Showing posts with label tranquility. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tranquility. Show all posts

Monday 23 April 2018

Colouring with Cats #63 ~ Getting Your OM on with Mandalas on Mondays & Harmonious OMing Outdoors!

Supurr Monday greetings beautiful furriends

Welcome to the start of another beautiful week on the blog.

Furst of all...

Many congratulations to all the Blogpaws Nose to Nose winners, we bet last week was fabulously exciting fur mew all in Kansas City, sorry we didn't get this year, hopefully next year!   We haven't really seen anything as yet regarding BP as we haven't  been online all weekend, got to catch up on all the goss this week - if mew have any news do tell in the comments.


How was your weekend?  

Did anything exciting happening?

And most importantly did mew get any sun puddles?

It was lovely and warm with lots of sunshine on Caturday and a little cooler yesterday with more cloud, though still furry pleasant and that's where we ended up OMing, by the pond aftur a brief cloudburst.

Though Amber and Pandora were running a little late due to varying factors...

"I told the F.I. [Feline Institute] Ladies that I had to back early," grumbled Amber when she realized that the OMs had started without her.

"OOPS!" Pandora said in her funny, little foreign accent. "I knew I shouldn't 'av started to browse Mogue in the library... Am I too late to OM?"

And so it goes, OM on and just be happy! MOL

Anyhoo, we do hope mew've all have a totally pawesome weekend and that mew're ready fur the week ahead, so let's jump right in and start as always with our little breathing exercise, which we're sure mew all have down paw by now...  but if mew've furgotten, stop what mew're doing fur a moment and take deep fulfilling breaths; counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale:

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Smooch is here again to offur mew assistance in getting your OM's on and Zen Harmonies happening, so just press play, close your eyes and follow his instructions.

Don't mew feel better already?  I know we do!

All the mandala's featured are created & designed by us, unless otherwise stated.

So without further ado here's this weeks mandala.

Just right click the image to save and print it...

And here's our finished version... it started off with a pink centre and more vibrant greens, though we're really liking the swamp vibe with the water colour effect, we think it's got a fab vintage feel too it.

Coloured in on the iPad and then transformed in the Prisma app.

If mew'd like to share your peeps pawesome artwurk feel free to upload it to our Facebook page at:

Bionic Basil & The 'B' Team @Facebook

as we'd really, really love to see your finished mandalas.

Don't furget mew can download our free Colouring with Cats ~ Books One & Two here, if mew haven't already done so:

*    *    * 

So on that note we'll say bye fur now and hope to see mew on the morrow when we're here with a sponsored post!

Until then

Keep Calm and Colour OM!

Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs

Basil & Co xox

Graphics created with paid licence and

Monday 16 April 2018

Colouring with Cats #62 ~ Getting Your OM on with Mandalas on Mondays & Amber's Impromptu OMMing Pawty and Snorgle Central!

Supurr Monday greetings fabulous furriends

Wooo Hooo are mew feeling it? We are, we're buzzed and ready fur the off! MOL

But seriously Amber wants to know...

Ok here goes...

OM on guys! MOL

And mew may think that this photo is the same as last wednesdays photo, it's not, as Amber wanted to invite all those willing and wanting to belly snorgle to, GO AHEAD AND MAKE HER DAY! MOL #SnorgleCentral

Anyhoo, we do hope mew've all have a totally pawesome weekend and that mew're ready fur the week ahead, so let's jump right in and start as always with our little breathing exercise, which we're sure mew all have down paw by now...  but if mew've furgotten, stop what mew're doing fur a moment and take deep fulfilling breaths; counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale:

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Smooch is here again to offur mew assistance in getting your OM's on and Zen Harmonies happening, and this week he's really upped his relaxation game by adding a tranquil wind-chime soundtrack to his vid, so just press play, close your eyes and follow his instructions.

Don't mew feel better already?  I know we do!

All the mandala's featured are created & designed by us, unless otherwise stated.

So without further ado here's this weeks mandala.

Just right click the image to save and print it...

And here's our finished version... we think it's got a bit of a chakra vibe going on.

