Monday 27 March 2017

Colouring with Cats #23 ~ Getting Your OM on with Mandalas on Mondays!

Supurr Monday greetings beautiful furriends

We hope mew've had a fabulously chilled weekend, ours has been fab, the new lawn is done and the suns been shining all its warmz on us.  So let's get mew feeling all nicely relaxed fur the next few days, but if mew're a little tense or stressed we can assist mew in getting your Zen Harmonies happening and that fuzzy feeling of zen-ness back.

 Let's begin with our little breathing exercise, we're sure mew know what to do but if mew've furgotten: purrlease take deep fulfilling breaths; counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale:

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Breathe in
Breathe out

Now, we don't know about mew but we love a bit of earthing, what is earthing we hear mew ask?  We know some of mew will have already heard of it, but fur those that don't know; earthing is going barefoot on grass and this helps our bodies in all kinds of ways. Our pawesome planet is full of natural energy as are all living things, so when we walk barefoot on grass or sand etc... [not man made things like roads or pavements] our bodies connect with the subtle energies within the earth and help restore vitality and ground our energies.
Do mew effur touch something and get a static shock?  The P.A. can touch light switches or certain things and there'll be a huge crack of sound and sometimes even a blue flash, so she goes outside barefoot on the lawn and grounds her energy, then it doesn't happen again fur a while.  

It also helps to remove excess positive electrons that build up in the body, which in the modern wurld is completely unavoidable due to a constant barrage of EMF's, wearing rubber soled shoes, never walking barefoot and being out of touch with the natural wurld.

So this week, if it's sunny where mew are, just go and stand on some grass fur a few minutes and see how mew feel, we can guarantee that mew'll feel so much better, go dump all the stress build up into the earth and breath deeply.

The P.A. even has an earthing mat fur during the winter months when she can't go barefoot outdoors, so if mew live in an apartment, or where it's difficult to get your cute tootsies on some lawn, get yourselves an earthing mat and enjoy the same benefits from your favourite snooze spot.  Me and The B team can often be found sitting on the earthing mat when it's out.

The P.A. has also noticed that Fudge has a lot of static as when she picks him up as they often share a little jolt of electricity, so she's putting him and his ginormous floof tail on it too when there's no outside time. 

Mew can see Smoochie below really getting his earthing happening, he loves it! MOL 

So this week get yourselves grounded and those zen harmonies happening.

*    *    *

All the mandala's featured are designed and created by us, unless otherwise stated.

So here's this weeks lovely mandala:

Just right-click the image to save and print it... 

This week Merlin's mum Alice, who has been our guest colourist and colouring the mandalas fur the last few weeks, did another amazing colour combo this week - Thank mew so much Alice, we really think today's mandala is just a wunderpurr colour explosion!!!

Coloured using gel pens we think! MOL

*    *    * 

If mew'd like to share your peeps pawesome artwurk feel free to post it on our Facebook page at:

Basil & The B Team @Facebook

as we'd really, really love to see your interpretation of today's mandala.

If mew'd look to be a guest-colourist fur us, we'd love mew too, just let us know either in the comments box or email us at:

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

And don't furget mew can download our free Colouring with Cats ~ Book One here:

*    *    *

So on that note we'll say bye fur now and see mew on Wednesday when Amber is here sharing this week's top book pick!

Until then

Keep Calm and Colour OM!

Bestest chilled and most soothing purrs

Basil & Co xox

(disclaimer; we are not health or medical practitioners, all earthing info is purely for entertainment purposes only.) 

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Graphics created with paid licence and


  1. My human is such an indoors person that would probably use an earthing mat all year round! And we live in a part of the world that has gorgeous weather 90% of the time!

    1. Hey Summer, oh wow, how lucky are mew living in such a warm climate year round, but if your peep doesn't go outside too often the earthing mat is a great idea1 XOX

  2. My momma is always barefoot. In fact, she says she had to get her momma to bring her shoes to high school because she'd accidentally leave them at home (she likes to drive barefoot too!)

    1. Hiya Lone Star Cats, oh the P.A. agrees with your momma, barefoot is the bestest! MOL XOX

  3. I'll bet the grass feels good on the toesies. That coloring sure is pretty. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop my friend!

