Thursday 4 July 2024

**HAPPY BIRTHDAY** Melvyn's Epic 7th Birthday Rave


Welcome to the pawty fluffy furiends!

Happy Birthday Melvyn ©BionicBasil®

Grab a pawty hat pawesome pals, we've already got ours! 

Basil's Birthday Pawty Hats ©BionicBasil®

Get some cake!

Melvyn's 6th Birthday Pawty ©BionicBasil® Birthday Cake


Melvyn's 7th Birthday Pawty Official Pawtrait  ©BionicBasil®

The Nip Bar is OPEN!

Have a tipple!

Birthday Pawty Balloons ©BionicBasil®

Help yourselves to nibbles!

Melvyn's Pawty Food BionicBasil®

Melvyn's Pawty Food BionicBasil®

MMMMM Yummy... seafood and eat it! MOL
Birthday Pawty Balloons ©BionicBasil®
Get some pudding!

Melvyn's Pawty Food BionicBasil®

Melvyn's Pawty Food BionicBasil®

Birthday Pawty Balloons ©BionicBasil®WELCOME TO THE BBHQ NIGHTCLUB

 The Nip Nirvana Lounge


Melvyn's Birthday Rave  ©BionicBasil® The Nip Nirvirna Lounge


Greetings and a supurr furry welcome to the Nip Nirvana Lounge, our exclusive nightclub located on Level 11 of the Bunker. We are delighted to have mew join us for Melvyn's 7th birthday rave, which promises to be a most epically epic affair! 

Tonight's exceptional playlist has been curated by Parsley and Pandora, featuring the best dance tracks from the 90s and early 00s. Additionally, if mew feel the need to snack, Humphrey's AI Replicator machine can prepare any dish of your choice. Simply place an order on the screen at the bar, and the kitty-droids will serve it to mew in a jiffy.

We'd like to inform mew that Snowie and Posie are on bar duty and are available to mix your favourite drinks, and they purromise not to sample said drinks, before giving them to mew- unlike Amber, who would! MOL

If mew're in the mood for some extra primo catnip, we've got all varieties available, including our latest homegrown release, the Purrple Starfish Mix. Try not to dance too fast, like Basil did, and end up in a pile of cushions covered in more of the catnip! MOL  

And speaking of cushions, as mew move towards the dance floor, mew'll notice the hubbly-bubbly pipes set up in the corner. We've also arranged ample supurr plush, velvet floor cushions so mew can relax and enjoy the mewsic. Fudge is headed there now to try some of Fuzzy Heathen pawty mix catnip, guaranteed to ruffle your fur in all kinds of ways mew didn't know was pawsible! MOL

Also, Smooch is in charge of the Kitty Karaoke, so if mew want to blast out a tune, just tell him, and he'll make all your wishes come true.

In case mew need to use the litter cubicles, they are in the entrance foyer. Please note that the girls' cubicles are on the left, and the boys' cubicles are on the right.

We hope mew to have an epically epic time, and don't worry, what happens in the bunker stays in the bunker! MOL Please don't wander off too far. We wouldn't want anyone getting lost in the Bunker, as last week, Parsley and Smooch took a wrong turn on Level Thirteen and got lost for two days as the cheeky bunker-building nanobots were playing silly buggers and kept moving the corridors!

If mew require assistance with anything, please don't hesitate to let us know. So, who's ready for a nip cocktail? MOL


Birthday Pawty Balloons ©BionicBasil®

We do hope mew all have an EPIC time at the rave, and if mew need to chill, we have allocated the Crystal Room as the zen zone which is now located next to the nightclub; just head back out into the corridor, take a left and it's the next door along, so mew can have a snooze, take five or just crash completely.

Thanks for coming, mew know how much we love to pawty with all our supurr besties!

Melvyn xx

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Graphics created with paid licence