Showing posts with label luna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label luna. Show all posts

Wednesday 8 August 2018

Welcome To Our 8 Things About... Post And Today It's All About Smooch

Welcome to

WOO HOO pawesome furriends

Welcome to another our fourth:- 8 Things About...  

8 Things About WHAT though?! we hear mew ask. Well fabulous furriends it could be 8 things about anything, but today it's all about...

8 Things About Smooch

1. Smooch is tripawed, he was a feral kitty at the P.A.'s wurkplace. His momma brought him and his 5 fursibs way back in early 2011 when he was just a tiny kitten. Aftur months of taming them and then TNR, Smooch decided to try and cross the busy main road and unfortunately he got clipped by a car, luckily the P.A. and Dad managed to get him into a carrier and take him to the vets and the rest is history. 

2. He also is a furry sensitive little soul and has been known to widdle in places he shouldn't. 
In fact the P.A. even got him a kitty shrink to help him offurcome what was bugging his boggle.  And while he is so much better than before, he is still prone to the occasional 'incident'.

3.  He'll be so mad I've told mew this, as I don't think I've effur told mew this before:- When he was a kitten before the TNR, the P.A. thought he was a little gurl and called him Luna!  Then after his TNR, she still called him Luna until finally her and Dad decided on the name Smoochie.

4.  He is rather affectionate and 'talks' a lot - like seriously a lot. But the really funny thing is sometimes when he wants oodles of attention the fur along his back pings up like a mohawk aka a back hawk, then he'll get a ridge that goes horizontal across his chest; a chest hawk and then if he's really loving the pat session he'll even get a tummy hawk too! MOL

5. Smooch has a black splodge on his side and sometimes it looks like a heart depending on how he's sitting.

6. He loves soil and will roll in it until he's absolutely filthy, then complains bitterly when the P.A. has to clean him with a damp flannel! MOL 

7.  Even though he only has 3 legs, Smooch is a fantastic tree climber...

... he's even had to assist Fudge on several occasions when the ginger ninja went up the tree and got stuck.  Smooch went up and down the trunk and along the branch three times to show him how to get down.

8. Finally Smooch knows the impawtance of furmilly and spends a lot of time cultivating relationships and he also loves to adventure with me, he's like my shadow and I have to say he is really rather extraordinary, not the sharpest tool in the shed but he has a big heart and I love that about him.

And that sadly brings us to the end of 8 Things About Smoochie, we do hope mew enjoyed getting to learn more about our younger brofur, he really is quite amazing! 

There will be a new jigsaw on the puzzle page fur mew tomorrow just in case mew feel a need to while a few minutes away until our next post.

And if mew missed our previous 8 Things About posts, here are the links:

Thanks effur so much fur visiting today

Pawesome purrs

Basil & The B Team xox

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