Wednesday 2 January 2019

The Catmas Laundry Make-Offur on The Pet Parade 281 with Dash Kitten, Us & Barking from The Bayou

Wednesday Greetings Pawesome Furriends

Welcome to The Pet Parade and our weekly news round-up!

We do hope your New Year has got off to a terrifically fine start, ours is totally pawesome as Basil's back from the RB, in his angelic form of course fur now.

So OMC, what the fluff happened to us since last Thursday, it was like we fell off the planet... would mew believe us if we told mew we'd been held captive in some weird time space continuin-anom-nom-nom bubble since late last Wednesday evening battling some strange alien creatures again? Well as exciting and as normal as that sounds fur BBHQ, that's not the case at all! MOL  

Our absence is much easier to explain and a lot less exciting... the P.A. in all her wisdom decided that the laundry needed redecorating - she's actually been putting it off fur the last couple of years as the cupboards and wooden wurktop needed a spruce up too.  And we've not been feeling furry festive if we're honest... it's been a tough few months at BBHQ.

So a week last Caturday the painting bug ambushed her and grabbed her by the shoulders, giving her a rather vigorous shake and so she headed off into the shed in search of paint.  A while later [we nearly had to send a search team aftur her - she emerged from the archives carrying all the supplies she'd bought 2 years ago to do the job.

She said and we quote, "This shouldn't take too long!"

Famous last wurds or what?! MOL

She finally finished on New Years Eve, so that's why we haven't been about much as things took considerably longer than anticipated, but the great news is the laundry now looks epic.  

Fudge was best purrleased especially when he saw all the mini TTTB [Time Travelling Telephone Boxes] lined up in the cupboard and had to do a double-take. 

We've got a new colour and new sparkles on the walls - glitter paint is a must here - the units have been painted in a flat white eggshell [2 coats of undercoat and 2 coats of eggshell], the solid beech wurktop was a strange orangey colour which we found most offensive but now aftur using 2 coats of darker wood-stain it looks like dark oak - amen to that! 

New crystal door knobs were applied to finish the cupboards and effurything now looks epic, the only purroblem is this...

The P.A. said. "Oh for fluffs sake, now everywhere else needs painting!"

And so it goes...

Happy Wednesday! MOL

As there weren't any new posts much this week, here's a few completely random ones from the past year:

And if mew still need some more entertainment, get our free mandala colouring books below:

Amber will be here on Friday with a fantastic book she can't wait to share with mew all, so do stop by the library, tea and nip cookies will be served, and we hope to see mew then! 

Bestest purrs and big hugs

The B Team xx

Now let's HOP on... 

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  1. Uh-oh, sounds like your human is on a roll!

  2. That looks wonderful, especially as you each seem to have a TTTB of your own. Guys, I think if the PA is going to start again, you should maybe lend a paw on the decorating front? Camo beige sounds good choice for the action cats about town. Maybe add a few bits of bush and tree o add to the effect?
    Or you could all go off with the PA on a new adventure and get someone in to remodel it for you?
    Toodle pips

    1. Hi Erin, yes we each have our own miniaturized TTTB now, how cool is that! Camo beige, desert spec is defo the way to go, great idea! MOL XOX

  3. Uh oh, I see you have a spammer who couldn't wait to to get going in 2019!
    It looks lovely, especially the glitter paint on the walls. Fudge looks very pleased with the results.

    1. Hey guys, oh it's been spammer central here the last few weeks, absolutely ridiculous, anyone would think they didn't have anything better to do in 2019! MOL XOX

  4. It looks lovely ! It must be "pimp the laundry" season, because Claire sent Momo to work over there and (hopefully) tile the walls before 2053, MOL ! Purrs

    1. Hiya Swiss Cats, oh wow mew guys are 'pimping' rooms too, that's so pawesome! XOX

  5. Yep now that the folks have mostly finished remodeling the laundry room, kitchen and dining room Mom wants to do the study. We like the glitter. Happy New Year!!!

    1. Hey guys, oh my mew have been furry busy, we bet it looks epic!!! Happy New Year too! XOX

  6. That's quite a way to start out the new year, your P.A. needs a break!

    1. Hi Brian, MOL funny mew should say that, the P.A. came down with a really nasty cold yesterday :( but we did tell her offur Catmas to be 'more cat' ie: sleep most of the day! MOL XOX

  7. a may bee knot sew much post ree lated commint 😊

    stopping bye with a new yeerz toon
    wood sure bee nice if this waz joon
    coz oh everee thing we bee a wishin…
    weed bee ona boat N due in sum fishin

    happee new yeer frum de frozen tun dra ~ !!

    1. Happy New Year Tabbies, here's wishing mew an epic 2019! XOX

  8. Your human is so very energetic! I had a list of four things to do in 10 days, and I only got two of them done! WHAT?!? However, I did read some books and played a lot with the kitties!

    1. Hey guys, yes she was, but now she's got a horrid cold - typical! Sounds like mew had a pawesome Catmas break! XOX

  9. If the PA gets another burst of energy, send her our way. The mom could use her help in our new house.

    1. Hi guys, oh yes we can send her to assist mew, just as soon as she's decorated the porch and got offur her horrible cold - don't want her spreading germs! MOL XOX

  10. Our mom redecorated the living room. Thank catness she didn't paint! She just bought a bunch of new furnitrue and curtains. Now she says she needs to change the wall art! What the fluff?

    1. Hiya Lola, oh wow that sounds like an amazing make-offur, and much easier without the painting bit! MOL XOX

  11. Painting jobs always take so much longer than expected. MOL! It looks great. Happy New Year!

    1. Hey guys, oh don't they! What mew think will take a couple of days always ends up being a week or more by the time effurything is back to normal! Happy New Year! XOX

  12. She did a great job! I like that glitter paint. XO

    1. Thanks so much guys, the glitter paint is great. Last time she used a top coat glitter glaze, this time it was a special coated glitter that mew add directly to any paint of your choice, and it is an amazing finish! XOX

  13. The PA sure did a fabulous job, mew guys! That glitter is epic!

    1. Thanks so much guys, it turned out better than we hoped! XOX

  14. Oh my word what a FAB looking laundry facility! LOVE the glitter paint and crystal cabinet knobs - talk about a classy place to do the rest of the house? Sounds like an EPIC start to the new year to me!

    Hugs and Happy New Year GANG!
    Love, Teddy

    1. Hiya Teddy and Mom, MOL yes it's almost too posh now to use as a laundry! And yes, the rest of the house is next starting with the porch... the P.A. is going to be supurr busy! Happy New Year to mew! XOX


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