Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Welcome to The BBHQ Mid-Week News Round-Up A Health Update on Sloppy Sauce Plus Amber's Felted Mini Me!

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Epic Wednesday Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Furst up in the news this week, is a health update on Parsley. We got the results from his poop tests that were sent off for analysis last Monday, and the good news is, there were no abnormalities or anything to be concerned about.

Luckily Parsley has been slop free the last three days, and the vet said if the slops do come back then there's a couple of things we can try, the furst of which is a course of steroids via injection/shot and the second involves some medication to help reset his gut, although that second option is via syringe orally. Which as mew know is not always easy to administer to a kitty, so paws crossed that his bum stays solid and no further treatment will be required. 

Black Cat sitting on cat shelf high up in conservatory

Parsley hanging out in the catservatory.

Next up, Pandora was enjoying her morning under the gazebo, although it was quite breezy and her fur went super floofy!

Brindle Tortoiseshell Cat sitting in the garden, Super fluffy cat,

Pandora and Smooch adore snoozing on the sofa and spend many an afternoon watching the birds and all the other goings-on.

Oh, we've got three hedgehogs in the garden at the moment, so we'll get a video for next weeks post.

Finally, mew may remember on last Wednesday's post, that we were given a wool felting kit by the Cats Protection as part of their new fundraiser, well the P.A. decided to make a series of videos showing how she made the cat Christmas Bauble from start to finish.

Watch the entire series here, or click the links below each video to watch direct on YouTube.

What did mew think?

Amber still hasn't made up her mind on the finished project, she says she's cogitating on it! Oh dear! MOL

That's us done for today, Amber will be back on Friday with another fab book just for mew, and if mew missed Monday's Colouring with Cats we shared a beautiful crystal, one of our favourites and Fudge modelled it beautifully.

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

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Graphics created with paid licence 
Music used under license from SoundStripe. Track: 80's And Chill Artist: Empyreal Glow (new content code for each video)