Friday, 30 March 2018

HAPPY EASTER & We Know What's Happened To SPRING! on the Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 240 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Supurr greetings pawesome pals

Happy Good Friday!

Welcome to our weekly news round-up!  This week mew may have noticed that our programming schedule is a little off, many apologies fur that but we did suffer from acute interwebs connection failure aka AICF offur last weekend.

And though the purroblem is now fixed, it has put us a little behind and we are going as fast as we can trying to catch up.  The P.A. is also swamped at wurk with a whole load of Health and Safety Regs that need updating due to recent staff expansion and if anypurrdy mentions the wurds:- Risk Assessment, she's really going to flip! MOL [OOPS!]

In other news, we've now realized what's happened to the weather, as mew know the wurld has been experiencing some rather radical weather and we in the winter zone aka northern hemisphere have had the weirdest weather since sliced bread was invented.

Earlier this week we hijacked the C.I.A.'s - Cats Intelligence Agency - weather satellites and began to run our own series of tests and have come to this theory; North Korea's nuclear testing last year is the probable cause of the unstable and highly erratic weather.  

In conclusion, SPRING has been severely delayed due to all that nuclear testing!

How's that fur a theory?

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

We'll be back again with our usual selfie selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend.

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

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Link up one, some, or all of your favorite social media URLs. Don't be shy, but follow others as well. Remeber, it's a hop. Share nicely.

1. HOST: Rascal and Rocco on Pinterest  4. CO-HOST: Bionic Basil on Bloglovin'  7. Brian  
2. HOST: Rascal and Rocco Bloglovin'  5. CO-HOST: M.K. Clinton on Pinterest  8. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (Twitter)  
3. CO-HOST: Bionic Basil on Pinterest  6. CO-HOST: M.K. Clinton's Barking from the Bayou FB  9. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (Instagram)  

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Graphics created under paid licence and
Easter Egg page dividers from


  1. Happy Easter to all of you!

    And your theory has some good thought to it...nevfurtheless...where is the Real Spring??! You need to get your crew working on retrieving it for us all here in the northern hemisphere, Basil. You can do it, I know you *can*!

    1. Happy Easter Pipo, yes that's still an issue of where Spring is so as purr your formal instructions we're off investigate further! MOL XOX

  2. We don't care 'why' Spring is late...we just WANT IT NOW! Kitties, help us!

    1. Guys, dudes, we're on the case and thus far, the last known siting was in the southern hemisphere! XOX

  3. Your theory on Spring is as good as anything the weather people have come up with. Seville from Nerissa's Life has a BOLO (be on the lookout) for the groundhog and Mother Nature. Someone's in trouble for sure. I want my Spring.

    1. Hi Edie, it's not too shabby a notion... Seville comes up with some great ideas, so I've added his BOLO to our computer systems now and we're hot on the heals of Spring! MOL XOX

  4. Happy Easter! We hope you all have a great Friday. We've got our eyes out for any errant bunnies :) ~Bear Cat

    1. Happy Easter MK, BC & EM, do let us know if mew found any bunnies! MOL XOX

  5. Don't worry. We won't mention the words ... uh, never mind, we just won't mention any words. Except happy pet parade.

    1. MOL that was hilarious Funny Farmers! Happy Easter guys! XOX

  6. Happy Easter. I am glad you have found the reason for Spring going AWOL. Now the problem is how to fix it.

    1. Hey guys, we're on the case, chasing down leads and building a profile, as soon as we know anything we'll broadcast it live! XOX

  7. So that explains why Spring hasn’t arrived yet. So what do we do about it????

    Happy Easter, gang!

    1. Hey Island Cats, we'll have a special Search Fur Spring bulletin next week! XOX

  8. Happy Easter to you all. I hope the Easter Bunny brings Amber some books to review. XO

    1. Happy Easter guys, and yes Amber did get some new books, which she'll be sharing furry soon! MOL XOX

  9. Basil I do believe you have hit on the reason Spring has been hiding - all that nuclear testing would scare me into WAITING for a safe time to make an appearance too! One has to wonder though if in this crazy world of ours it will ever be really SAFE?!?!?! I hope Spring gets brave and pops into our lives soon - we are SICK SICK SICK of that snow stuff! We hope you have a HAPPY EASTER!

    Love, Teddy

    1. Teddy dude, we're looking into it now dude and hopefully next week we'll have an answer in our Search Fur Spring, and we only had a few days of snow so we can imagine how mew must be so offur it! And no I don't think we are safe, we live in an illusion of safe! XOX

  10. Spring is late in Europe too, your theory might be true :D I can't wait for the Spring and Summer! Winter lasted for too long. Happy Easter!

    1. Hi Monika, oh no not mew guys too! We can't wait fur some warmer weather, this winter seems like it's been happening fureffur! Happy Easter! XOX

  11. Mom and I think that you're theory is probably right on. The weather has been very weird here to in O-R-E-gon. Winter didn't really arrive until mid February and all of the spring bulbs got confused and started opening flowers in January! Tee hee hee. Hippety Hoppety Happy Easter! Luvs to all of you!

    1. Hey Valentine, it's been the same here too dude, weirdness weather happening all offur the place. We will solve it though, not long now! Happy Easter! XOX

  12. Happy Easter to you all! Now if you'll lead me to the nip eggs, I'll just take them to check to see if the they roll properly. If not they're faulty and I'll be forced to remove them, for health and safety reasons , of course MOL
    Toodle pips and purrs

    1. Hiya Erin, oh take them all because Amber wants to eat them and she's not allowed, it's all to do with the new weight restrictions imposed by Health & Safety and she won't be able to use her library ladder is she exceeds the maximum load! MOL

  13. Happy Easter, Basil and Co! This spring being late stuff is maddening, but it sounds like you've gotten to the bottom of it!


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