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Showing posts with label the creator. Show all posts

Thursday 5 October 2023

**PIRATE TAILS REVISITED** The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VIII

Welcome to 


Featuring a rerun of our bonkers time travelling pirate adventure

The Extraordinary Voyages of  Cap'n Basil Blackheart and his Motley Crew 


The Crimson Revenge

Arrrrrr and greetings wunderpurr pals

Welcome to the 8th episode of our fabulous new adventure and just in case mew missed anything, here are the links for the last 7 epically epic episodes:

Part I  ~  Part II  ~  Part III Part IV - Part V


A quick recap from the last episode:

**2015 REVISITED** Tuesday Tails ~ The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VIII ©BionicBasil®

"Jumping jeepers!" Snowie burst out. "What the flip is happening?"

"Horice is there any way mew could toss me to the ship, from here?" I asked urgently.

The heffle-lump thought for a spell. "Aye Cap'n Basil, if I hold ye in me trunk and get a lash on I think I could possibly get ye the distance ye require."

"Make it so big guy!" I said. "I need to be on that ship, mew guys get the rowboat and meet me there pronto."

Grasping Horice by the trunk, I gripped on tightly with both paws.

"Are ye ready Cap'n Basil?" he asked.

"Aye that I am."

He lifted me up and then began to spin his trunk like a propeller, faster and faster and faster.

I was barely holding on when Horice yelled. "Now!"

I let go and was jettisoned at almost warp speed towards the ship.

As I flew I saw Parsley, Snowie and Smooch running along the soft, sandy shore towards the moored rowboat with Horice hot on their heels.

I whipped my sword out and held it in front of me as I soared through the air like a burd on a purrfect trajectory towards The Crimson Revenge.

Just as I had almost reached my crew, a huge thundering boom resounded around the bay, I barrel rolled to pinpoint the source, and when I did locate it my heart sank, the Kraken was small fry compared to what was coming next.


*     *     *

So hold ye fast matey's, as we're in for another wild ride today



Part VIII 

A Blast in the Past

"And Action!"

The Kraken sank beneath the waves in a huge plume of billowing steam as the raging fire was extinguished.

**2015 REVISITED** Tuesday Tails ~ The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VIII ©BionicBasil®

Landing on the deck with a bump and rolling most agilely to my paws, I pulled out my telescope and scanned the seas.

"Crew," I yelled. "Great to be back, thanks for blowing up the Kraken and saving the ship but I'm afraid we've got another purroblem now."

Amber let out a weary sigh. "Purrlease, can't we just take five?" 

I shook my head as another boom resounded around the bay. Handing her the telescope, she spied in the direction I pointed.

"Oh for fluffs sake," she cried in dismay. "Can't a girl just have a nap?"

"What is it?" Humphrey asked taking the spyglass from her, he paused for a second and then added. "This is not good, and after all the damage we've sustained, we're like a sitting duck on a millpond."

Posie was next to observe. "Oh, this is bad, bad, bad.  And we've only just gotten rid of the last problem."

I took the spyglass back and looked again.
**2015 REVISITED** Tuesday Tails ~ The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VIII ©BionicBasil®
"There's good news and bad news," I said solemnly. "Which do mew want first?"

"Defo the bad," my crew answered in unison.

"This is the historical data I do know as fact," I began. "The ship fast approaching us is called The Filthy Pearl, she has 20 cannons on each side and more crew than mew could count on Smooch's 3 paws times three and then some. The capitan's name was or is Raveneau, and he was or is a total psycho, lunatic pirate... also that ship was the fastest ship of its time and by all accounts sank everything it chased down. In 1683 Raveneau was the most feared pirate of all and the most cut-throat too, there are other things, really rather horrible and most unpleasant but I don't think mew guys need to hear them right now... so that's the bad news."

"And what's the good news?" Posie gulped as another boom sounded and moments later there was a rather large splash just off the starboard side.

