Showing posts with label review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label review. Show all posts

Saturday 30 April 2022

WHAT'S IN THE BOX? ~ Product Review featuring The Laser Tail Automatic Laser Light by Petsafe with Melvyn & Fudge

Welcome to

What's In The Box BBHQ Review ©BionicBasil®

Happy Caturday Fluffies

Today we're sharing a *sponsored post with mew from the ameowzing peeps at...

...who contacted us a while ago and asked if we'd like to try some of their supurr products again, and we were so excited when a box arrived at BBHQ. 

This is the final review of three, see the links below for the previous reviews, and today we're sharing the Laser Tail Automatic Laser Light Cat Toy, so read on to see what we thought.


Click the links below to see our latest PetSafe reviews:

The Drinkwell® Butterfly Pet Fountain      

So let's show mew what was in the box.

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® PetSafe Laser Tail Toy

This was everything we received, and Fudge knew what he wanted to try!

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® PetSafe Laser Tail Toy - Fudge Picking What He Wanted To Play With

Let's get started!

Setting Up: 

The set up was supurr easy.

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® PetSafe Laser Tail Toy - Fudge Setting Up The New Laser Toy

Fudge checked everything out before flipping the laser toy over and placing 3 AA batteries into the compartment before replacing the small battery cover.

And mew can clearly see in the middle photo on the bottom row, that there is a small round button to the left of the unit.

To start the fun, all mew do is push that button and place the Laser Tail toy on the floor, wheels down, obviously! MOL

Watch our video below to see how we got on, so sit back, chillax and hit the play button.

If for any reason to video doesn't play, please click here to watch direct on YouTube.

Our closing thoughts

The B Team are still getting used to the new Laser Tail toy, it is a little bit noisy, but it has a motor so it's not going to be silent.

Early indications suggest that this will definitely be a totally top paw addition to the toy box at BBHQ.

At the moment, they are following more than chasing, and they prefer a darker room for the laser toy to trundle around.

The great news is, that the toy works really well on the floors at BBHQ: from smooth wood through to heavy jute rugs, so the little robot can traverse between the different surfaces easily enough. It also is good at manoeuvring itself around the furniture and other obstacles. Plus, it has a 10-minute timer which switches off automatically.

It really is a nifty bit of kit, and it's been really entertaining watching The B Team interact with it. And as with the Laser Dot Dancing Cat Toy, we have to conclude that this is just as epic.

This is a totally top toy, and we give it ten out of ten paws as it:

has a 10-minute playtime

is supurr fun 

is excellent for feline enrichment 

is highly entertaining with or without pawrents in the room 

increases daily exercise 

nurtures natural hunting instincts

keeps your daily step rate up which is especially good for indoor kitties

prevents boredom and incites natural curiosity

plus it looks ameowzingly stylish too in gloss white

This toy ticks all the boxes, and mew only need 3 x AA batteries to enjoy hours and hours and hours of fun.

In summary

This toy is the cat's whiskers!


We would like to thank the supurr peeps at PetSafe for sending their ameowzing Laser Tail Automatic Laser Light Toy for us to try ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!


Many thanks for joining us today, and don't furget to stop by tomorrow when we're celebrating Smooch's 11th Birthday with an epic pawty and giveaway!

Until then
Stay Fluffy Banner ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at Instacat

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another review! 

Graphics created with paid licence

Saturday 2 April 2022

WHAT'S IN THE BOX? on In The Spotlight ~ Product Review featuring The PetSafe Dancing Dot Laser Cat Toy

Welcome to

What's In The Box on In The Spotlight ©BionicBasil®

Happy Caturday Fluffies

Today we're sharing a *sponsored post with mew from the ameowzing peeps at...

...who contacted us a while ago and asked if we'd like to try some of their supurr products again, and we were so excited when a box arrived at BBHQ a few weeks ago. 

Today is the second review of three, as we got three different products to test, try and use here at BBHQ, how exciting, epically exciting!

Two of the surprise products in the box, we have actually reviewed before, and today we're sharing Dancing Dot Laser Cat Toy, so read on to see how much we liked it.


