Showing posts with label The The Pet Parade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The The Pet Parade. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 August 2019

The Sewing Machine Broke, Smooch's Tough Design Choices and The Cat From Quality Control - Says YES! on The Pet Parade 315 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

The Pet Parade Summer Banner

Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

What a week; we were making a few more snuggle mats and the sewing making started to smoke, so we had to take evasive action, get the fire extinguisher and put it out and the P.A. too who was using it at the time.  No she wasn't smoking it was just unfortunate fur her! MOL MOL [she wasn't impressed, though we think she should be grateful fur our swift thinking and action].

So anyhoo the machine is broken, we have to take it to see if it can be repaired this week, but the good news is, we have another one so the snuggle mat production line didn't get interrupted - WOOO HOOOO!

Smooch's Tough Design Choices

As chief designer this week at BBHQ, Smooch has had some really tough design choices to make, such as;  what colour pom pom trim to use on the snuggle mats, what size pom pom trim to use on the snuggle mats and what fabric to make the snuggle mats from - woah too much pressure fur sure!

Smooch's Tough Design Choices on The Pet Parade @BionicBasil®

At this point Smooch was a rock in a hard place and didn't know if he wanted to use the mustard yellow pom pom trim or the purple, like we used fur HRH Erin's mat. Choices, choices.... aftur an awful lot of deliberation he chose the purple.

**Meanwhile in another part of BBHQ**

The Cat from Quality Control - Says YES!

Melvyn is supurr focused when he's wearing his Quality Control Officers hat; just look at that intense concentration, nothing will distract him from his job - well a pile of primo catnip would but apart from that he's incredibly dedicated to the task at paw.

Melvyn Quality Testing on The Pet Parade @BionicBasil® QCO BBHQ

He likes to test things such as:-  mat comfort and size, overall springiness, fabric quality, fabric softness/smoothness/type, pom poms etc... its a furry involved job but it is rather rewarding especially when mew get pawesome feedback from extremely catisfied customers.

"Smooch, this one is a pass!" Melvyn shouted before he added it to the growing pile... see below.

 Snuggle Mats on The Pet Parade @BionicBasil®

These are the ones we've made this week.

If mew missed anything offur the last week, here's the latest posts fur your purrusal:
Completely Random Link #2

Completely Random Link #3

We'll be back on Friday with another Fluffer post, so we do hope mew can join us then and don't furget to hop along on the Pet Parade below.

Bestest purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox
The NEW Pet Parade Banner 2019

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Wednesday 21 August 2019

Smooch Gets A Surprise, It's Got Pom Poms On It, and MAGIC PAWSOME MOMENTS PHOTO CONTEST on The Pet Parade 314 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

The Pet Parade Summer Banner

Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

This week, Smooch got a lovely surprise; mew remember a few weeks ago when we shared the Crafting For Your Shelters posts? Of course mew do, and mew remember the snuggle mat? Of course mew do, and mew remember that Melvyn purretty much took possession of said snuggle mat and kept hoofing Smooch off it? OF COURSE MEW DO, well nothings changed, Smooch is still getting hoofed off it!

But the good news is...

 The P.A. finally got around to making some more snuggle mats and this is the one she made especially for Smooch, and Melvyn couldn't actually believe that Smooch's had POM POMS on it! MOL
Though Melvyn did say, "Smooch dude although I really love those pom poms, I love my pink mat more!"
Smooch's New Snuggle Mat on The Pet Parade @BionicBasil®

Purrfect Harmony

Happy Cats on Snuggle Mats on The Pet Parade @BionicBasil® Smooch and Melvyn
Ahhhhh can mew hear that?  That's the sound of pure bliss! MOL

And finally, our pal Sir Snowy is trying to raise funds for their kitty rescue shelter in Italy, so if you have a cute picture you'd like to enter, check out the details below... here's all the info direct from Sir Snowy:-


 Sir Snowy and Sir Snowy Projects are excited to announce our first contest for Puppies & Dogs and Kittens & Cats    
Has your fur baby ever created a Magic Pawsome Moment that made you sigh and say Awww or laugh 'til your sides hurt?

Proudly sharing your favorite magic moment makes others Awww and laugh ‘till their sides hurt.  Helping Sir Snowy raise money and awareness, ensures the future of Sir Snowy Projects continuing work with abused, abandoned, disabled, elderly and neglected pets, helping them get a second chance at love and a forever home!

Entry Fee: $10 (non-refundable) for every entry, including two free votes. Multiple entries encouraged.

Each vote is $1. Every dollar makes a difference in the lives of the our fur babies!

CONTEST STARTS: 23 August at 12am CET & ends 30 September at 12 am CET

Once you submit your entry, you can share it with your family and friends and encourage them to vote..Vote..VOTE!

Entry Dates 8/22/2019 at 12:00:00 AM - 9/30/2019 at 11:59:59 PM Central European Time

Voting Dates 8/23/2019 at 12:00:00 AM - 9/30/2019 at 11:59:59 PM Central European Time

Any Questions contact  ATTN: Sir Snowy PAWSOME MOMENTS


Winners determined by the number of votes received, there are 3 prizes for the top 3 photos a special award for the Top Kitty and Puppy (12 months & under) and a Judges Choice Award

All winners will be featured in Sir Snowy’s 2020 calendar!!!

