Showing posts with label puzzle challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label puzzle challenge. Show all posts

Sunday 22 September 2024

Fudge's Fierce Autumn Selfie on The Sunday Selfies and Caturday Art Blog Hops

TheSunday Selfies ©BionicBasil® September Banner

Pawesome Sunday greetings furiends

Welcome to another BBHQ selfie selection. This week Fudge insisted on being centre stage with his epic selfie and supurr new arty effect!

Fudge's Fierce Autumn Selfie

Fudge's Fierce Autumn Selfie ©BionicBasil® Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Jumpin' juniper berries, Fudge is looking mighty fierce today! MOL

But really, he's just a big softy lion!

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

We're also joining in Athena's Fabulous Art Hop so do stop by and show off your pawesome arty-farty skills.

OH MY COD, BeFunky, has some new filters for Halloween, and Fudge is looking especially spook'a'licious!

Fudge's Fierce Autumn Selfie ©BionicBasil®Caturday Art Hop

The effect was created with Befunky - AI Enhancer, Fantasy Portrait Undead GFX + colour changes to hue and saturation.

We also turned this fab arty-farty picture into a puzzle, so do stop by the puzzle page and take the Puzzle Challenge, see if mew can beat our time of 9 mins 03 secs. 

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

Anyhoo, it's time for us to go and put the final touches to the new veggie garden, plus plant our first crop of purple broccoli in this new location. It's been a lot of work, but now we have about six large raised beds plus oodles of large pots for growing, and we have about ten fruit trees too.

Do join us again tomorrow when we're back with another Colouring with Cats post so mew can get your pens or pencils ready for colouring fun

We do hope mew have an epic day, and remember to always...
Stay Fluffy Banner September ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

Don't forget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer ~ visit them at their pawesome blog:

Link up coming later...

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence & ios Prisma App or

Sunday 15 September 2024

Distinguished Gentleman Smooch's Selfie on The Sunday Selfies and Caturday Art Blog Hops

TheSunday Selfies ©BionicBasil® September Banner

Pawesome Sunday greetings furiends

Welcome to another BBHQ selfie selection. This week, Smooch is in the spotlight.

Distinguished Gentleman Smooch's Selfie

Distinguished Gentleman Smooch's Selfie ©BionicBasil® Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

Just look at that face.

Mew know the P.A. dad often chuckle about Smooch's name, because they couldn't have picked a better one for him. If ever there was a cat with an utterly smooch'a'licious face, it's Smooch! MOL

Oh, and here's a fun fact... 

He started off as Smoochie, then we realised he liked Smooch better, and now he loves being called Moo. Or Moo Moo, sometimes we call him Smoo-cha-chums, he has more names than he knows what to do with! MOL

What an epic dude he is.

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

We're also joining in Athena's Fabulous Art Hop so do stop by and show off your pawesome arty-farty skills.

Do mew know, we just can't get enough of the Watercolour GFX effect, it just makes things look so meautiful and purrfect. I don't think we've ever loved an effect more than this.

Distinguished Gentleman Smooch's Selfie ©BionicBasil® Caturday Art Blog Hop

The effect was created with Befunky - A.I. enhancer, Watercolour GFX + changes to contrast, vibrance and highlights.

We also turned this fab arty-farty picture into a puzzle, so do stop by the puzzle page and take the Puzzle Challenge, see if mew can beat our time of 8 mins 22 secs. 

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

Anyhoo it's time for us to go and start snoopervising the filling of the new raised beds in the vegetable garden. It's still a work in progress but we're nearly there, on the homestretch so to speak, and we're quite chuffed that the P.A. has made provision for two large pots of catnip ready for next spring. Hopefully, the neighbourhood cats won't know it's new location, as they keep coming in at night to raid our supplies! MOL

Smooch, the main dude today, is already parked in front of oven waiting for lunch to get underway, as we have guests again.

Do join us again tomorrow, when we're back with a suprise Colouring with Cats post as the weather is turning, the nights are drawing in rather fast and we need some new activities to do to while away the time.

We do hope mew have an epic day, and remember to...
Stay Fluffy Banner September ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

Don't forget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer ~ visit them at their pawesome blog:

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence & ios Prisma App or

Sunday 8 September 2024

Wing Commander Basil's Thoughtful Selfie on The Sunday Selfies and Caturday Art Blog Hops **CELESTIAL BASIL'S 6TH ANGELVERSARY**

TheSunday Selfies ©BionicBasil® September Banner

Pawesome Sunday greetings furiends

Welcome to another BBHQ selfie selection, and it's my official 6th Angelversary tomorrow, but we thought we'd share it today instead, so mew've got me to gaze upon! MOL

Wing Commander Basil's Thoughtful Selfie 

Wing Commander Basil's Thoughtful Selfie @BionicBasil®The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

As mew can imagine, this time of year is a rather sad time at BBHQ. The P.A. and Cat Dad miss me so much. There isn't a day that passes when I'm not mentioned in conversation or thought about multiple times. 

The P.A. still finds it hard to write the adventure stories. I know she did an epic job with Claws of Terror, but that took her five years to write due to my absence and trying to find the inspiration to write something worthy of my epicness.