"We have 21st-century tech on board," I gave them an uber-toothy grin, which if I'm honest was really, quite smirkingly evil. "What mew guys don't know is that under the fragile wooden shell of The Crimson Revenge lies the hull of a 21st-century warship, armed to teeth me hearties! AHAAAAAR!"  

I laughed out loud as excitement trickled through my veins like an adrenaline shot of liquid catnip at the thought of a sea skirmish with one of the most notorious pirates of the era. My crew gave me a series of rather puzzled looks.

"Arrrrrrrrrrr me scurvy crew, we be 'aving a little taste o' battle," I said releasing my inner pirate. "Now get thee to ye battle stations and let's be 'aving a blast in the past."

Seconds later Smooch hauled himself onto the deck, followed by Parsley and Snowie.

Humphrey sidled up to them, he took a swig of nip rum and then offered the bottle around. "Mew'll be needing this in a minute."

"What, are mew serious?" Snowie asked after Humphrey explained the situation. "We've been sailing a frigging warship, and now we've got a bunch of hardcore pirates firing cannons at us, and Basil is laughing about it?"

Humphrey nodded and gulped a bit more nip rum.

"Wow," Smooch breathed. "This is exactly what I signed up for."

Parsley nodded in agreement, and the pair pootled over the smashed deck towards the stern.

"Basil! Basil! Basil!" Smooch yelled.

I peeked around the doorway from out of the cabin. "Smooch we've got..." I began.

"We know," Smooch answered. "Me and Parsley are very excited, what can we do?"

  "Well," I replied, my grin more manic than a fat cat in a catnip factory. "We'll be 'aving a little fun me hearties."

I whipped out the blueprints of The Crimson Revenge and unrolled them on the huge, carved desk placing some 18th-century navigational tools at the corners to keep them unfurled; then I showed the ship's inner core to Smooch and Parsley. 

They poured over the documents for a whole two minutes and grinned at me like they were fat cats in a catnip factory too. It warmed my heart to see them so excited.

"Me likey a lot," Parsley breathed in awe.

"Me too," Smooch said excitedly. "I want the 50 cal!" 

Humphrey, Snowie, Amber and Posie had joined us and were quietly surveying the blueprints, after a few moments they joined the maniacally grinning brigade when they realised that we were more dangerous than Ernie Schwarzafluffer in The Purrminator One, Two and Three combined.

 Humphrey looked at me, his eyes glinting more mischievously than I'd seen in a long time.

"I baggsey the torpedos," he said smirking. 

"That's so not fair," Posie interjected. "Mew got to play in the tank against Baron Von Booney... I want the torpedos."

Amber interrupted. "Yes, me and Posie are having the torpedos, mew can take the other 50 cal."

I stared at my crew and shook my head; who'd have thought they'd be squabbling over weapons like they were fighting over a catnip mouse at a time like this.

"Look," I said tersely as another boom resounded from The Filthy Pearl. "Humphrey mew and Parsley take the mortar gun and rain a barrage of merry hell," I turned to Smooch. "Mew take the 50 cal and fire in small controlled bursts..." Smooch was smirking like a cat who'd just inherited the catnip factory. "Smooch, small controlled bursts only," I reiterated more sternly. "And shoot at anything that's headed our way."

Amber and Posie were getting antsy. "Where's the torpedo room?" Amber asked.

"There's a secret panel in there," I pointed to the cabin behind me. "It's behind the bookcase, just pull the novel, Moby Dick and it'll open, go down the fireman's pole and mew'll be directly in the war room, everything can be operated from there."

Before I could even blink my crew had skedaddled and I was left alone with Snowie, so I yelled.


I pushed a remote-controlled device and the secret weaponry hidden within The Crimson Revenge was revealed from behind sliding panels in less time than it took to say; 'I'll have a niptini, shaken not stirred with a sprig of catnip on the side.'  The sun glinted off the dull gun-grey metal panels as they locked into place with resounding clanks.