Coloured in on the iPad and then transformed in the Prisma app.

If mew'd like to share your peeps pawesome artwurk feel free to upload it to our Facebook page at:

Bionic Basil & The 'B' Team @Facebook

as we'd really, really love to see your finished mandalas.

Don't furget mew can download our free Colouring with Cats ~ Books One & Two here, if mew haven't already done so:

*    *    * 

So on that note we'll say bye fur now and hope to see mew on Wednesday when Amber is back with last weeks oops, this weeks top book pick!

Until then

Keep Calm and Colour OM!

Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs

Basil & Co xox

Graphics created with paid licence and
Audio in video used under paid licence

Monday 9 April 2018

Colouring with Cats #61 ~ Getting Your OM on with Mandalas on Mondays & The Ever Moving OM's

Supurr greetings beautiful furriends

How are mew all on this fine Monday morning?  We've really been getting our OM's on and Zen Harmonies happening this weekend.

Then Smooch saw Parsley... and a short while later, he saw Pandora.
He then by-passed Amber's gravelly location and head on to the lawn.
And that was our weekend, OMMing on and Smooch with his ever moving OM's! MOL

Anyhoo, we do hope mew've all have a totally pawesome weekend and that mew're ready fur the week ahead, so let's jump right in and start as always with our little breathing exercise, which we're sure mew all have down paw by now...  but if mew've furgotten, stop what mew're doing fur a moment and take deep fulfilling breaths; counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale:

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Don't mew feel better already?  I know we do!

All the mandala's featured are created & designed by us, unless otherwise stated.

So without further ado here's this weeks mandala.

Just right click the image to save and print it...

And here's our finished version... a rather bright affair, so we think.

Coloured with pantone pens - like felt-tips.

If mew'd like to share your peeps pawesome artwurk feel free to upload it to our Facebook page at:

Bionic Basil & The 'B' Team @Facebook

as we'd really, really love to see your finished mandalas.

Don't furget mew can download our free Colouring with Cats ~ Books One & Two here, if mew haven't already done so:

*    *    * 

So on that note we'll say bye fur now and hope to see mew later in the week.

Until then

Keep Calm and Colour OM!

Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs

Basil & Co xox

Graphics created with paid licence and

Monday 2 April 2018

Colouring with Cats #60 ~ Getting Your OM on with Mandalas on Mondays & Look at Fudge go!

Supurr Monday greetings beautiful furriends

We do hope mew've been enjoying the long Easter weekend and are fantastically chilled and relaxed fur the week ahead.

Our weekend was a bit of a wet one, with more wet to come and a little more wet to follow aftur that, yep we've now got flood warnings happening, whateffur next?

Therefore our weekend was spent mostly indoors, and to amews ourselves we asked Fudge to go on a furry impawtant training exercise: Catch The Rogue Flutterby and Interrogate it!

We think he passed with flying colours! MOL

Anyhoo, we do hope mew've all have a totally pawesome weekend and that mew're ready fur the week ahead, so let's jump right in and start as always with our little breathing exercise, which we're sure mew all have down paw by now...  but if mew've furgotten, stop what mew're doing fur a moment and take deep fulfilling breaths; counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale:

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Smooch is here again to offur mew assistance in getting your OM's on and Zen Harmonies happening, close your eyes and follow his instructions.

Don't mew feel better already?  I know we do!

All the mandala's featured are created & designed by us, unless otherwise stated.

So without further ado here's this weeks Easter Egg mandala.

Just right click the image to save and print it...

And here's our finished version...

Coloured in a paint programme and then altered in the Prisma app; we think it turned quite well with that rather fetching water-colour vibe happening.

If mew'd like to share your peeps pawesome artwurk feel free to upload it to our Facebook page at:

as we'd really, really love to see your finished mandalas.

Don't furget mew can download our free Colouring with Cats ~ Books One & Two here, if mew haven't already done so:

*    *    * 

So on that note we'll say bye fur now and hope to see mew on Wednesday when Amber will be sharing one of her new Easter books!

Until then

Keep Calm and Colour OM!

Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs

Basil & Co xox

Graphics created with paid licence and