Click the links below to see our latest PetSafe reviews:

The Drinkwell® Butterfly Pet Fountain      

So let's show mew what was in the box.

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® PetSafe Dancing Dot Laser Cat Toy

Parsley was on paw furst.

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® PetSafe Dancing Dot Laser Cat Toy with Parsley

And he was rather keen to get things happening!

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® PetSafe Dancing Dot Laser Cat Toy Contents

How cute is that?


Installation was supurr easy, and it took less than 1 minute to find 3 x AA batteries and set up.

Next, locate the 'on' button on the left side of the unit, press and off mew go.

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® PetSafe Dancing Dot Laser Cat Toy - On Button

Finally, find a suitable place to put the dancing Laser Dot Toy and let the fun begin.

Watch our video below to see how we got on, so sit back, chillax and hit the play button.

If for any reason to video doesn't play, please click here to watch direct on YouTube.

Mew can select One Time Play by pressing the button once, and the session will last 15 minutes, or for even more fun hold the button down until mew hear 2 beeps and mew can have the Play All Day mode set, and every 2 hours it will turn on for a 15-minute session. So purrfect for getting snoozes in-between playtimes. 

It does make a little bit of noise as the motor whirrs the laser dot around but after a few minutes mew hardly notice it. Mew purrobably can't hear the motor whirr on the video because of the mewsic, but at approx 57 secs, mew can see Melvyn's very first reaction to it. Though it didn't take long for him to forget about the noise and get chasing the dot!  

Fudge got supurr curious at 1 min 34 secs and batted it to face the other way! MOL

We would suggest from this that wherever mew site or position it, make sure that it's safe and secure so it won't get knocked off anything, though as we were moving it around for the video we didn't secure it.

Our closing thoughts

We've been having great fun with this toy and let us tell mew why.

We love laser toys here and the P.A. often entertains us with the little handheld ones, but this laser toy is so much more than one of those.

As we said, there are 2 play modes, so if mew just want a quickie session mew can get that sorted or if your peeps are going out and leaving mew alone while they go to wurk etc... the Play All Day mode is purrfect for this scenario.

It has a little strap attached to it so mew can hang it from door handles, cupboards or wherever mew like, or mew can just place it on a shelf or flat surface; though if your kitty is a bit like Fudge mew might want to stick it down with something like a command strip to stop it getting toppled off.

 We also liked that the laser patterns were random and changed constantly, plus the higher mew put it a bigger and faster pattern is projected on the floor, so if mew have a huge room put it as high as mew safely can to use the floor space for maximum zoomies or for a smaller room, lower down for a smaller chase, and as mew can see in the video we tested it on various heights to demonstrate this. 

We think that the bigger faster pattern is definitely the way to get a better wurkout, especially for any kitty that's looking to shed a bit of weight if they've been overindulging during the lockdown.

This is a totally top toy, and we give it ten out of ten paws as it:

has 2 play modes

is supurr fun 

is great for feline enrichment 

is highly entertaining with or without pawrents in the room 

increases daily exercise 

nurtures natural hunting instincts

keeps your daily step rate up which is especially good for indoor kitties

prevents boredom when alone

plus it looks ameowzingly stylish too in gloss white, so will suit all decors

This toy ticks all the boxes, and mew only need 3 x AA batteries to enjoy hours and hours and hours of fun.

In summary

This toy is the cat's whiskers!


We would like to say a big thank mew to the supurr peeps at PetSafe for sending their wunderpurr Dancing Dot Laser Cat Toy for us to try ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

We'll be back next weekend sharing another review post from the PetSafe product range, so do join us for that if mew can. 


Many thanks for joining us today and don't forget to stop by tomorrow when we will be here with our usual supurr selfies post, and we can't wait to show mew what we've been doing!