1st Prize:
16 ×20 inches Gallery Wrapped Original Canvas painting with Certificate of Authenticity from your photo (retail value $500)

2nd Prize:
$100 Amazon Gift Card for your fur baby

3rd Prize:
$75 Amazon Gift Card for your fur baby

Top Puppy Vote (12 months and under): $50 Amazon Gift Card for your fur baby
Top Kitten Vote (12 months and under): $50 Amazon Gift Card for your fur baby

The Koolest Kat or Dog, big or small will be selected by our special panel of judges.
The winner will be awarded with an official honorary Kool Kat membership Certificate, suitable for framing, and a $50 Amazon Gift Card for your fur baby

Judges: Sir Snowy, the Kool Kats & staff 

Special guest judge: International singer & artist: Judy Pollak


**BionicBasil® is not affiliated, partnered or associated with Sir Snowy's Cat Rescue in any way, and we've have received NO remuneration or compensation for sharing this competition and its details**

We'll be back tomorrow with a surprise post, and again on Friday with another Fluffer post, so we do hope mew can join us then and don't furget to hop along on the Pet Parade below.

Bestest purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox
The NEW Pet Parade Banner 2019

Go visit our pawesome host
 & Co Host

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Follow The B Team @BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

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Wednesday 3 April 2019

No Right Click, Bow Tie Wars & Spring Watch with Pandora on The Pet Parade 294 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

On last weeks Pet Parade mew may remember that we said we'd put a code on the blog to disable right clicking as our content is being repeatedly stolen.  We knew that this may create a few issues with mew, our pawesome readers, and one issue is mew can't copy and paste into the link-up box to join in the Pet Parade - whilst we understand that this is an inconvenience to mew guys and we do apologise most sincerely, though if mew need to copy and paste your links rather than type them, Melissa's blog - Barking from the Bayou still has the right click functionality as I've just checked, so mew can pop there to join in, and I just checked Marjorie's blog - Dash Kitten and she has also disabled right clicking there too due repeated content theft.  Jeez, having a blog these days is getting such hard wurk and so complicated!

Anyhoo, in other news Bow Tie Wars are still apaw with Fudge still hogging this purrticular one, even though the P.A. has made a couple more since...

Fudge in Sauce's Bow Tie @BionicBasil® The Pet Parade

He's such a little tease! MOL

Collar Couture Bow Ties @BionicBasil® The Pet Parade

Actually nopurrdy has got their mittens on the middle bow tie yet, so we'll have to see who gets it as Smooch got the top one as seen on last weeks Pet Parade [link above]. We're expecting a showing on next weeks Colouring with Cats, so stay tuned fur that, and who do mew think will get to model it? MOL

Finally today Miss Pandora has been out and about in the garden on Spring Watch and it's a good job she has.

Miss Pandora enjoying spring watch @BionicBasil® The Pet Parade

Just a few days ago the P.A. went to fill up one of the watering cans where Pandora was sitting and found the spout was blocked, it turned out that a frog had got himself stuck in the spout, aftur some wrangling and the spout being removed we got the little froggy out and put him in the pond, he was mightily relieved and sat on the rocks in the shallow part for an hour or so - we kept checking on him, just to make sure he was ok.

And also last week while the P.A. and dad we're out walking, they go later at night, they saved two other froggy's that were in the middle of road, luckily they saw them in the dark as some complete idiots came down the narrow little lane a couple of minutes later like they were on a race track - seriously what the fluff is wrong with peeps driving like that on single track, pitch black country lanes??? So the good news news is the two froggy's got saved, and the bad news those stupid peeps are still driving like morons.

I'll be here tomorrow with my regular Brain Training with Cats so do stop by to join me if mew get chance, and lets keep your little grey cells in tip-top condition! 

Until then...

Bestest purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

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Follow The B Team @BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

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Wednesday 22 August 2018

Take Your Cat To The Vet Day on The Pet Parade #262 with Dash Kitten, Us & Barking from The Bayou

Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to WOW on The Pet Parade! 

Today is Take Your Cat To The Vet Day, so let's talk about that fur a moment.  

As mew know maintaining good health and longevity is supurr impawtant and even though us cats can seem healthy on the outside, mew neffur know what might be happening on the inside, and therefore going fur a regular check-up at the vets is always an epic idea. 

So by having regular check-ups and yearly blood tests done even if nothing seems amiss, mew're more likely to catch things supurr early-on and then address things accordingly if needs be.

Now we know that sometimes, as with hoomans, symptoms or issues may pop up in-between yearly visits, so it's a great idea to get in the habit of monitoring things on a regular basis. Fur instance, the P.A. will often follow us to the litter box to make sure all is well in that area and as we're a multi-cat household litter box stalking is the only way to do this check.

She also spends time daily brushing us and we each get a mega pat session too, so while being pampurred which we love, she is also checking fur fleas, ticks, lumps, bumps, scrapes and scratches, making sure our eyes are clean, bright and clear, our ears are clean and our fur is supurr healthy and shiny etc... 

If mew're new to pet companionship, we would recommend that mew register with your local veterinary centre as soon as pawsible, as accidents can happen and when mew least expect it.

The P.A. has in the past had take kitties and K9's to the vet out of hours, so by registering with a practice, if something - cod forbid - does occur, fur instance in the middle of the night, mew already have a number to call to get the help mew need, and quickly.

Always Be Purrpared

Well that's us done fur the day, we'll see mew on the morrow with another 8 Things About... and guess who's featured this week? 

And now let's HOP on! MOL

Go visit our pawesome hosts
to see this weeks 

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