Showing posts with label HY Hanna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HY Hanna. Show all posts

Friday 27 September 2019

Feline Fiction on Fridays #104 at Amber's Library featuring **Silent Bud Deadly** by HY Hanna

Welcome To

Feline Fiction on Friday's with Amber @BionicBasil™

With Amber ~ The Best Library Kitty in the entire Mewton~Clawson Parish

amber bibliokitty Feline Fiction on Friday's with Amber @BionicBasil™

Supurr salutations pawesome furriends

*waves paw*

Hello gorgeous library guests and welcome to my private library

Remember last week when I banned the P.A. from my library fur making a mess?

Yeah.... well that didn't wurk out so well...

...she threatened to cut off my Audible credits and Amazon account if I didn't allow her to use the space - talk about having ones back up against the wall.

Feline Fiction on Fridays @BionicBasil®Black and White Amber

I even put on my most cute face, see above - to thwart such heinous threats but sadly to no avail. It would seem she's become moderately impervious to my uber-cuteness over the years [hmmm I need a new angle! MOL] I knew I shouldn't have played that card so much in the past! [goshdammit!]

So I've furgiven her mess in the library and let her have access again, but only because I've got several new books on order I didn't want any interruption to my supply. 

Mew know I need to become more financially independent and then I wouldn't have such issues; at this time my only revenue stream is from The Mewton-Clawson Historical Society [MCHS] meetings, and those are only once effury couple of months, so that cash doesn't go far.

I even tried hitting Parsley up fur another loan, but his reply was, "Amber, if I remember correctly mew already owe me in excess of £1,000 fur past loans."

"Really?" I questioned. "I'm sure mew've got it wrong it can't pawsibly be that much."

He promptly produced a spreadsheet and showed me effury single loan in black and white - OOPS.

"Ahhhhhh," I said with a gulp, then added. "But think of it like this, mew're helping set up an incredible library fur the future generations of Mewton-Clawson, doesn't that make mew feel good?"

I can't repeat what Parsley said verbatim as this is a family-friendly blog and I wouldn't want to ruin our epic rating.

The long and short of it is, I'll have to share my space to be able to keep buying my books; the sacrifices I have to make are incredible!

And now I think it's time to share this weeks book.
Amber's Actual Library Feline Fiction on Friday's with Amber @BionicBasil™

This week I'm sharing

**Silent Bud Deadly**

English Cottage Garden Mysteries ~ Book 2


HY Hanna

Here's A Small Snippet of the Book Blurb:

Poppy never imagined she’d move to the English countryside and fall in love with a smug, demanding, ginger-haired male. Of course, that was before she discovered that she’d inherited a cottage garden nursery and before she met a certain talkative orange cat. Now she’s embracing a new life filled with rambling roses, fragrant herbs, warm summer days… and weeds (lots of weeds), as she attempts to restore the neglected cottage garden to its former glory.


As mew can see I couldn't wait to share book two in the English Cottage Garden Mysteries with mew, if mew missed book one's review last week, click here.

Book two didn't disappoint at all; the main characters are evolving nicely, Orin the cat is getting more vocal and the plot twists keep on coming.

Another murder has occurred and things are getting really interesting; blackmail, poison and wrongful arrests; Can Poppy weed out the right suspect? Well, mew'll have to read it to find out, as mew know I don't do spoilers! MOL

A great read from HY Hanna and I've just got book 3; Doom and Bloom in the last couple of days, so I'll be sharing my thoughts on that in the next few weeks.

If you're looking fur a new cozy mystery series, this definitely could be the one fur mew! 

*    *    *
Audio: 6 hours 56 mins
Print Length: 302 pages
Publisher: Wisheart Press (10 March 2019)

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

Silent Bud Deadly

Offurall Enjoyment

I do hope mew enjoy this series if mew decide to give it a try... 

...and if mew've read it already, what did mew think?

*    *    *

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew. And don't furget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page

Happy reading or listening until next time

Soft purrs

Amber xox

@BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

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Friday 20 September 2019

Feline Fiction on Fridays #103 at Amber's Library featuring **Deadhead and Buried** by HY Hanna

Welcome To

Feline Fiction on Friday's with Amber @BionicBasil™

With Amber ~ The Best Library Kitty in the entire Mewton~Clawson Parish

amber bibliokitty Feline Fiction on Friday's with Amber @BionicBasil™

Supurr salutations pawesome furriends

*waves paw*

Hello gorgeous library guests and welcome to my private library

Amber's Book Reviews @BionicBasil®

Don't mew find it really annoying when someone goes and messes up your purrsonal space? 

