Thursday 17 January 2019

Time To Give Those Little Grey Cells a Workout on Brain Training with Professor Basil P.H.D. #51 OMC THE P.A. FINALLY MANAGED TO DO SUDOKU! MOL

a professor cat teaching brain training

Happy Purrsday guys



Somepurrdy get me a niptini, straight up on the rocks stat! 

I'm in shock, I need to sit down... now mew maybe wundering why? Well the P.A. has neffur until this week been able to get her little grey cells around a sudoku puzzle, like seriously guys give her a wurdsearch, wurd puzzles, crosswurds [not cryptic] in fact give her most types of puzzle and she'll probably complete it, but she's always failed miserably at sudoku UNTIL this last week.

Now I'm not quite sure what happened but she actually printed off last weeks puzzle and started to add a few numbers and before I knew it she'd actually completed it. So being the dutiful Professor that I am, I took the homewurk from her and checked it against the answer key and OMC, she'd completed it, not only that but it was a 100% correct too!  

And yes, I'm sure mew're all thinking, "But Basil, she's sees the answer key while mew're making the sudoku puzzles!" 

While this is true, she neffur pays attention to it, she only saves it ready to share on next weeks post - she said when I quizzed her about this. "Basil, do you really think I'm going to cheat? Like dude, there'd be absolutely no point in that at all!"

So there mew have it, the P.A. finally cracked a sudoku puzzle and here's the proof! [sorry it's a little feint, she used a pencil.


Who knows what happened, but obviously something did and I feel I must take the credit fur increasing her brain-power, so my fantastic class, if the P.A. can do it, there's always hope! MOL

And now class, I think it's time we got started on this weeks puzzle selection.

So take your pick and dive in! 

It's time to get those little grey cells wurking.

Here's the answer key to last weeks puzzle  How did mew do? 

Are mew ready fur this weeks puzzle?

Basil's Easy Sudoku Puzzle #20 Brain Training with Cats @BionicBasil
Just right click to save the puzzle to your 'puter or print it off. 

Answer key will be on next weeks post.

Basil's Brain Training with cats Wordsearch Tuttie Fruity Theme
Just right click to save the wurdsearch to your 'puter or print it off.

And here's this weeks jigsaw puzzle, featuring Fudge from Sundays Selfie post

Fluffy ginger cat covered in kisses, so cute! LOL

It took me 6 mins 47 secs...  How did you do?

A quick reminder before we go... don't furget to join in the supurr Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop which is hosted by Brian's Home

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Until tomorrow...

Keep Calm


Puzzle On

Bestest purrs

Professor Basil 

Follow @BionicBasil on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Jigsaw Puzzle  Sudoku & word-search used with paid licence
Other graphics created with paid licence & &


  1. Congrats to the PA on doing the sudoku! I have never been able to do it so maybe I should try again too. My favourite puzzles are codeword so maybe you could suggest she adds them now and again as well. It has taken me a long time to realise, but if I do the searchword on MS Edge I can use the writing feature and do it on the screen without having to print it. I can also easily erase my mistakes!
    I will do the puzzle later but will probably be about double the P.A.'s time.

    1. I surprised myself and matched the P.A.'s time! 6m 47s.

    2. Oh we love code word, so we'll see if the P.A. can add one soon, we'll swap out one of the others fur mew! And that's a great idea fur using MS Edge, saves on paper so better fur the planet! XOX

    3. Guys that's an amazing time, congrats and well done mew! XOX

  2. My Dad is a Sudoku crazy man. He does several every day and loves them. Mom has trouble with the "EASY" ones!

    Hugs, Teddy

    1. Oh mew should defo get your dad to do these, though I would imagine they'd be far too easy ! MOL XOX

  3. The Dad hasn't done a Sudoku is a long while, his grey cells need some work MOL! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    1. Dudes we love that mew host and wouldn't miss it fur anything! XOX

  4. Excellent work, Basil. Now maybe the PA can set to work figuring out the magic formula for the perfect dreamy treats or do you think maybe that will be pushing it?

    1. Oh great idea Erin, I'll start implementing that right now! MOL XOX

  5. I know how excited your PA was, when she finished that puzzle! I remember the first time that I finished one! Nowadays, I can never crack the 'hard' ones in the newspaper, but I keep trying!

    1. Guys, she was so excited, though I don't think she'll effur get to grip with one of the harder puzzles - not enough grey cells! MOL

  6. guyz... sneekin round iz hard two day… but we due haz time ta say HI ~~~ 🙂 ♥♥ =^..^=
    N hope full lee printz out N due de puzzlez two morrow...manee thanx !!! ♥♥

    1. Tabbies, thanks fur stopping by, we love it when mew sneak in! MOL XOX

  7. We are thankful for your great puzzles friends and Fudge that is a gorgeous photo of you

  8. ConCats with the sudoku, we don't even look at 'em. The puzzle's great fun. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  9. Mom took 6 minutes and 35 seconds and then she went all smoochie over Fudge! I am jealous but I have to admit they IS gorgeous Cat!

    1. Wooo Hooo Marv, dude mew are this weeks winner!!!! CONGRATS DUDE! XOX

  10. Oh, dear...11:26 for that easy puzzle...and don't even try to get petcretary to figure out how to do suduko...MOL!


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