Showing posts with label Top 10 Best Halloween Books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Top 10 Best Halloween Books. Show all posts

Friday 26 October 2018

Feline Fiction on Fridays #77 at Amber's Library featuring my **Top 10 Feline Halloween Books**

Welcome To

With Amber ~ The Best Library Kitty in the entire Mewton~Clawson Parish

Supurr spooky salutations pawesome furriends

*waves paw and broomsitck*

The Witching Hour is almost upon us! 


Now I've got the obligatory cackling out of the way, let's talk books...

I've been searching fur the ultimate kitty Halloween novel fur ages and ended up compiling a modestly small list at Amazon; so I thought rather than just share one Halloween book, I'd share a list of all the one's I have paw-marked fur my library.  But before we dive into my Top 10 Feline Halloween Books, I thought mew all needed to see me in my uber cute orange costume; I make a purrfect familiar fur The P.A. MOL MOL [But don't tell her I called her a witch! MOL MOL] 
Quickly before we dive into book-wurld, I'll just mention that our joint Birthday Pawty is still raging in the bunker if mew want to stop by and have some cake, a drink or two and enter our fab Birthday Give-Away. We have a few pawty stragglers left in the forest but Deezul is doing his rounds and will herd them them up in no time!  I did warn them not to drink Smooch's Mind Bender Nip Cocktail; see what happened here on New Years Eve when we had some, and I've just had new intel that since then Smooch has tweaked the formula! EEEK! OOPS! MOL!

Now I think it's time to share my top reads fur Halloween 2018

**Top 10 Feline Halloween Books** 

Sorry we had to remove the links

Have mew read any of them? And if mew have, tell me all!!!

Just before I go and get snuggled in front of the woodburner fur the foreseeable future; many apologies from all The B Team that there wasn't Clockwurk Labyrinth Chapter this week, the Catnip Pumpkins and Spooky Haunted House Crafting with Cats project took precedence, but neffur fear we will begin the epically exciting conclusion next week!

And finally, Fudge will be here in the morning sharing our special Halloween Edition of Crafting with Cats.

*    *    *

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew. And don't furget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page, plus if mew'd like an exclusive Library Card fur speshal access to my library, just email me at:

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

Happy reading or listening until next time

Bestest witchy purrs

Amber xox

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