Monday 6 July 2020

WHAT'S IN THE BOX? on In The Spotlight ~ Product Review featuring the Peek-a-Bird™ Electronic Cat Toy ~ A TOP TOY FOR CATS!

Welcome to

What's In The Box on In The Spotlight ©BionicBasil®

Supurr Monday greetings fabulous furiends

Today we're sharing one of our *sponsored posts with mew from the fabulous peeps at..

Image Copyright Petsafe

... who contacted us a few weeks ago and asked if we'd like to try some of their supurr products and when we saw what they had on their website, we were so excited and even more so when a huge box arrived at BBHQ. 

Today is the second review of three, as we got three different products to test, try and use here at BBHQ - how exciting, epically exciting!!! And to see our furst review, just in case mew missed it - click here.

So let's show mew what was in the box.

Now it may only be a small box, but it really contains so much fun!

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Peek-a-Bird Electronic Cat Toy

Smooch was first on the scene after the unboxing and sat staring, not quite sure what to make of it!

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Peek-a-Bird Electronic Cat Toy - Smooch

"Can mew eat it?" he asked.

"Er... NO!" I replied. "It'd be a bit chewy!!!" MOL MOL

Playtime at BBHQ 

We've got a fun video for mew to watch again, so hit the play button sit back, relax and enjoy!

 or click here to watch direct on YouTube.

It took about five minutes to set up, and then all mew need to do is push the button on the birdies back to start the fun. If mew want a 10-minute session hold the 'on' the button for 1 second and for all-day entertainment with the motion sensor on, hold the button for 4 seconds

Our closing thoughts

The Peek-a-Bird™ Electronic Cat Toy is a really fun and nifty toy, definitely a great buy especially if your staff is out all day or for extended periods of time.

Parsley loved it the minute it went on the floor, though Smooch took a while to warm up it. Melvyn was quite unsure to start with but we think it was the noise it makes as the little motor moves the feather tickler side to side, but he soon got with the programme! MOL

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® Peek-a-Bird Electronic Cat Toy - The B Team
They were very curious 

Not all B Team memfurs are the same; some dive straight into the fun, others are a little more cautious, there are those that are supurr cautious and then there are those that are not bothered at all, not mentioning any names, Pandora - we can see mew sitting in the catservatory watching effurything. [Pandora isn't interested in toys at all - she's a bit of bahumbug kinda kitty!]

The B Team Boys have really been enjoying the Peek-a-Bird toy, and we really like how it can be set for a short 10-minute session or for all-day play, so if mew're feeling really energetic mew can keep coming back and setting off the motion sensor for more entertainment which is especially great when mew are home alone and need some entertainment to fill in the time till your staff returns and gives mew treats! MOL  

We've had to monitor Parsley with it as he likes to drag it around the kitchen with the tickler - OOPS! And talking about ticklers - it's very well built, and mew get an extra feather tickler just in case the original one gets a bit icky or shredded over time. Also, it doesn't come with batteries, so mew'll need to have 3 x AA's to paw before mew can begin.

In summary


We think it's epic!

We would like to say a special thanks to the pawesome peeps at Petsafe fur giving us the opportunity to try out their amazing Peek-a-Bird™ Electronic Cat Toy

Visit Petsafe online:

Many thanks fur joining us today and don't furget to stop by tomorrow when we will be sharing the next supurr exciting and terrifically thrilling chapters in our pawesome rerun of The Clockwurk Labyrinth.

Happy Monday

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Graphics created with paid licence and


  1. I think my human is best electronic toy here! Wait, you mean she's not battery powered?

  2. That toy looks like a lot of fun ! Purrs

  3. During this website, you will see this shape, i highly recommend you learn this review. Cats

  4. That was a fun video. Parsley really got into it. Pandora made me smile nonchalantly bathing in the background. It really was all rather beneath her!

  5. How fun. What a clever idea. That would give many kitties hours of fun. Great review.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to all the kitties and my best to your brilliant mom. ♥

  6. That would probably drive Simon a bit nutty!

  7. That toy looks like so much fun! We'd love to try it

  8. That looks like a grear toy. However, I think my Daisy Mae would be very cautious and not dive right in MOL.

  9. I could see Sweetie enjoying this toy; thanks for the review!

  10. parsley....dood....we did wunder when we watched de moovee if ya waz gonna take burd N all with ya N leeve de room !!! :) :) ♥♥♥

  11. I love how pretty it is, and definitely something the kitties would love, thanks for the recommend!

  12. That looks like a fun toy. XO

  13. That looks like a ton of great fun!
    I thought Parsley was going to rip the feathers off, MOL!!
    And Pandora, what a diva! Divas princesses well, they don't play, they get to snoopervise!! Silly playtime is beneath them...our Suki was like that too...tee-hee!

    That video made petcretary giggle! Thanks! She needed that after a crazypants weekend working at the nursing home...

  14. That sure does look like fun, mew guys! How funny that Parsley drags it around by the tickler!

  15. I'm quite willing to test kitty products! Seems the more expensive they are, the less pleasure the kitties get out of them.
    Thanks for sharing at


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