I took a long slow inhalation of the salty, sea air mixed with the gunpowder aroma and smoke wafting our way from The Filthy Pearl; it warmed my cockles, to say the least as I glanced around the deck and saw that Humphrey was seated behind the mortar gun and Parsley was loading the shells.  They both had big orange ear-defenders aka ear-muffs on as that gun was supurr loud.

Smooch was in position on the next deck up, he'd put on the yellow ear-muffs and was standing on a metal platform with the 50 cal belt-fed machine gun aimed and ready.

I spoke into the small remote device. "Amber are mew ready?"

"Arrrrrrrr Captain, we be ready," came her answer from deep within the ship below.

I handed Snowie a set of ear-muffs, as I pulled mine on and placed my tricorn hat over the top, and seeing that we were battle-ready I yelled. "CREW FIRE!"

**2015 REVISITED** Tuesday Tails ~ The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VIII ©BionicBasil®

Humphrey pulled the trigger on the mortar gun.  The sound was deafening.


"RELOAD PARSLEY!" Humphrey shouted.

Canons sounded from The Filthy Pearl, and I saw four flaming cannonballs headed straight for us. Though there were ten mortar shells headed straight for them.


Instantly Smooch let the 50 cal rip; ratatatat.... ratatatat.... ratatatat..... ratatatat.... the spent shells hitting the metal foot-plate with a tinkling sound and piling up around his back paw. 

Ratatatat.... ratatatat.... ratatatat..... ratatatat.... ratatatat.... ratatatat.... ratatatat..... ratatatat.... ratatatat.... ratatatat.... ratatatat..... ratatatat....  He was whooping with sheer joy as the bullet's headed towards the incoming missiles.

I yelled into the remote device. "Torpedo's ready... FIRE!"

"Arrrrrrrr Captain!" Posie answered. "Torpedos away!"

The canon balls exploded mid-arc as Smooch kept his paw on the trigger, a rain of bullets hurtling through the air; ratatatat.... ratatatat.... ratatatat..... ratatatat.... ratatatat.... ratatatat.... ratatatat..... ratatatat.... ratatatat.... ratatatat.... ratatatat..... ratatatat....


Humphrey started firing again.


Suddenly there was an almighty CRASHING BOOM as The Filthy Pearl exploded; the gunpowder in its hold ignited.

**2015 REVISITED** Tuesday Tails ~ The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VIII ©BionicBasil®

Smoke billowed skywards as flames engulfed the ship.

Everybody stopped firing, and it seemed eerily quiet as we watched the pirate ship sink into the azure sea.

"Wow!" I said when the crew assembled on the deck a few minutes later. "That was purretty intense."

Smooch was glowing with pride. "I did it Basil! I did it Basil!" he beamed. "I blew those flaming balls into hell!"

"Mew did a great job Private," I said. "Truly stellar, all of mew were epically pawesome."

Humphrey took off his earmuffs and gave me a quizzical look. "So how come we had to fend off the Kraken with hot sauce, when if mew'd told us about the ship we could have just bombed that muther-fluffer into the netherworld?"

I knew that this was coming. "Humphrey, mew, Amber and Posie defeated the most feared sea monster of all time with nothing more than your sheer ingenuity and your lethal hot sauce," I answered. "Doesn't that make mew feel good, like really really good?" I paused. "Mew didn't need any fancy weapons, no modern tech and mew blew that freaker into oblivion and toasted its tentacled ass, mew are one serious, hardcore panfur!" 

Humphrey thought about this for a moment, his taught expression cracked into a broad smile and he cried out. "HOOAH!"  And paw-bumped Parsley and Smooch.

"Besides, mew can't have a secret weapon if it's not a secret, can mew?" 

The crew all laughed.

"Shame about the pirates," Posie said and then smirked. "NOT!"

I gave her a look. "Posie, there could be survivors, and I think we should go see."

Amber tapped me on the shoulder and pointed towards the water.

"Ahhhhhh.... no survivors then.... too bad I always fancied making somebody walk the plank," I said taking in the multitude of sharks that had clustered over the site of the sunken ship. "Sushi anyone? Then we'll have a big clean up and head back to shore in the morning."