Until then
Stay Fluffy Banner ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil &The B Team

*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Saturday 12 December 2020

WHAT'S IN THE BOX? on In The Spotlight ~ Product Review featuring The PetSafe Streamside Ceramic Pet Fountain

 Welcome to

What's In The Box on In The Spotlight ©BionicBasil®

Happy Caturday Fluffies

Today we're sharing one of our *sponsored posts with mew from the totally pawesome peeps at...

Image Copyright PetSafe
Image Copyright PetSafe

... who sent us an absolutely supurr water fountain to try; the Streamside Ceramic Pet Fountain which we were epically delighted about!

Now we had planned on sharing this post a couple of weeks ago, but we had a bit of a technical hitch, the P.A. thought she was videoing us drinking from the fountain immediately after it was switched on, and we lined up in this order: Melvyn, Fudge and Parsley, each taking a turn to have a drink.

So there she was feeling supurr smug at the epic footage she was getting and when she came to turn off the video, utter horror of horrors it hadn't actually recorded anything!

Oh dear indeed, so she's been stalking us for the last two weeks to try and capture someone using the fountain, it was almost getting to the stage where she was hiding behind the door ready to ambush us! MOL

Anyhoo, Melvyn finally came through to literally put her out of her misery, and let her video him really relishing getting his hydration levels up. So thank mew Melvyn for saving the day, dude mew're epic.


Click the links below to see our previous PetSafe reviews:

The Drinkwell® Butterfly Pet Fountain      

Peek-a-Bird™ Electronic Cat Toy  

So let's show mew what was in the box.

Fudge was so excited when he saw the box on the table, he had to come and help immediately. In fact, he was rather impatient and didn't even want to stop for photos! MOL

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® The PetSafe Streamside Ceramic Pet Fountain

When I'm telling mew Fudge was supurr impatient, he wouldn't keep still.

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® The PetSafe Streamside Ceramic Pet Fountain with Fudge
He was on top of the box, off the box, trying to open the box, getting his nose in the box, actually getting in the box while it was being unpacked. In fact, there was nothing he didn't check out, he's a very thorough kitty! MOL


Setting up was supurr easy; furst just wash all the items in some hot, soapy water except the power cable of course, then rinse thoroughly, dry and assemble.

Watch our video below to see how we got on; sit back, chillax and hit the play button.

If for any reason the video doesn't play, please click here to watch direct on YouTube.

It took a few minutes to set up, put in position and fill with water. The pump is very quiet, and the water just gently cascades down the side of the domed top.

Our closing thoughts

The Streamside Ceramic Pet Fountain is really lovely, not only is it a beautiful and stylish design which would complement any decor, it's footprint is neat enough to fit into even the smallest of spaces.

Why did we like it?
*It's made from BPA free ceramic materials*
*It was supurr easy to set up*
*Easy to fill up and check water level*
 *Cleaning was simple with no awkward unreachable parts*
*The constant water flow helps inhibit the growth of bacteria*
*It's supurr quiet*
*We loved the triangular dish design*
*It uses a replaceable carbon filter which lasts up to 4 weeks*
*It has a large 1.8L capacity*
*It's also suitable for our smaller K9 friends too*

What's In The Box ©BionicBasil® The PetSafe Streamside Ceramic Pet Fountain - Fudge Parsley Melvyn
Everyone at BBHQ loves it.

If mew're looking for a new ceramic pet fountain, we think this one is definitely worth a look.

In our humble opinion, we give it a 10/10 rating.

We would like to say a big thank mew to the supurr peeps at PetSafe for sending the marvellous Streamside Ceramic Pet Fountain for us to try ~ THANK MEW FURRY MUCH!

Visit PetSafe online:


Many thanks for joining us today, and don't furget to stop by tomorrow when we will be here with our usual supurr selfies post, and we can't wait to show mew what we've been doing, as we share a sneak peek of our 2020 Catmas Crafting with Cats post, and if mew're hankering after a Catmas Craft Project to do in the meantime, just click here to go see our previous ones!

Until then

Stay Fluffy Banner ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & Co xx

*FYI: Even though we were given this item/s free of charge for a review, our review is 
completely honest and reflects our own experience with the product/s

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence and