Showing posts with label The Silence of The Library. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Silence of The Library. Show all posts

Friday 22 April 2022

**REVIEW 200** Love To Read? Book Reviews with Amber at The Mewton-Clawson Library featuring **The Silence of The Library** by Miranda James PLUS Friendly Fill-Ins

Book Reviews with Amber at The Mewton-Clawson Library ©BionicBasil®

Hello gorgeous library guests 


Welcome to the Mewton-Clawson Library at BBHQ 

Thank mew for joining me in the stacks today, and guess what?

It's a bit of a milestone for me today. This is my 200th Review!

I can't believe it either. Do I get a certificate, a medal, a cup, an OBE/MBE for Cats or something to acknowledge my epically epicness and service to the book world?

And do correct me if I'm wrong, and I probably am, but I don't know of any other library kitty to have achieved that milestone. So I'm feeling pretty pumped for a crotchety old kitty today. 

In fact, I was so pumped and I know mew're not going to believe this without this photographic evidence, see below. I actually let Fudge get on the same sofa as me, and I SMILED! 

Book Reviews with Amber #200 ©BionicBasil® Amber Actually Smiles As She Shares The Sofa with Fudge

Just look at that colossal SMILE - wow, even I'm shocked and can't actually believe it.

It was quite a fleeting moment, but luckily the P.A. captured it for the world to see, that I'm not always grumpy, crotchety and bad-tempered.

Part of The Mewton-Clawson Library ©BionicBasil®
Amber's Book Review Library Mice Divider ©BionicBasil®
Today the P.A. is also joining in Friday Fill-ins Blog Hop with the pawesome 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs.
1. A book or movie I recently read ( or saw) that I recommend is ____________________.
2. I prefer to shop _______________,
3. I have a lot of trust in _________.
4. I have very little trust in _________

The P.A.'s answers are...

1. A book or movie I recently read ( or saw) that I recommend is; please see Amber's recommendation for today! LOL

2. I used to prefer to shop in person, but times have changed. Sadly, many shops have fallen by the wayside and gone, so online it is.

3. I have a lot of trust in myself and my husband.

4. I have very little trust in the government and the people in charge of our world.

Amber's Book Review Pink Dot Divider ©BionicBasil®

Let's see what I've got to show mew this time!

Amber's Book Review Divider ©BionicBasil®

This week's top book pick is...

Amber's Book Reviews #200 What Are We Reading This Week ©BionicBasil® The Silence of The Library
Mewton-Clawson Library Copy

The Silence of The Library

Cat in the Stacks Mystery Book 5


Miranda James

       Here's a little snippet of the book blurb:      

It’s National Library Week, and the Athena Public Library is planning an exhibit to honor the centenary of famous novelist Electra Barnes Cartwright—creator of the beloved Veronica Thane series.

Charlie has a soft spot for Cartwright’s girl detective stories (not to mention an extensive collection of her books!). When the author agrees to make a rare public appearance, the news of her whereabouts goes viral overnight, and series devotees and book collectors converge on Athena.

Amber's Book Review Mice Divider ©BionicBasil®

I'm MOL-ing really loud right now as when I reviewed book four in this series last year, I realised I hadn't reviewed book three and said that I would do it in a couple of weeks. Well, that was about 57 weeks ago now - OOPS! 

Anyhoo, I've written it on my planner for review #203, so there'll be no missing it this time, and I've told Melvyn to remind me as well, as a bit of a fail-safe!

As with all Miranda James novels, this one doesn't disappoint. The author has got the cozy mystery writing recipe just right, and the main characters grow and develop with each new book as the ancillary cast joins in for the one performance. And that's not devaluing the supplementary cast members; I'm just noting that they are mainly fleeting, and most don't reappear in future books.

Anyhoo, there are many suspects in this story, with lots of avenues to travel down, red herrings to reveal before the true suspect is finally exposed.

A really top paw read or listen if mew love your cozy mystery's like me!

Here are the previous reviews for this series:

Murder Past Due ~ Book One - Reviewed by Humphrey

File M for Murder ~ Book Three

Out of Circulation ~ Book Four

Audio: 7 hours 57 mins
Print length: 322 pages

Amber's Book Review Library Mice Divider ©BionicBasil®
My Ratings Scale

Amber's Book Review Paw Ratings Scale Pink ©BionicBasil®

Amber's Book Review Pink Dot Divider ©BionicBasil®

Ratings of:

The Silence of The Library

Overall Enjoyment

Amber's Book Reviews 5 Paw Rating ©BionicBasil®

Amber's Book Review Divider ©BionicBasil®

Other Fun Blog Hops to Join in Today

         Catblogosphere        Feline Friday        Nature Friday        Flashback Friday     Friendship Friday       

Amber's Book Review Pink Dot Divider ©BionicBasil®

I really hope mew enjoy the book as much as I did if mew decide to read it.

It's time for me to say BFN or bye-for-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just for mew, and don't forget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page.

Until next time...

Keep calm and read more books


Amber's Book Reviews Pink Review ©BionicBasil®

Amber's Book Review Pink Dot Divider ©BionicBasil®

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Amber's Book Review Pink Dot Divider ©BionicBasil®
 graphics created with paid licence