This week I've been reorganizing things in the library as the P.A. has been making a big mess in there, so I finally put my paw down and said, "NO MORE, MEW'RE BANNED TOO!"

As mew can imagine this didn't go down too well, but I stuck firm and took the keys, so no one has access but me, just the way I like it.

Now all I can hear when I'm in there is the rustling of pages when I'm reading and the only mess, is the book stack I'm wurking my way through!  MOL

And now I think it's time to share this weeks book.
Amber's Actual Library Feline Fiction on Friday's with Amber @BionicBasil™

This week I'm sharing

**Deadhead and Buried** 

English Cottage Garden Mysteries ~ Book 1


HY Hanna

Here's A Small Snippet of the Book Blurb: 

City girl Poppy desperately wants to pay off her debts, quit her dead-end job, find her father... oh, and keep a plant alive. But she knows that these are just hopeless dreams--until the day a letter arrives. Suddenly, Poppy is on a train heading deep into the English countryside to claim a mysterious inheritance. 


Well, it goes without saying that I'm a big fan of HY Hanna's cozy mysteries, mew can find all my previous reviews here.  

Mew could have literally knocked me offur with a feather tickler, dipped me in treacle and rolled in catnip and I couldn't have been any more surprised to discover this brand new series earlier in the summer.

So what did I think to Deadhead and Buried? As with all HY Hanna's novels this is fun, easy to read and enjoyable.  Purrfect fur a rainy Sunday afternoon snuggled on the sofa in front of the fire, or a warm sunny day in the garden. 

HY Hanna has purrfected the cozy mystery formula, and I hope she continues to publish many, many more. 

If mew're looking fur a new cozy mystery series, try this I think mew'll enjoy it just as much as I did. 

*    *    *
Audio: 7 hours 2 mins
Print Length: 315 pages
Publisher: Wisheart Press (16 Feb. 2019)

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

Deadhead and Buried

Offurall Enjoyment

I do hope mew enjoy this series if mew decide to give it a try... 

...and if mew've read it already, what did mew think?

*    *    *

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew. And don't furget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page

Happy reading or listening until next time

Soft purrs

Amber xox

@BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

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Friday 3 May 2019

Feline Fiction on Fridays #99 at Amber's Library featuring **Witch Chocolate Fudge** by H Y Hanna

Welcome To

Feline Fiction on Friday's with Amber @BionicBasil®

With Amber ~ The Best Library Kitty in the entire Mewton~Clawson Parish

amber bibliokitty Feline Fiction on Friday's with Amber @BionicBasil™

Supurr salutations pawesome furriends

*waves paw*

Hello gorgeous library guests and welcome to my private library

Welcome to my second last review before I spend my summer vay-cay reclining on the sun lounger by the fountain in the garden with a ginormous pile of books to read, and being waited by young Melvyn!  Oh and young Melvyn doesn't know that's his summer job yet, his job title is: Amber's Purrsonal Assistant or A.P.A.! MOL

Amber Reclining ©BionicBasil®Feline Fiction on Fridays #99

In other news...

It's a Bank Holiday this weekend in the U.K. so if mew're in London on Caturday or Sunday there's a fab Cat Expo happening at Tobacco Dock with London Cats Pr. and Bob the Street Cat is attending too, he's doing a little book signing. 

Also, our fab pals from Scrumbles Pet Foods are going to be there, so go say hi if mew get chance, as mew may remember that we reviewed their fab food last year and thought it was marvellous, in fact the best thing since chopped catnip! MOL

And finally, don't furget to join me next Friday fur my 100th review and Give Away, though now I think it's time to share this weeks book.
Amber's Actual Library Feline Fiction on Friday's with Amber @BionicBasil™

This week I'm sharing

Witch Chocolate Fudge by HY Hanna - Amber's Purrsonal Copy @BionicBasil® Feline Fiction on Fridays
Image ~ Amber's Purrsonal Copy

Witch Chocolate Fudge


H Y Hanna 

Here's a small snippet of the book blurb:

Since arriving in the tiny English village of Tillyhenge, Caitlyn is discovering that there are lots of perks to being a witch 

But when the nasty housekeeper at Huntingdon Manor is murdered and Caitlyn becomes the main suspect, she finds herself surrounded by suspicious villagers. With the help of her sassy American cousin and a mischievous black kitten - not to mention the old village witch and her shop of enchanted chocolates - Caitlyn sets out to clear her name.

Mew may remember last week that I reviewed book one in this series, well I enjoyed it so much that I had to get book two instantly.

