Thursday 25 January 2018

Time To Give Those Little Grey Cells a Workout on Brain Training with Professor Basil P.H.D. #31 OMC NOT SUDOKU!

Happy Purrsday Pawesome Pals

Welcome to another Brain Training post and today, I'm adding something new into the mix just to keep those little grey cells firing on all cylinders, so if mew're new to the game of Sudoku check out rules fur beginners before starting the puzzle.

So now there is something fur effuryone, whether mew like a wurdsearch, number crunching or a jigsaw, I hope I've got your Brain Training needs covered! MOL

It's time to get those little grey cells wurking.

[just right click to save the puzzle to your 'puter or print it off.] 

Answer Key on next weeks post.

[just right click to save the wurdsearch to your 'puter or print it off.] 

And here's this weeks jigsaw puzzle, featuring Angel Posie

It took us 14 mins 28 secs...  How did you do?

A quick reminder before we go... don't furget to join in the supurr Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop which is hosted by Brian's Home

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Until tomorrow...

Keep Calm


Puzzle On

Bestest purrs

Basil & Co xox

Jigsaw Puzzle  Soduko & Crossword
Other graphics creative/used under paid licence and


  1. Sheesh, almost 17 minutes to get that jigsaw done...MOL! No more time to attenpt the others...
    I've never been able to figure out how to play that number game...though our Auntie enjoys them a lot!

    1. Pipo dude, that was a pawesome time fur sure, and the P.A. can't do Sudoku either, but don't tell anyone! MOL MOL XOX

  2. I love sudoku. I really enjoy the crosswords and word searches, but I don't have a printer.

    1. Oh no Edie, jeez I wunder if we can make it so mew can do it without printing it off... hmmmm let us have a little think about that! XOX

  3. lee awesum....three puzzlez two for me, tuna, one for daiz N one for de food servizz gurl.....manee thanx !! :)♥♥

  4. 9 minutes 29 seconds! Woo Hoo! ::jumping up and down:: I love jigsaw puzzles! I'll work on the Sudoku next! Thanks!

    1. WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOO mew guys are pawesome, many congrats and mew are defo looking to be crowned Best Jigsaw Puzzler fur this term! XOX

  5. Those are cool puzzles and my Dad could use some brain training!!! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    1. Hi Brian, thanks dude, mew'll have to print one off fur your dad! XOX

  6. Great puzzles! I am hopeless at sudoku and am beginning to realise I am hopeless at jigsaws too.*whispers* 24m 26s. I am quite good at codewords and crosswords though!

    1. Hey guys, dudes that a fab time and mew know I was really struggling with this one too - I actually thought it'd be easy - I was wrong! MOL XOX

  7. Oh my mouses! OH MY MOUSES! Basil, my pal, my buddy, my friend... How DID you make that puzzle? It was amazin'! Best. Puzzle. Ever. Took the peep way longer than it took you. Seventeen minutes, I think. PURRS.

    1. Hey Seville, mew can make them online at - aren't they fab, mew can make anything too!!! 17 minutes is pawesome dude, wait til mew see next weeks! MOL XOX

  8. You are a lot smarter than I am. It took me 19 minutes and 21 seconds for the puzzle.

    1. Hiya guys, 19 mins is a pawesome time, I actually was really struggling at one point. I thought with the black/grey/green colour palette it would be easy - WRONG!!! MOL XOX

  9. YAY the Jigsaw was 13:32 LOVED IT! and we have to print out the sudoku before we can have a go, but looks a good one! Thanks for a great brain training session!
    Toodle pips

    1. Erin, congrats to mew WOOOOOO HOOOOO, mew are our second place winner fur this week thus far! Enjoy the Sudoku and let me know how long as the P.A. is totally useless with those, she's more of a cryptic crosswurd fan! MOL XOX


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