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Happy Friyay Fab Pals
Welcome to our Friday Fluffers post where we showcase a selection of photo bloopers or photo fails from BBHQ, the photos that we thought would neffur see the light of day, buried deep, deep, deep in the archives on level 12 of our secret bunker, with no chance of effur being seen on the interwebs for the wurld to see... UNTIL NOW!
Are mew ready fur some fun outtakes from The B Team? Of course, mew are!
And furst on the podium is Fudge, and this selection was only taken on Wednesday evening so brand new to the archives.
The P.A. was wurking on a new Kwerky Kat Boutique product, the frilled kollar and really she wanted Pandora to model it, but sadly she was unavailable at this point, so Fudge was commandeered as the KKB model.
Yep, he wasn't too thrilled, he said and I quote, "But I look like a big gurls blouse!"
Mew do dude, and a lovely gingery one at that too!
Dad said that he looked like a circus cat, but we didn't want to crush his night completely, so ssssshhhhhhh! MOL MOL MOL
Next up is Melvyn, as Fudge insisted that he should be a big gurls blouse too...
Melvyn just wouldn't keep still, and he said, "Dude, I think I look purretty epic in it!"
And finally, the P.A. found Pandora and this is what she thought!
She said, "It would have been better in pink!" and then she added, "I look better than mew Fudge!" and promptly blew a raspberrry - charming! MOL
This week we're also joining in Friday Fill-ins with the fabulous 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.

1. I just can't bring myself to _________.
2. I have a hankering for _________.
3. _________ changed my life.
4. At this stage of my life, I _________.
The P.A.'s answers are...
And thank mew to everyone who entered the giveaway, and don't wurry if mew didn't win this time as Parsley's 9th birthday pawty is on the 31st of August, so mew'll have another chance to win one of our fa-mouse goodie bags then.
1. I just can't bring myself to bothered about stuff that doesn't concern me. I don't want to be involved in anyone else's drama/stuff/issues/nonsense/drivel - see #4.
2. I have a hankering for a little retail therapy, but everything is so uninspiring. So I'll just keep pottering around the garden instead and save my money!
3. Falling through the ceiling two years ago changed my life.
4. At this stage of my life, I prefer no drama, no stress, avoiding flufftards and basically just doing what I want for me. Selfish, perhaps, but my happiness meter is overflowing! LOL
Other Fun Blog Hops to Join in Today
Okies, let's announce the winner of Melvyn's 4th Birthday Rave, so are mew ready for the big announcement? OF COURSE MEW ARE! MOL
Young Luke from TuxiesofLondon
Okies, let's announce the winner of Melvyn's 4th Birthday Rave, so are mew ready for the big announcement? OF COURSE MEW ARE! MOL
Young Luke from TuxiesofLondon
He's Angel Erwin's new brofur.
Many concatulations dude, purrlease email us your snail mail address, mew can use the contact form in the left sidebar, and we'll get your goodie bag sent asap, and purrlease let us know what your favourite colour is?
Many concatulations dude, purrlease email us your snail mail address, mew can use the contact form in the left sidebar, and we'll get your goodie bag sent asap, and purrlease let us know what your favourite colour is?
And thank mew to everyone who entered the giveaway, and don't wurry if mew didn't win this time as Parsley's 9th birthday pawty is on the 31st of August, so mew'll have another chance to win one of our fa-mouse goodie bags then.
We do hope mew enjoyed today's fluffers and we'll be back next Friyay with more funny photos.
Join us again on Sunday when we're here with our usual selfie selection, in the meantime...
Keep calm, and purr on
Join us again on Sunday when we're here with our usual selfie selection, in the meantime...
Keep calm, and purr on
Epic purrs
Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox
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