*   *   *

Horice had seen the entire skirmish and stood thoughtfully pondering the possibilities.

"This changes everything," he murmured thoughtfully to no one in particular as he wandered sedately back into the jungle. 


As each episode passes there are still so many questions, such as:

OMC, mew had a mini frigate hiding within The Crimson Revenge, how the fluff did mew get that?

What about the crew of The Filthy Pearl, are they really toast and chump?

Where on earth do mew get all these cool weapons, like seriously?

What's Horice's boggle?

That's two things blown up today, will there be a third?

How come the weapons were still operable after the Kraken nearly crushed the boat?

Are mew really having sushi for dinner?

What are mew going back to that crazy island for?

Can mew trust Horice?

And that weird Amsted dude, what's his story?

*    *    *

To find out what happens next, tune in on Caturday for the continuing tension, and to see what the fluff is going to happen next.


This be

Cap'n Basil & the Crew of The Crimson Revenge

Signing out until the next time... ARRRRRRR

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Copyright © 2023 by BionicBasil® & Cathrine Garnell  ~ Author & Publisher

All rights reserved. No part of this blog serialized publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including; content scraping, screenshots, blatant copying or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author and publisher. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the email address below:

cathrinegarnell @gmail . com 


Graphics created with paid licence and 

Tuesday 3 October 2023

**PIRATE TAILS REVISITED** The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VII

Tuesday Tails Banner @BionicBasil®

Welcome to 


Featuring a rerun of our bonkers time travelling pirate adventure

The Extraordinary Voyages of  Cap'n Basil Blackheart and his Motley Crew 


The Crimson Revenge

Arrrrrr and greetings wunderpurr pals

Welcome to the 7th episode of our pawesome pirate adventure rerun, and just in case mew missed anything, here are the links for the last 6 epically epic episodes:

Part I  ~  Part II  ~  Part III Part IV - Part V


A quick recap from the last episode:

**2015 REVISITED** Tuesday Tails ~ The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VII ©BionicBasil®

Pilchard the Parrot was hiding out in the hold.  He screeched wildly. "HOT SAUCE SURPRISE! HOT SAUCE SURPRISE! HOT SAUCE SURPRISE!"

Climbing overr the debris, and ignoring the water breaching the hull, the trio began to move the boxes of the 'liquid dynamite' and get them up to the deck post haste.

"Quick!" Amber shouted as she began to jimmy the boxes open. "We don't have much time."

Pulling out two of the bottles, the ship lurched and pitched again.  She held her ground and shook the hot sauce vigorously.

She said a silent prayer to whoever might be listening and launched the bottles towards the nearest tentacle.

Humphrey tore off his bandana, ripped it into strips and stuffed them in the bottles he'd lined up in a row.  Pulling out a lighter, he lit the cloth and hurled the hot sauce missiles overboard.

Posie watched and did the same, throwing her bottles offur the opposite side of the ship.

The next few moments happened in slow motion.


*     *     *

So hold ye fast matey's, as we're in fur another wild ride today



Part VII 

Hot Sauce Surprise

"And Action!"

"Bombs away," Posie shrieked as she tossed another bottle of flaming hot sauce towards an incoming tentacle. "If it bleeds we can kill it!"

The fiery, sauce bombs hurtled through the air like a barrage of flaming red bullets. They hit the thrashing tentacles and exploded on contact; it was brutal and bloody.

**2015 REVISITED** Tuesday Tails ~ The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VII ©BionicBasil®

The Kraken was on fire, with chunks of flesh exploding from contact with the hot sauce. It writhed with anger under the ship, rocking it fiercely and almost pulling it under the water.

"Don't stop," Humphrey screamed above the noise of the crashing water and thrashing tentacles, he ducked just in time as one tried to grab him. "Amber watch your back."

But it was too late, a very angry, questing tentacle had at last found a mark.

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh!" Amber screeched in pain as she was whipped up in the air and tossed about like a rag-doll.

Posie and Humphrey paused for the briefest moment. "Let's nuke that sucker," Posie snarled angrily as she hurled two more sauce bombs at the tentacle gripping Amber.

Humphrey threw his at the same time, and when they all connected with the slimy appendage, the explosion blew the thing clean apart.

Amber and the detached upper part of the tentacle landed on the deck with a heavy thwump.

She slithered out of the rubbery, suckered flesh that had luckily broken her fall and shuddered. "Oh my Bast, I can't believe that thing had hold of me," she cringed wiping the Kraken slime off her fur. "That has to be the most disgusting thing ever, now pass me some more of the bombs, this thing is toast as I'm officially declaring war on it."

Chunks of Kraken flesh rained down and littered the deck as the trio continued their onslaught with wanton abandon.

  *    *    *

**2015 REVISITED** Tuesday Tails ~ The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VII ©BionicBasil®

Meanwhile, I was still in utter awe and humungous amounts of reverence at having The Creator standing next to me on the little floating rock in the pocket universe.

"Dude," I breathed. "What should I call mew?"  I paused and then thought, 'Oh for fluff's sake, I just called The Creator of the Universe dude, he's going to smite me for sure.'

The Creator smiled at me, and I could see he was trying not to laugh. I gave him an apologetic look, and he said. "Basil you can call me Creator."

"Creator, sorry I called mew dude," I said. "It's just that mew know, I don't get sucked into pocket universes to meet peeps such as yourself very often."

"I understand that this will be rather unusual for you, and the answer to your next question, is no," he said kindly.

"So I'm not the 'D' word then?" 


"Thank heavens for that, as I how would I explain this to the P.A.?!"

 "Basil," The Creator continued. "I have brought you here to impart some very important information to you and you alone, you cannot tell anyone that you've met me or that I actually exist..." he paused as I assimilated this statement. "What I have to say remains between us, do you agree?"

I pondered the enormity of this for a moment and then nodded.

"I have watched your life evolve since you were a tiny kitten and have intervened on a couple of occasions to keep you safe when the odds were severely against you..." he paused thoughtfully.

My mind was reeling at his admission of assistance, and I could name more than seven instances when I should have actually been toast, and then a miracle had happened just in the nick of time to save the day. I just thought I was lucky, but now I knew the truth; I'd had help and not just any help, I'd had THE HELP!

 "As much as I try not to interfere with the mortal realm, you are very important to the master plan as without you it will fail, that is why I intervened," he sat on a rock and indicated for me to come closer.

I sat facing him, looking up into his brightly shimmering eyes, but as I tried to focus on his face I realised that I couldn't actually discern a real person's features, not like when I look at the P.A. I see her clearly and could pick her out of a crowd no problemo, but The Creator, I doubt I could ever recognize him again.

"I want to show you something," he went on. "The easiest way for me to do this is from my mind directly into your mind, do I have your permission?"

I actually thought it was a moot point, him being who he was and all, but I nodded and said. "Mew mean like Vulcan mind-meld, do mew watch Star Trek?"

"Yes," he actually chuckled. "Like a Vulcan mind-meld, only I don't need to touch you." 

"Let it begin," I said wondering what on earth I was going to see and whether he meant 'yes' to watching Star Trek or not.

*    *    *

Concurrently back on The Crimson Revenge; the Kraken had released the ship and then re-surfaced just off the port side. Its blackened, bloody tentacles steaming from being dowsed by the frigid saltwater looked mangled and wrong on so many levels.

Luckily the ship was not on fire, that was the good news. The bad news was that the Kraken was angry, or epically enraged might be a better choice of words, or perhaps let's say it was really, really, really miffed to a point where there was only going to be one outcome; either it survived, or the ship did.

Humphrey, Amber and Posie peered over the rail on the port side and looked at the vile monstrosity.

"It is really horribly hideous," Posie declared. "I think we should do the right thing and put it out of its misery once and for all."

The trio had a little chuckle.

Seeming to hear them, the Kraken launched through the water towards the ship, its beaked jaws wide, with multiple rows of razor-sharp teeth on display and it began to emit a sound, that could only be described as a death wail; high-pitched and keening, designed to disarm and cripple prey. 