She said the other day, "Basil, I know you can hear me, and I know that you're here, but I just wish I could see you just one more time!"

Yes, it is that sad. I know in my heart that she'll never truly get over my departure, and that pains me tremendously. I, too, wish that she could see me just one more time.

Anyhoo, here's a little video of some of my Best Bits if mew would like to see them.

That's all folks!

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

We're also joining in Athena's Fabulous Art Hop so do stop by and show off your pawesome arty-farty skills.

Wing Commander Basil's Thoughtful Selfie @BionicBasil®The Caturday Art Blog Hop

The effect was created with Befunky - AI Enhancer, Watercolour GFX + colour changes to hue and saturation, plus contrast and shadows.

We also turned this fab arty-farty picture into a puzzle, so do stop by the puzzle page and take the Puzzle Challenge; see if mew can beat our time of 8 mins 56 secs. 

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

Anyhoo, it's time for us to go and get lunch ready, as Nanny and Grampaw are coming today. Earlier in the week, it was their 59th Wedding Anniversary, so Smooch is making sure that they are going to have a beautiful luncheon with us.

Come join us again tomorrow for another episode of Cats Have Problems Too and check out this week's Despurrate Dilemma.

We do hope mew have an epic day, and remember to always...
Stay Fluffy Banner September ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

Don't forget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer ~ visit them at their pawesome blog:

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence & ios Prisma App or

Sunday 1 September 2024

Pandora's Purrfect Sunday Selfie on The Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

TheSunday Selfies ©BionicBasil® September Banner

Supurr Sunday greetings furiends

Welcome to September and another BBHQ selfie selection. This week, Pandora is in the spotlight.  

Pandora's Purrfect Sunday Selfie 

Pandora's Purrfect Sunday Selfie ©BionicBasil® Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

She felt it necessary to redeem herself after Friday's failure on the themeDraw me like one of your French girls. Yes, she is fully redeemed. And wait until mew see the art—it's epic!

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

We're also joining Athena's Fabulous Art Hop, so stop by and show off your pawesome arty effects.

WOW, for Befunky's GFX effects.

Pandora's Purrfect Sunday Selfie ©BionicBasil® Caturday Art Blog Hop

The effect was created with Befunky - A.I. enhancer, Watercolour GFX + colour changes to shadows and brightness.

We also turned this fab arty-farty picture into a puzzle, so stop by the puzzle page, take the Puzzle Challenge, and see if mew can beat our time of 6 mins 54 secs. 

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

Don't forget to go and join in Parsley's 12th Birthday rave if mew haven't already, as it will be going on for days! MOL

We're off to bask in some sun puddles. It will be warm early on with a chance of a thunderstorm later, so we're getting in front and making sure some basking is happening before we head back to the pawty in the bunker for another wild night. 

Mew can guess exactly what our tripawed dude is doing today. Yep, Smooch is waiting for his roast beef; seriously, his internal clock is extraordinary! MOL

Join us again tomorrow when we're back with Meowing on Monday and a bit of Cat Chat!

We do hope mew have an epic day, and remember to always...
Stay Fluffy Banner September ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

Don't forget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer ~ visit them at their pawesome blog:

link up coming later...

September Divider ©BionicBasil® .jpg

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence & ios Prisma App or

Sunday 25 August 2024

Celestial Basil's Catmint Selfie on The Sunday Selfies and Caturday Art Blog Hop

 Summer Sunday Selfies Banner  ©BionicBasil® 2023.jpg

Furbulous Sunday greetings furiends

Welcome to another BBHQ Sunday Selfie, and this week, I am here sharing all my epically epicness! 

Celestial Basil's Catmint Selfie 

Celestial Basil's Catmint Selfie ©BionicBasil® Sunday Selfies Blog Hop

This was from way, way, way back in September 2013, and in fact, I don't think this photo has ever been shared before.
Summer Banner  ©BionicBasil® 2023

We're also joining in Athena's Fabulous Art Hop so do stop by and show off your pawesome arty-farty skills.

We just can't get enough of the new BeFunky GFX effects! MOL

Celestial Basil's Catmint Selfie ©BionicBasil®Caturday Art Blog Hop

The effect was created with Befunky - AI Enhancer, Watercolour GFX + changes to fidelity and saturation.

We also turned this fab arty-farty picture into a puzzle, so do stop by the puzzle page and take the Puzzle Challenge, see if mew can beat our time of 11 mins 22 secs. 
Summer Banner  ©BionicBasil® 2023

Today we're snoopervising in the garden, as Cat Dad is building a new deck near the gazebo. It's been an area that has never realised it's full poterntial as a flower bed or a vegetable bed, however it is truly epic at growing weeds, so Cat Dad ordered some sleepers and that is his job for the Bank Holiday weekend. We'll get a couple of photos for the before and after.

We wish mew a totally terrific day, and we'll see mew bright and breezy in the morning with another Brain Training with Cats post, and if mew missed last week's Cats Have Purroblems Too post, click the link.

Summer Stay Fluffy  Banner  ©BionicBasil® 2023

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Summer Banner  ©BionicBasil® 2023

Don't forget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer ~ visit them at their pawesome blog:

Summer Banner  ©BionicBasil® 2023

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence & ios Prisma App or