Welcome to BBHQ home of Basil and The B Team! We share Feline Enrichment tips, hacks and ideas, Cat Wellness, Adventure Stories for all ages, Book Reviews, Blog Hops, Crafting with Cats, Colouring with Cats, Pet Peeves, Product Reviews, Fashion with Felines, Brain Training with Cats and so much more. So drop by often to catch up on all the fun and remember; the world is way better with cats! Purrs from your hosts, Wing Commander Basil & The B Team
How are mew all on this fine Monday morning? We've really been getting our OM's on and Zen Harmonies happening this weekend.
Then Smooch saw Parsley... and a short while later, he saw Pandora.
He then by-passed Amber's gravelly location and head on to the lawn.
And that was our weekend, OMMing on and Smooch with his ever moving OM's! MOL
Anyhoo, we do hope mew've all have a totally pawesome weekend and that mew're ready fur the week ahead, so let's jump right in and start as always with our little breathing exercise, which we're sure mew all have down paw by now... but if mew've furgotten, stop what mew're doing fur a moment and take deep fulfilling breaths; counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale:
Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out
Don't mew feel better already? I know we do!
All the mandala's featured are created & designed by us, unless otherwise stated.
So without further ado here's this weeks mandala.
Just right click the image to save and print it...
And here's our finished version... a rather bright affair, so we think.
as we'd really, really love to see your finished mandalas. Don't furget mew can download our free Colouring with Cats ~ Books One & Two here, if mew haven't already done so:
So on that note we'll say bye fur now and hope to see mew later in the week. Until then Keep Calm and Colour OM! Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs Basil & Co xox
We do hope mew've been enjoying the long Easter weekend and are fantastically chilled and relaxed fur the week ahead. Our weekend was a bit of a wet one, with more wet to come and a little more wet to follow aftur that, yep we've now got flood warnings happening, whateffur next?
Therefore our weekend was spent mostly indoors, and to amews ourselves we asked Fudge to go on a furry impawtant training exercise: Catch The Rogue Flutterby and Interrogate it!
We think he passed with flying colours! MOL
Anyhoo, we do hope mew've all have a totally pawesome weekend and that mew're ready fur the week ahead, so let's jump right in and start as always with our little breathing exercise, which we're sure mew all have down paw by now... but if mew've furgotten, stop what mew're doing fur a moment and take deep fulfilling breaths; counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale:
Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out
Smooch is here again to offur mew assistance in getting your OM's on and ZenHarmonies happening, close your eyes and follow his instructions.
Don't mew feel better already? I know we do!
All the mandala's featured are created & designed by us, unless otherwise stated.
So without further ado here's this weeks Easter Egg mandala.
Just right click the image to save and print it...
And here's our finished version...
Coloured in a paint programme and then altered in the Prisma app; we think it turned quite well with that rather fetching water-colour vibe happening.
If mew'd like to share your peeps pawesome artwurk feel free to upload it to our Facebook page at:
as we'd really, really love to see your finished mandalas. Don't furget mew can download our free Colouring with Cats ~ Books One & Two here, if mew haven't already done so:
So on that note we'll say bye fur now and hope to see mew on Wednesday when Amber will be sharing one of her new Easter books! Until then Keep Calm and Colour OM! Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs Basil & Co xox
Oh wow what a weekend, we had no interwebs service since late Friday night, and as our phone only wurks with a cell-signal booster that is plugged into the router, we had 'No Service' until this morning, so the phone was as much use as a chocolate teapot as we couldn't even set up a ' wifi hotspot.' There was a 5-minute window yesterday morning when the interwebs came back online and we managed to insert the blog hop code into our Selfies post and then it was down again. As mew can imagine we are well behind on effurything, but as we say better late than neffur. So we really need to be getting our OM's on and Zen Harmonies happening right now! MOL
We had big plans to make our Easter Cativity Book and so many other things, but sadly we really don't think that we'll be able to pull it off now, ah well we'll just change it to a Summer Holiday Cativity Book instead! MOL
Anyhoo, we do hope mew've all have a totally pawesome weekend and that mew're ready fur the week ahead, so let's jump right in and start as always with our little breathing exercise, which we're sure mew all have down paw by now... but if mew've furgotten, stop what mew're doing fur a moment and take deep fulfilling breaths; counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale:
Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out Smooch is here again to offur mew assistance in getting your OM's on and ZenHarmonies happening, close your eyes and follow his instructions.
Don't mew feel better already? I know we do!
All the mandala's featured are created & designed by us, unless otherwise stated.
Here's this weeks mandala. It was a little rushed, but hey ho, it could have been a lot wurse! MOL
Just right-click the image to save and print it...
And here's our finished version...
Coloured in a paint programme, then altered in Prisma, as the paint fill was not uniform. Though we're really liking the watercolour effect, so not too bad all thing considered.
If mew'd like to share your peeps pawesome artwurk feel free to upload it to our Facebook page at:
as we'd really, really love to see your finished mandalas. Don't furget mew can download our free Colouring with Cats ~ Books One & Two here, if mew haven't already done so:
So on that note, we'll say bye fur now and hope to see mew on Wednesday when Amber is here with another book especially fur mew! Until then Keep Calm and Colour OM! Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs Basil & Co xox
Graphics created with paid licencewww.canva.com andwww.pizap.com
Well, guess what we had offur the weekend? The Beast From The East Part Deux!
Like seriously, we went from +12C to -6C in less than 12 hours and got covered in the white stuff again - brrrrrrr - I mean come mew weather gods, let Spring do its thing purrlease!
While I like a snow day as much as the next kitty, mew know it's getting a little boring now with all the cold, and me and The B Team are READY, like really READY fur some consistent warms, not these empty purromises of warms, and then they're not even really REAL warms either, just a half-baked attempt at a temporary warm. WE WANT WARMS, WHEN DO WE WANT THEM? NOW!
Mew know it's bad when Fudge starts complaining about uncontrollable FLOOF FRIZZ! Meanwhile I stayed here:
But soon wurd spread and I was no longer alone, and found myself having to pass on my uber warms via osmosis to Smooch, who then furry kindly passed them on once more to Pandora.
A WARMS TRAIN IN MOTION - get your thermal imagining out and mew'll see the heat transference! MOL
Anyhoo, we do hope mew've all have a totally pawesome weekend and that mew're ready fur the week ahead, so let's jump right in and start as always with our little breathing exercise, which we're sure mew all have down paw by now... but if mew've furgotten, stop what mew're doing fur a moment and take deep fulfilling breaths; counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale:
Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out
Breathe in
Breathe out
Smooch is here again to offur mew assistance in getting your OM's on and Zen Harmonies happening, close your eyes and follow his instructions.
Don't mew feel better already? I know we do!
All the mandala's featured are created & designed by us.
So without further ado here's this weeks mandala.
Just right click the image to save and print it...
And here's our finished version...
Coloured with felt tip pens.
If mew'd like to share your peeps pawesome artwurk feel free to upload it to our Facebook page at:
as we'd really, really love to see your finished mandalas. Don't furget mew can download our free Colouring with Cats ~ Books One & Two here, if mew haven't already done so:
So on that note we'll say bye fur now and hope to see mew on Wednesday when Amber is back with a sequel to a book she shared a few weeks ago. Until then Keep Calm and Colour OM! Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs Basil & Co xox