Hello gorgeous library guests
Welcome to the Mewton-Clawson Library at BBHQ.
Thank mew for joining me in the stacks today, and many apologies for being a day late. It wasn't planned, though time this week conspired terribly against us, as the P.A. had a dental appointment on Wednesday and a medical appointment on Thursday. Then Smooch had to go to the vets yesterday as he started to dribble earlier in the week, so we knew instantly he needed a dental appointment too.
Anyhoo keep poor Smooch in your prayers, and purrlease send him some healing purrs as he needs a tooth out, and the vet thinks there may be a small abscess under the tooth as well - oh dear. He had an antibiotic shot yesterday, and we've got some loxicom to give him for a few days, and he'll get the tooth removed on Wednesday next week. Obviously, we'll keep mew updated on his fangy furore as it unfolds.
Okies then, I think we should hop right into everything now and let's start with the Friday Fill-Ins.
1. You don't have to convince me to _________.
2. _________ is causing me stress.
3. Speaking from experience, _________.
4. Over time, my opinion of _________ has changed
The P.A.'s answers are...
1. You don't have to convince me to get the covid-19 vaccination.
2. Trying to find new staff is causing me stress. And young people today are not training to be mechanics, or learning any of the trades - builders, sparky's, plumbers etc... they're all interested in insta-fame - see #4 - so in the next 30 to 40 years the human race will be full of completely useless and incapable beings who can do nothing apart from take a selfie. And if you say A.I. robots will do everything, well let's go back to 1984 and The Terminator movie, there's a really big lesson there!
3. Speaking from experience, the more you can do for yourself, the better - see #2. My entire life has been one of acquiring skills from a very young age, and even now, I learn something new all the time, and if I can't do it, then Josh does it, and vice versa. My top tip, be as self-reliant as possible.
4. Over time, my opinion of the internet has changed. Social media is the invention of the devil, and if I didn't write the blog, I wouldn't have any at all. I loved the internet in its infancy, a really great tool, but after the invention of the smartphone and all those apps - it's an addictive, competitive, trolly, cesspit, and the poor kids being weaned on phones/tablets instead of real-life experiences as parents use these devices as nannies is just bizarre. How peeps bring their kids up is non of my business, but my point is that many of the children today are missing out on so much by having their noses literally stuck on a screen—it's a very sad state of affairs.

As it's the last Friday in February,
we're also joining in the Pet Photo Fails blog hop; which occurs on the last
Friday of each month.
Hosted by the fabulous
Today Pandora is here with an epic photo fail; she'd been trying out the cat tree aftur it had just had its makeover, and the P.A. wanted to get a nice picture of her sitting on it, but she was too slow getting the camera and this the truly pawesome result!
If mew missed The Best Cat Tree Makeover in the World ~ click here, mew'll love what we did.
Let's see what I've got to show mew this time!
This week's top book pick is...
Mewton-Clawson Library Copy
Anita Kelsey
Here's the book blurb:
This book
also includes advice and real case studies that offer the author’s own
professional guidance on cat care topics, explaining the most important cat
concepts, giving food for thought and expanding on all the most important
issues and debates in the cat world.
Let’s Talk
About Cats: Conversations on Feline Behaviour features 16 unique in-depth
conversations with devoted feline experts, each chapter answering a question
about our cats. An abundance of catty conversation points with many useful
takeaways for cat owners to improve their own every-day connection with their
This book,
the first of its kind presents the combined wisdom of experts from all over
the world on the psychology, behaviour, diet and training of cats, in a relaxed
and conversational style. Contributors include Jackson Galaxy, star of My Cat
From Hell and composer David Teie, whose ground-breaking album, Music for Cats,
was released by the Universal Music Group. Each illuminating chapter exudes a
love for cats and a wealth of fascinating insights.

**Furstly I have to let mew all know that I was
given a free copy of this book in exchange for a fair review**
A few weeks ago, I was asked to review this rather interesting book, and I jumped at the chance. But this week, young Melvyn really wanted to do a review, so when I showed him this, he said, and I quote, that would be epic! So let me hand mew over to my highly capable library intern, Melvyn, and he can tell mew what he thought of this book.
Hiya guys, Melvyn here and thanks, Amber for letting me review this book; I'm so excited to share it with mew all.
There is so much information in this book from caring for elderly cats, which is ideal for our own geriatric Amber - but don't tell her I said that - also there are all sorts of cat care topics such as; all about claws, cat furniture, training, food, grooming, toys, health etc... well in fact, this book covers everything. In my humble opinion being the newbie reviewer at BBHQ, I would call it a definitive guide to cats supplied in one handy volume.
It's full of beneficial advice from expert contributors, who share a plethora and wealth of material garnered from years of experience and presented in an informal and chatty tone. It's easy to read and digest and ideal to keep at paw on a bookshelf for any time mew have a feline related query that needs answering.
I did like the first chapter where Jackson Galaxy shares a few insights - though I'm not going to spoilerize these, as Amber has a no-spoiler policy, and Cod help me if I break any of her rules! MOL
So to sum up, this is a really great book and would be an ameowzing addition to your bookshelf, or it would make an ideal gift for any cat lover, it's really top paw!
Very quickly, I'd like to say many thanks on behalf of Amber, myself and the Mewton-Clawson Library to Anita for sending us a copy to review.
Print length: 314 pages
Publisher: Kiza
My Ratings Scale
Ratings of:
Overall Enjoyment
I really hope mew enjoy the book as much as I did if mew decide to read it.
It's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just for mew, and don't furget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page.
Until next time...
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