Showing posts with label Give Away. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Give Away. Show all posts

Saturday 22 September 2018

WHAT'S IN THE BOX? on In The Spotlight ~ Product Review featuring Catit Senses 2.0 + Flower Fountain Give-Away

Welcome to

What's In The Box BBHQ Review ©BionicBasil®

Wunderpurr greetings fabulous furiends

Today we're sharing one of our *sponsored posts* with mew from the fabulous peeps at...

...who contacted us a few weeks ago and asked if we'd like to try a selection of their products, well we're already huge fans of the Catit Senses 2.0 Range and have several items already, so we were absolutely thrilled to be able to try some more supurr cool and really funky products.

Let's show mew what was in the box.

Yes, Fudge got in the box again! 

But Parsley had this say...

Mew know where this is going don't mew?
This is exactly what was in the box

Senses 2.0 Play Circuit  with Senses 2.0 Oval Scratcher

What Happened Next:

Fudge really is getting out of paw, just watch the video and mew'll see why! MOL

See we told mew he was getting out of paw, but the good news is that we all got to play, so Fudge made good on his purromise! MOL

Our closing thoughts:

We were literally blown away at the amount of goodies we got to try, and as with all our previous Catit purrchases we were thrilled to the tips of our fluffy tails!

The P.A. recommends that mew spend time daily with your kitties playing with effurything and showing kitties who aren't as forward as Fudge - as he takes to effurything like a duck to water - how to engage with the toys and make it fun, the more mew play together the more likely your kitty will go to the toys to amews themselves when mew're not home too.

What we really like about Catit Senses 2.0 Range:

The products are designed for feline enrichment and are so well thought out. The attention to design is lovely, and the fact that they keep the same colour theme throughout purrleases the P.A. immensely as it all looks so smart and organised when set up.

Plus mew can add-on multiple items to create the most extraordinary circuits/cativity play centres and when mew get bored mew can take them all apart and build a completely new design, and the only limitation on your circuit design is how many pieces of the Senses 2.0 range mew have and your imagination.

The puzzle feeder is really fun and the second the P.A. tipped some Dreamies in the top Fudge went straight to it and knew exactly how to get his favourite treat.

The flower water fountain is so cute and does encourage us kitties to drink more, it's furry easy to clean, it's not noisy at all in case mew were wundering.  And we've been using one here at BB HQ fur the last couple of years, and it's as good today as when furst unboxed, it is an excellent product.

The Wellness Centre is designed to assist with dental hygiene and self-grooming, providing: head, neck, face and body massage for most sized kitties - Pandora loves this.

The circuit track and oval scratcher are so much fun, Fudge loves these kinds of games, so that's him fulfilled! MOL  

The cat grass dish is fab, we've got our furst batch growing right now and fur those that missed our Gardening with Cats post on How to Grow Cat Grass, this is a brilliant alternative as mew get effurything mew need to get growing instantly and mew don't even have to go buy any compost - yep it's that simple.

All of these items are supurr easy to clean and are made from BPA free materials. They are furry well made so your initial investment should bring years of fun playtime fur your kitties. And mew can easily replace the oval cardboard scratchers as and when they are ready.

Catit really do excel with their products and there's not a single thing in their entire range that we don't want to get our mittens on! MOL  [Fudge has already 'borrowed' Parsley's credit card and bought this but for cod sakes don't tell Parsley! OOPS - MOL]


As we already have one of the gorgeous Catit Flower Water Fountains, we thought that it would be nice to share the joy of Catit products and let one of our pawesome readers win the one Catit sent us in the box above. [It is brand new and unopened.] 

So if mew'd like to get your mittens on this:

Leave a comment below fur your chance to win, comments will close at 5pm next Friday and we'll announce the winner on the Sunday Selfies post.

**This Give-Away is only open to UK residents only** 

[prize as is seen and no alternatives will be offered]

We have been using one of these for ages now and love it; a weekly clean and regular top up throughout the week and mew're good to go, hydrations levels are optimum!

A really top fountain for the price.


Sadly it's time for us to pop off, but before we do we would like to say a special thanks to the fabulous peeps at Catit fur giving us the oppurrtunity to try out some of their epically epic products ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH, mew guys are fabulous!

Visit Catit online:

Many thanks for joining us today and don't furget to stop by on Sunday when it's time for some supurr selfies

Wishing mew all a supurr happy day

The B Team 

*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

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Friday 29 June 2018

The Winner of Our Epically Epic Give-Away, Birthday Cards & Look What I Got Fur My Birthday on the Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 254 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Pawesome Friday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Well what a week its been, but furstly we have to announce the winner from our epically epic birthday festival last week, so without further ado, here are all the entries:
And the WINNER is:





Many congratulations Dori, mew should have received a message from us already, and we are getting ready to post your epically epic goodie bag of prizes next week!


Don't wurry if mew missed out this time, there's still more give-aways to come offur the summer, with Parsley on 31st August and and Pandora 18th September followed by Amber on October 24th, so that's 3 more chances mew have in the next few months to get your paws on one of our epically epic goodie bags!

And we also have to show mew all the supurr cool birthday greetings we got...

The Totally Terrific Tabbies of Trout Towne sent me this amazing mandala, thank mew so much guys, I love it!  Mew coloured it beautifully dudes! 

Our pawesome pal Pipo sent us these supurr fab cards. Thanks furry much dude they're so epic! 

The fabulous kitty posse from 15 & Meowing sent me an epic slice of silvervine infused toast and this pawesome card, and I think the silvervine impregnated the card as the I really wanted to nom it! MOL  Thanks so much mew guys, I love it!  So did fudge too!

The heathen fur-child aka Fudge found the silvervine toast on the kitchen sideboard where the P.A. had put it fur safe keeping, and the next morning she found him like this...

He has since been banned from engaging with my toast on any level whatsoeffur, as its now in my private office in the bunker under lock and key fur my own purrsonal use! MOL

Our fab buddy Valentine sent me this fabulous card and one fur Fudge too, thanks so much dude, mew rock!

Beautiful Binky sent us these fabulous cards, thank mew so much gorgeous! 

Thank mew to all our fab furriends who sent such us lovely cards, we love mew loads!

Oh and just before we pop off and parade, look what I got fur my birthday...

... the P.A. finally got my epically epic King Basil portrait framed and hung on the wall.  I really love it and think I make a purretty pawesome king! MOL [Don't mind the dangly hearts, the P.A. has a habit of hanging things from the ceiling beams in the house! MOL]

And if mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

[There'll be a new puzzle loaded up today]

and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

Parsley will be here tomorrow with another Pet Peeves post and then we'll be back with our usual selfie selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

Click below to visit our pawesome hosts

and see this weeks 

Featured Favourite 


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Friday 10 November 2017

The National Pet Show & Designer Cushion Give-Away on The Pet Parade Blog Hop #221 with Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Barking from the Bayou

Friday greetings wunderpurr furriends

Welcome to our weekly round-up on The Pet Parade.  Furstly don't furget that mew still have time to enter our fab give-away to win one of these gorgeous designer cushions from the pawesome peeps at Royal Cats & Dogs.

*    *    *

Now we know that mew want to hear the full report from The National Pet Show last weekend, well here goes, it was BRILLIANT!

And here's our little intro movie 

The P.A. got to meet the pawesome peeps from Catiplla, mew may remember we did a little promo fur their kickstarter campaign a while ago and she got some stickers off them so at some point they'll be bundled into one of our future give-aways.

Oh and she saw this... 

This company make things for small anipals, but the P.A. thinks it would make pawesome catio and/or cativity centre fur kitties. 
Dad spoke to the owner of the company and apparently this collection below is fur cats.
Though when the P.A. posted in one of the catio facebook groups the peeps all said it was bunny/ferret/guinea pig/hamster stuff!

But anyhoo, the P.A. says it would be purrfect fur cats and she's going to buy us the castle, bottom right. 

Then the P.A. and Dad met Todd, isn't he fabulous?

There were lot's of lovely things to see and buy, although it was noted that it was primarily geared more towards our K9 furriends.  There were a couple of cat shows happening, but it was so busy the P.A. could barely take a picture as effurypurrdy wanted to see the beautiful kitties.

There were plenty of cute anipals there too including miniature ponies, donkeys, burds of prey, parrots, reptiles, budgies, hens, mini beasts, aquatic displays and even alpacas.

 It was certainly well wurth going and meeting all the lovely peeps on the stands and seeing what gorgeous things were fur sale! MOL
And the P.A. and Dad are looking furward to going to the one in London next May.

Before we move on, we have to say:-

Very many thanks to Fitz All Media Ltd for sending us the tickets, an epic day was had by all!

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:

The Saturday Special with Royal Cats & Dogs

Sunday Selfies ~ Did Mew See That?

Colouring with Cats #40
and if mew're still bored get our free colouring books below:

We'll be back with our usual selfie selection on Sunday and hope mew can join us then, in the meantime we wish mew all an epic weekend

Bestest purrs and big hugs

Basil & Co xox

Pet Parade blog hop for pet bloggers

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