Showing posts with label catnip crop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label catnip crop. Show all posts

Friday 29 July 2016

The Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 154 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Love is Being Owned By A Husky & Barking from the Bayou

Welcome To
The Pet Parade

Happy Friday wunderpurr furriends

Welcome to another fabulous Pet Parade!

We are absolutely delighted today, let me explain further; we've had no rain, well about 3 or 4 drops in the last 3 weeks which evapourated on contact with the ground, so the other evening I said, "Action is required mew guys and I have a cunning plan!"

Amber stared at me wide eyed. "What's that?"

"We are going to do a rain dance!" I declared with a big grin.

"A what dance?" Humphrey asked.

"A rain dance," I repeated. "We are going to get dressed up and purrform an ancient ritual as purracticed by the American Indians."

"Mew can't be serious?" said Snowie.

"Oh I'm furry serious!" I answered and pointed to several bags of feathers on the table in the craft room.

The next few hours were a frenzy of snipping, clipping and gluing.  Admittedly the craft room looked like the Angry Office Gnome had escaped [FYI he hadn't], mess aside this was our epic result, and we even managed to snag an Arizona backdrop fur even more authenticity and to get a better connection to the spiritual energies.

We take our ritualing furry seriously and even stole the P.A.'s drums, sage sticks and whateffur else we needed from her crystal room - but don't tell her! MOL

Smooch and Snowy were on the drums getting that thrumming rhythm going, Parsley had the white sage burning and Amber was chief wafter of said sage smoke.  Humphrey, well let's just say he got his mittens on the nip pipe and that was that until he keeled offur in the nearest bush! MOL  Posie and I did the whooping and dancing.

All in all it was a most enjoyable affair and lo, let me say that again... and lo it rained!

Coincidence most likely, but we like to think we had a little paw in said precipitation! MOL

If mew missed anything this week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal

We'll be back tomorrow with Part II of Catnip Capers on The Caturday ComicStrip and again with our usual Selfie Selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then.

Wishing mew all a purrfect weekend

Bestest purrs & hugs

Basil & Co xox

[Arizona Desert Background Images used under license from]

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Graphics created used under paid licence and 
Glitter Graphics 
Arizona background used under licence from

Friday 22 July 2016

The Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 153 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Love is Being Owned By A Husky & Barking from the Bayou

Welcome To
The Pet Parade

Pawesome greetings pals

Welcome to another Friday on the blog and the Pet Parade.

Last week we mentioned that we were going to crop the catmint and it did actually happen!  But before we get to that, Summer at Sparkle Cat already beat us to it [Great minds think alike! MOL]  Summer cropped hers last Caturday, and we have a question or two fur her:-

Summer how's the nip drying where mew are?


How much potency do mew think will be lost in the drying process?

As we've neffur done this before, we're curious to learn more :)

*     *     *

Here's a brief montage of our amazing furst time cropping skillz

It was all paws on deck as the call went out around the garden:

'The catnip cropping session is about to begin!'

The merchandise was taste tasted before selection, so we got the juiciest most potent stems.  As mew can see it all became a little too much fur Smoochie [lightweight! MOL] and he passed out due the intense aromas that burst forth as the snipping began.

Aftur we had several bunches, we deftly tied them up with some furry fetching green string, this in itself was great fun as mew know there's no better combo than nip and string!

A while later, we have no idea how much time did pass between the stringing and hanging but we then hung the bunches under the carport, which has a nice free flow of air and is quite dark so hopefully it will dry slowly and the aroma intensity will remain purretty potent - well we're hoping it will.  We'll have let mew know about that later though aftur the chopping process.

We still have a lot more to crop and the six new plants are coming along lovely which is a good thing as we discovered an ants nest in one of the mill-wheels and that purrticular plant is looking a little bit sickly.  We've given it some diluted seaweed extract and paws crossed, are hoping fur it to revive, but if not we'll put a new one in later in the year when the ants go deeper into the ground.

All in all it was a most successful furst harvest with the next one happening tomorrow.

*   *   *
In other news Parsley has signed himself up to be part of:


So if mew're interested in pledging and purrticipating, drop by and send in your most beautiful pictures!

If mew missed anything this week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal

We'll be back with our usual Selfie Selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then.

Wishing mew all a purrfect weekend

Bestest purrs & hugs

Basil & Co xox

To see this weeks


just pop over to:

get the InLinkz code

Graphics created used under paid licence and

Glitter Graphics 

Friday 15 July 2016

The Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 152 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Love is Being Owned By A Husky & Barking from the Bayou

Welcome To
The Pet Parade

Friday greetings pawesome pals

Woo hoo the P.A. is finally back in Blighty aftur abandoning sorry leaving us with Nanny fur 5 weeks, so we're delighted about that, Smooch got so excited that pee'd himself, but don't tell anyone as he'd be really, really embarrassed! MOL 

 And as the P.A. is back, we asked her to check our catnip plants and guess what?  It's catnip cropping time, with all the rain the catmint has gone ballistic, so we're going fur cut numero uno tomorrow.  It's furry exciting times and we'll be taking some pictures to share with mew fur next week, so mew can see how much we have.

We must also apologize fur not posting Wordy on Wednesday with Amber [she is really miffed about this] and Thankful on Thursday with Pepsi, but the P.A. has been in another time zone dimension fur that long she was having much trouble migrating back onto Blighty time, and sadly she slept most of the week away even putting our catnapping sessions to shame! MOL

We will be visiting mew all next week to catch up on all your pawesome adventures and posts, as it's taken us all this week just to catch on all your lovely comments here :D so apologies fur not visiting mew this week :(

In other news our new adventure; Fast, Furry & Dangerous started on Tuesday, so if mew'd like to read the furst thrilling installment, mew can click on the link below.

Also mew remember my supurr furriend Sir Snowy from Twitter, who visited us in May - well he needs about 5 or 6 more kitty models to feature in his 2017 charity cat calendar.  It doesn't cost anything to be part of it, the only thing mew would need to do is supply a beautiful photo of yourself - easy peasy - and sign a release form - lemon squeezy - that's it. 

So if any of mew could find it your hearts to help, email me at

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

and we'll forward your details to Sir Snowy most promtly

If mew missed anything this week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal

We'll be back with our usual Selfie Selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then.

Wishing mew all a purrfect weekend

Bestest purrs & hugs

Basil & Co xox

To see this weeks


just pop over to:

get the InLinkz code

Graphics created used under paid licence and

Glitter Graphics