This second instalment in the Bewitched By Chocolate series, as I suspected was fun and fabulous. The regular characters develop further and the newer characters add that bit of flavour to keep things interesting when another murder occurs. 

And great news in this book, the kitten gets a name, but obviously I'm not going to tell mew, but it is rather cute! MOL

So if mew want to know what the kitten is called mew're going to have to read it, but I highly recommend it anyway, so what have mew got to lose!

H Y Hanna does write exceedingly good cozy mystery books.

*    *    *
6 hours 12 mins Audio Book
424 pages ~ Paperback

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

Offurall Enjoyment

I do hope mew enjoy this series if mew decide to give it a try... 

...and if mew've read it already, what did mew think?

*    *    *

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew. And don't furget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page

Happy reading or listening until next time

Soft purrs

Amber xox

Follow Amber @BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

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Friday 26 April 2019

Feline Fiction on Fridays #98 at Amber's Library featuring **Dark, Witch & Creamy** by H Y Hanna

Welcome To

Feline Fiction on Friday's with Amber @BionicBasil™

With Amber ~ The Best Library Kitty in the entire Mewton~Clawson Parish

amber bibliokitty Feline Fiction on Friday's with Amber @BionicBasil™

Supurr salutations pawesome furriends

*waves paw*

Hello gorgeous library guests and welcome to my private library on this sunny morning, afturnoon or evening depending on where mew are in the wurld.

So only two more reviews before I'm done fur the summer, as mew probably read last week that we're changing our programming schedule early this year.

We were going to start our new Friday feature on the 3rd May - next week, but then I noticed that I was at review No: 98 and so I said to the P.A. "I think I should really finish this season on my 100th review, what say mew old gal?"

The P.A. looked at me and replied. "Hmmm, you do have a valid point Amber and we could do a little give away with that signed copy of Bob The Street Cats book on your 100th review, that you've been quietly sitting on all these months!"

I gave her a rather sheepish look and said as brightly as I could. "Oh what a fabulous idea, why didn't I think of that!"  I did mutter some unmentionables under my breath and I gave the P.A. my most sincerest smile as I'd completely furgotten all about it - OOPS!
Amber - Oh Fluff I'd Completely Furgotten About That ©BionicBasil®Feline Fiction on Fridays
So my gorgeous furriends, the week aftur next, I'll be giving mew the chance to get your paws on a signed copy of Bob's book, so don't furget to stop by.

And now I think it's time to share this weeks book.
Amber's Actual Library Feline Fiction on Friday's with Amber @BionicBasil™

This week I'm sharing

Dark, Witch & Creamy by HY Hanna - Amber's Purrsonal Copy ©BionicBasil®Feline Fiction on Fridays
Image ~ Amber's Purrsonal Copy

Dark, Witch & Creamy 


H Y Hanna 

Here's a small snippet of the book blurb:

A cozy mystery with the perfect blend of magic and mayhem. Caitlyn's world changes when she learns that she was found as an abandoned baby and adopted by her American family. Now, her search for answers takes her to the tiny English village of Tillyhenge where a man has been murdered by witchcraft - and where a mysterious shop selling enchanted chocolates is home to the local witch...

Now mew may remember I've reviewed five of H Y Hanna's previous series; Oxford Tea Room Mysteries [mew can find all the reviews on my Book Review page & I've still got four to go], so when I saw this pop up in my Audible news feed the other day I just had to have it.

As mew know I don't do spoilers, so I'm not going to be giving anything much away apart from, yes there is a cat, plus a dog too. 

I think H Y Hanna writes really fun books, nothing too complicated with just the right ingredients fur a delightful afternoon read.  Plus as mew know I love a long series, and so far this one has five, so I still have four more to get my paws on and review just fur mew! MOL 


Dark, Witch & Creamy ~ Book 1
Witch Chocolate Fudge ~ Book 2
Witch Summer Night's Cream ~ Book 3
Blood, Sweets and Tears ~ Book 4 
Bonbons and Broomsticks ~ Book 5

I think this is a pawesome debut book fur the Bewitched By Chocolate series and I think anyone loving their cozy mysteries will really enjoy it!

*    *    *
6 hours 37 mins Audio Book
290 pages ~ Paperback

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

Dark, Witch & Creamy

Offurall Enjoyment

I do hope mew enjoy this series if mew decide to give it a try... 

...and if mew've read it already, what did mew think?

*    *    *

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew. And don't furget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page

Happy reading or listening until next time

Soft purrs

Amber xox

Follow Amber @BionicBasil on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

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