    1. Hey Brian, it feels so great and thanks fur hosting the Thursday hop, we love it! XOX

  4. basil...ewe iz lookin good dood !!! troo lee....N smooch...pleez ta roll in sum oh that soil for us can ya.....thanx.....N thanx two for de tip frum de food gurl touchez a lite switch ore me.. tuna... N itz like KA ZOW ~~~~~~~~ lee awesum job on de mandala thiz week rockz ☺☺♥♥ happee monday guyz ~~~~

    1. Hey Tabbies, thanks so much dudes, I'm feeling so much better and Smooch will defo roll in that soil again just fur mew guys! MOL Oh there's nothing wurse than being zapped by static, it doesn't really happen to me, but Fudge and his tail get it all the time! XOX

  5. We're going to have to find one of those earthing mats because we've had nothing but cold rain here since November and our Mom can't get outside to see if our grass has drowned! Beautiful Mandala!

    1. Hiya Colehaus Cats, oh mew should defo get one of the mats then! XOX

  6. I like a good earthing too, but my mum complains that my whites have gone beige. She is always barefoot at home, but still builds up a lot of static when she goes out. Every time she used to take things off shelves in Sainsbury's she would get a shock and make a big cracking noise. They must have done something different in the last few years because it doesn't happen very often now.

    1. Hey Flynn, mew can't beat it can mew buddy, and if your whites go beige, it'll all come out at bath-time so no stress! Oh wow, your mum is the same as the P.A. then for getting shocks, Marks & Spencers used to be the wurst when they had carpet in their stores, that was like a gazillion years ago when the P.A. was a munchkin. XOX

  7. We need one of those earthing mats all year round since we rarely get outside.

    1. Hi Island Cats, mew guys so need one of those mats, get on amazon and order right now! MOL XOX

  8. I have never heard of an earthing mat, that is a new one. Very nice mandala and I like how the PA colored it.

    1. Hi all at 15 & Meowing, not that new, we've had one of the mats fur about 5 or 6 years now, mew should try one :) XOX

  9. An earthing mat? That is great! I love your mandala ♥

    1. Hi Melissa, after seeing all your gorgeous outdoor post mew don't need one!!! MOL XOX

  10. Aaaaaaaaaaw Smoochie be lookin' so cute. You all look just gawjus. We've never heard of earthin' befur, but mommy said...Yucky. We have weeds and doggy doo all over our lawn, and there ain't no way any of us girly's gonna puttin' our dainty, h bit paws down on dat stuffs. MOL And as to your comment on our bloggy, we would luv to join ya'll fur an adventure, anytime. Mommy even said we could. Big hugs and purrayers fur all.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Hiya Dezi & Raena, oh wow we're defo going have mew ladies doing some driving fur us in our next adventure now - that's brilliant news!!! MOL XOX

  11. WOW! I had never heard of an earthing mat - great idea

    1. Hey guys, oh mew should defo get your peep to check it out! XOX

  12. Oh, I definitely love gettin' a bit of earthling, too. Once it warms up though. We had more snow last night. MOUSES!

    1. Hey Seville, yep it's no good trying to earth in snow!! MOL MOL XOX

  13. But about this 'indoor' earthling. Do the peep's flower pots count? Inquirin' minds wanna know. purrs

    1. No because they aren't actually connected to the earth, if the pots were in the garden on grass or soil, then maybe... XOX

  14. Huh. I thought Bear was the only cat that enjoyed rolling in mud! Smoochie is awfully cute when he does it though! We love the pictures of you surveying your domain, Basil. We hope you're feeling better and back to being your glorious self.

    1. Hi Bear & Momma Kat, I am feeling so much better thank mew fur asking, I'm having my homeopathy drops 2 x a day and still wearing my magic pendant and so far so good! XOX

  15. I've never heard of earthing before, but it sounds great. I'm off to try it!

  16. Petcretary *has* heard of earthing and tries to get some time in out in our yard during the warmer months...but she fur sure hates bare feet,MOL! Always has her sandals on inside.

    That is a pretty Mandala this week!

    1. Hi Pipo and Minko, that's great the Petcretary earths, even though she hates bare feet, but it's ok to sit in a chair and have your feet on the grass fur a few minutes, so it's all good :) XOX


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