on that note I think it's time fur this weeks book, so let get to it...

This week on book reviews with Amber, obviously I'm sharing

Image Amber's purrsonal copy

Sherlock Herms Purranormal Mysteries 

The Case of the Dancing Ghosts


Here's the book blurb:

My name is Sherlock Herms. It is my business to know what others don’t know. At least that’s what I hoped for once I got my paws wet as a private investigator. It was my first day on the job. The Wonderpurr Detective Agency had been open for business all of twenty minutes, but my phone hadn’t rung once. I flicked my floofy tail with impatience. How long would I have to wait before someone hired me to solve a caper? It all began when my author mom and I watched a documentary on famous detectives. She had decided to write mysteries. That made me nervous. I’m her mews, you see. I inspire her when she writes novels. But how could I inspire her when I know nothing about solving mysteries? If I fell down on the job, she might ask my arch-nemesis to be her mews. He’s a chunky orange tabby named Opie. He’s also my brother. With that in mind I paid close attention to the documentary. My favorites were Spade and Marlowe for their hardboiled detective lingo, and Sherlock Holmes for his use of logical reason to solve cases. Plus I liked his hat. Mom had just published two books in one year and was taking a much-needed break to grow more brain cells. I needed experience solving capers. Now. Before she started plotting her first mystery. But what if no one hired me? Ever! I’d be a washed-up has-been before the sun set on my first day as a hardboiled detective. I’d also be out of a job as a professional mews. I heard a knock. A thrill skittered through me. My first client had arrived! I opened the door to see my little sister. “What do you want, Dori?” “Mommy said I can play detective, too.” The fur bristled under my collar. “I’m not playing detective. I’m a hardboiled private investigator with grit in my blood. And no. You can’t play— I mean, be a detective, too.” I watched her eyes narrow. I’d seen that look before—right before I got a headache. She claims she can give migraines just by thinking one into your head and I believe her. But then her eyes filled with tears. Oh no. I’d rather have a migraine. “Mommy,” she yowled. “Hwermie won’t let me play detective.” “Let her play, Herms,” Mom called from her desk. “Please? I’m plotting.” Plotting! Oh no! Had she started mystery-writing without me? Meet Herman, a wise old floofy-tailed Turkish Angora, and his quirky tabby-kitten sister, Dori. When their first client hires them to solve a mystery in another town, they aren’t allowed to leave the backyard. No problem. Using a kitty play tunnel as a magical portal, Herman and Dori travel out of their yard—and out of this century—to take on their first big caper.

*     *     *

Guy's mew know on last weeks post  I said of the book I reviewed; the lack of kitty action did displease me somewhat.  This week there was sooooooo much kitty action it was unbelievable, and when I say mew need to read this, read it, mew will luff it.

It's got angst, action, a great plot and so much going on that mew can't not luff it.

Herm's is a hard-boiled detective with grit in his blood and his sisfur Dori is the comic relief throughout, it's a highly entertaining read and if mew're short on time it can be read in no time.  Plus mew can go back and read it again as like me, when mew find something as fun as this, it definitely needs a second and third read fur sure.

 Herm's also runs a weekly Purranormal series on his amazing blog, so if mew start to get withdrawals mew can satisfy them in a heartbeat.

  • Paperback: 78 pages

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

Sherlock Herms Purranormal Mysteries: The Case of the Dancing Ghosts

Offurall Enjoyment

I hope mew enjoy this book if mew do take the plunge and buy it... and if mew've read it already, tell me what did mew think?

*    *    *

Before I furget mew can still enter Basil's birthday give-away as we won't be drawing the winner until Friday, all mew need to do is leave a comment on the birthday post to be in with a chance of winning an epically epic bag of goodies.

*    *    *

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and join us when we'll be here on Friday with the Pet Parade.

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs

Amber xox

Graphics created with paid licence and

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Wordy on Wednesday with Biblio-Kitty Amber #38 featuring Dead with the Wind

Welcome To

With Amber ~ The Self-Appointed Biblio-Kitty

Supurr salutations fellow biblio-cats

*waves paw*

Smoochie was being rather cheeky on Monday, he didn't think the P.A. could see him hiding behind the plants in the raised beds and when he thought the coast was completely clear he set about nomming one of the plants - so naughty! MOL

He also likes to lay on the lawn and pull the grass out with his teeth, though paws crossed he hasn't done this since the new lawn has been down, because I don't think the P.A. would like her new bowling green of a lawn being decimated by Smoochie.

Also Flambe the Dragon escaped, he's our resident dragon from the Kit Knit Cos Play! So that was fun chasing him around the garden as he swooped through the trees, I did have stern wurds with him though as he decided to take the catmint plant hostage, but unfortunately he completely disregarded what I said, so Fudge went to suit up in his amour to take care of the situation.  Mew can see more later in the week when the story goes live.

 And now I think it's time fur this weeks book, so let get to it...

This week on book reviews with Amber, I'm sharing

Dead with the Wind 

Southern Ladies Mystery Book II


Miranda James

Here's a little snippet of the book blurb:

An gel and Dickce Ducote tend to stay put in Athena, Mississippi, but a wedding is a good reason to say a temporary farewell to Charlie Harris's cat Diesel and go visit relatives. But while their stay in Louisiana is scorching hot, the atmosphere at the wedding is downright cold, with bride-to-be Sondra Delevan putting her trust fund above little things like love and loyalty. 

*    *    *

A few months I reviewed Book I in The Southern Ladies Mystery, Bless Her Dead Little Heart and Book II is certainly as good as Book I.  

The elderly Ducote sisters are visiting a cousin fur a wedding when things take a spiralling plunge downwards.  The bride is found dead, and at furst it appears to be a seemingly tragic yet rather bizarre accident and that's when things get messy.  A heart attack victim and a poisoning come next, two more casualties to add to the increasing body count.

So many suspects, so many secrets and so many reasons fur murder.  

But Who Dunnit?

Well, mew know I don't do spoilers, so mew'll have to read or listen to it to find out! MOL

  • Paperback: 304 pages
  • Audio: 6 hrs 54 mins

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

Dead with the Wind 





Offurall Enjoyment

I hope mew enjoy this book if mew do take the plunge and buy it... and if mew've read it already, tell me what did mew think?

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and we'll be here again on Friday with the Pet Parade and don't furget to enter Smoochie's Birthday give-Away on Sunday's post, just leave us a comment fur a chance of winning of an epically epic surprise bag of goodies from the Kit Knit Cos Play Store! 

Happy reading or listening

Bestest biblio purrs

Amber xox

Graphics created with paid licence and