Leapfrog Smooch Leaves Basil Purrplexed
Pandora's Horror When She Realises This Is Behind Her On Instagram Live
Basil Puts Smooch In His Place

Join us again on Sunday when we're here with our usual selfie selection, in the meantime...
Welcome to BBHQ home of Basil and The B Team! We share Feline Enrichment tips, hacks and ideas, Cat Wellness, Adventure Stories for all ages, Book Reviews, Blog Hops, Crafting with Cats, Colouring with Cats, Pet Peeves, Product Reviews, Fashion with Felines, Brain Training with Cats and so much more. So drop by often to catch up on all the fun and remember; the world is way better with cats! Purrs from your hosts, Wing Commander Basil & The B Team
1. I am so not looking forward to ____________________________________.
2. _____________________________ is surprisingly delicious.
3. I need a welcome sign at my front door that says _________.
4. I would _________ if it meant that I could _________.
1. I am so not looking forward to winter. I always find this time of year rather sad, as the nights are drawing in, and that means one thing is on the way.
2. The lemon cheesecake I made the other week is surprisingly delicious. I've never been a fan of cheesecake, but that would for want of a better expression was, epically epic!
3. I need a welcome sign at my front door that says _________. Yeah, that's not going to work because Fudge has other ideas.
4. I would sacrifice the courtyard garden, if it meant that I could have a swim spa. I've wanted one for ages, but cat dad say NO! LOL As apparently it's just something else to maintain and clean.
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