Showing posts with label fabric face mask. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fabric face mask. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 May 2020

World Bee Day, Face Masks and The Delicate Art of Eating Grass on The Pet Parade 353 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

Spring Pet Parade Banner 2020
Spring Pet Parade Text Banner ©BionicBasil®

Pawesome Wednesday Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Our headline this week is today it's World Bee Day and mew know how much we love our buzzy little pals here, even when they swarmed and invaded the chimney a few years ago, yes that really happened!  

The P.A. used to keep a couple of hives until she found out she was allergic to bee venom, and her hives went to her brothers' farm and are now looked after by a local beekeeper who still brings her honey.  But she still has all her bee keeping equipment.

Bee's at BBHQ on Catnip and Echinacea ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 353

Anyhoo we love bees, and we make sure our garden is supurr bee-friendly by planting lots of delicious flowers, we don't ever use any chemicals either and we make sure there are always a few bee watering holes placed among the plants too.

Bee Watering Hole  ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 353

We use those small ceramic dessert dishes [like ramekins] that mew get from the supermarket with those really yummy chocolate puddings in, [and other flavours too] and fill them with glass pebbles before adding fresh water. The bees and other insects can then land on the pebbles and drink safely.

Do mew like bees?

In fact, one of our neighbours here in Mewton-Clawson is a beekeeper and he's collected 5 swarms in the last 3 weeks.  We actually saw one of them; well we heard it furst as a swarm is a noisy thing, it was heading fur another neighbours chimney and the P.A. rushed indoors to light our fire just in case they had designs on moving in again! MOL

Even when the weather is supurr scorchio we always burn something once a week in the woodburner so the smell of fresh smoke in the chimney deters any new scouter bees from wanting to establish a colony, as trust us the last thing mew effur want is one setting up home.

Spring Flower Divider ©BionicBasil®

In other news this week, a delivery of elastic finally arrived at BBHQ, it only took 3 weeks, the furst two orders offur 6 weeks ago failed miserably; one was cancelled by the seller and the 2nd went missing in transit.  Mew know elastic has become the new toilet paper in terms of supply, oh and let's not forget a bag of flour is rarer than unicorn dust right now!

But anyhoo we digress, what's so impawtant about elastic we hear mew ask? Well, gorgeous readers, we asked the P.A. to start making a few fabric face masks fur family and friends as we can't have her sitting idly twiddling her thumbs during this endless lockdown, so here are a few she's made already.

Fabric Face Masks ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 353

Fabric Face Masks ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 353

Purretty neat huh?

Now we know they aren't as effective as an N95 mask or the like, but our NHS front line workers need those sort more than we do, so this is the next best line of defence in our humble opinion. Any mask is better than no mask provided its put on and removed correctly.

Spring Flower Divider ©BionicBasil®

And finally this week, Amber is here to demonstrate the extremely delicate art of eating grass, we're now calling her CHOMPER! MOL MOL

Amber Demonstrates The Delicate Art of Eating Grass ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 353

Yes, we know we're going to have to pay in ways we can't even begin to imagine after sharing this rather unflattering photo of her ladyship, so we've decided as we're not going to escape Amber's wrath we may as well get our money's worth and immortalise it forever in a puzzle! MOL MOL #sorrynotsorry

Spring Tree Divider ©BionicBasil®

I won't be here tomorrow with a Brain Training post, but I'll be back next week with the answer to last weeks sudoku puzzle, and Amber will be here on Friday with another fab book just fur mew! 

Until then...


Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Spring Flower Divider ©BionicBasil®
The NEW Pet Parade Banner 2019
Spring Tree Divider ©BionicBasil®

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Spring Flower Divider ©BionicBasil®

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Spring Flower Divider ©BionicBasil®

Free Lockdown Activities

And don't furget while we're all on lockdown, we The B Team have got your six and can entertain mew fur weeks; there are oodles of colouring pages to download and not furgetting the colouring books too.  There's a page full of crafting projects to keep your mittens making stuff, and if books are your thing, check our Amber's Book Reviews fur your next pawesome read! 

There are some epically exciting adventure stories too, so read our thrilling tales episode by epic episode.

We've added some new Brain Training posts too, just to keep your little grey cells in tip-top condition. And we’ll be adding extra jigsaw puzzles to the puzzle page.

If mew want to see more of what's been happening at BBHQ since the lockdown began, check out our Instagram feed where mew can see our daily diary and exclusive videos that we don't put here on the blog.

Follow The B Team @BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Graphics created with paid licence