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And velcome to my second Fashion vith Felines post!
Bringing mew the cutest, fun trends in kitty themed fashion fur your pet hooman.
And velcome to my second Fashion vith Felines post!
Bringing mew the cutest, fun trends in kitty themed fashion fur your pet hooman.
This veek I'm sharing an absolutely dahling bag from the uber funky brand Irregular Choice. If mew've neffur 'eard of them before they are a rather unique company specializing in really fun styles, though some of the rather avant garde styles might not be furfur effuryone, but I can assure mew there are some tamer things on their website too. The P.A. 'as bought shoes from them before, though a long time ago in Australia before they even got to the UK and she loves them.
The B Team and I purrchased this purrticular bag fur the P.A.'s birthday last month and I've been pawsitively beside myself to share it vith mew all. The official name of the bag is: Starry Night, but I 'av renamed it to the Valentine bag as it's got our vunderpurr buddy on it as mew'll see in a moment.
Now that gives an idea, I need to 'av some uber cool fashion items named aftur me too...The Pandora Bag, I think that 'as a nice ring to it...
The B Team and I purrchased this purrticular bag fur the P.A.'s birthday last month and I've been pawsitively beside myself to share it vith mew all. The official name of the bag is: Starry Night, but I 'av renamed it to the Valentine bag as it's got our vunderpurr buddy on it as mew'll see in a moment.
Now that gives an idea, I need to 'av some uber cool fashion items named aftur me too...The Pandora Bag, I think that 'as a nice ring to it...
Now lets' talk about the purracticalities:
The bag is just so cute, vith 'olographic clouds and an 'olographic faux snakeskin moon, glittery stars, purple hearts and pearl detail on a lush background of navy crushed velvet. The cute black kitty is so fluffy just like Valentine, if that doesn't make mew vant to get one then I don't know vhat vill! MOL
It has two straps which are the purrfect length to comfortably wear on the shoulder. There are three large pockets, 2 outer ones vith nice, wide side-to-side zips so mew can open it right up, and the middle larger pocket 'as a magnetic clasp. It also comes vith an adjustable shoulder/cross-body strap in the navy crushed velvet with the matching 'olographic piping.
Vhile not a huge bag, mew can certainly get lots in it and as the P.A. carries nearly effurything but the kitchen sink, it's just purrfect and as an added bonus, it 'as a fabulous floral interior, like mew can see in the sneakers below. I also love the fact that it is made completely from man-made fabrics, so no critters 'ad to suffer fur the sake of fashion.
Being the generous kitties that ve are, we also got her these to match... The Starry Night [aka Valentine] Sneakers.
But sadly they didn't fit, due to being too wide, but they vere so cute, and the P.A. was so sad when she 'ad to send them back. The P.A. said they're shoes that make mew smile, as who doesn't want to look at cute kitties on your feet! MOL
Even Fudge was smitten with it, though he did say; that it wasn't as floofy as his tail, but then ve 'aven't seen anything yet that can compare vith his mega floof! MOL

But sadly they didn't fit, due to being too wide, but they vere so cute, and the P.A. was so sad when she 'ad to send them back. The P.A. said they're shoes that make mew smile, as who doesn't want to look at cute kitties on your feet! MOL
Even Fudge was smitten with it, though he did say; that it wasn't as floofy as his tail, but then ve 'aven't seen anything yet that can compare vith his mega floof! MOL
In summary, if mew love cats, vant something that stands out from the crowd and is really unique, then this is the bag fur mew.
I do 'ope mew enjoyed our little fashion safari today and I'll be back furry soon vith some more uber cute items fur your pet hooman!
This is your feline fashionista
This is your feline fashionista