"One entire case of hot sauce surprise coming up," Amber said as she lit the rag fuses in the box.

The three of them lifted the box to the edge of the ship and then hurled it with all their might straight at the surging Kraken, its intact tentacles flailing wildly with murderous intent.

Seconds later, the flaming box hit the Kraken right on target; smack in the mouth.

**2015 REVISITED** Tuesday Tails ~ The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VII ©BionicBasil®

Within mere moments it was ablaze with the super scorchio hot sauce, and then it exploded. 


"Duck," screeched Humphrey flopping to the deck.

Hunks and chunks of newly deceased Kraken flew through the air, some landing with a sickening, squelching thud as they hit the deck, others splashing noisily into the water.

Seagulls appeared from nowhere and began a feeding frenzy, squawking and screeching in delight at the easy-pickings buffet which had suddenly appeared.

Humphrey surveyed the carnage on the deck and then said with a grin. "Fresh sushi anyone?"  

*    *    *

Back in the Temple of the Pagoda; Parsley, Snowie and Smooch were pacing next to the orb with much irritation.

"He's been gone for over two hours!" Smooch said worriedly. "Surely he should be back by now?"

Amsted gave him a pitying glance. "Little one, he'll be back when it's the right time."

Parsley who was most agitated snapped. "Look mew hippy, cryptic talking monkey, Basil is our captain, and we want to know he's alright and that mew've not done anything to him."

Horice nudged Parsley with his trunk. "Little panther, please calm yeself," he reassured soothingly. "I can assure ye, that ye captain is fine and will be back soon... don't ye fret for his safety as he is actually in the safest place in the entire universe right now." 

Parsley, Snowie and Smooch sighed in unison and sat down on the steps.

The silence was deafening as time seemed to tick by in slow motion, Snowie suddenly jumped to her feet and said. "Guys I can't take this waiting anymore I'm heading back to the ship to tell the others."

She had just started to descend the stone steps when there was a soft tinkling sound.  She spun around and stared at the orb.

**2015 REVISITED** Tuesday Tails ~ The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VII ©BionicBasil®

A glittering golden stream flowed out from the depths of the orb.

"Basil! Basil! Basil!" Smooch whooped in delight as I materialized back into my solid form in the temple.

I gingerly patted myself down, making sure I was all there and when I got to the tip of my tail I answered.

"Crew we have to leave now, back to the ship," I said urgently.

"What, why?" Parsley asked.

"They're in big trouble."

"How do mew know?" Snowie asked.

I looked at her. "Snowie trust me, ok?"

She nodded, and I could see that the three of them were bursting with questions about my orb expedition, but those could wait for now as we had a ship to save.

"What's the quickest way back to the beach Horice?" I asked urgently.

"Cap'n Basil, thee quickest way is by smoke," Horice answered.

I gave him a perplexing glance and then remembered when I first encountered him, he appeared as a column of black smoke; for want of a better description, a smoke monster.

"Can we all travel like that, with our weapons too?" I asked hastily.


"Make it so, if ye will big dude," I said.

A jiffy later we were all outside the temple weaponed up and ready to smoke as Amsted gave us a huge toothy grin, exposing a mass of yellowish teeth.

"Are ye ready?" Amsted asked.

We all nodded, not really knowing what to expect.  

"If all of ye can grab me trunk, Amsted will have us at the beach post-haste," Horice said.

We did as he said and a second later there was a POOF and the next thing we were zooming through the jungle in the form of a streaming black cloud.

**2015 REVISITED** Tuesday Tails ~ The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VII ©BionicBasil®

We arrived at the beach in what seemed no time at all, and as the smoke touched the sand there was another POOF; then to my utter amazement, we were all sitting there as if we'd been there for hours. To be honest it was really quite amazing, though not as amazing as inside the pocket universe but close.

Anyhoo, we looked out towards the ship just as there was an almighty explosion.

Horice was the first one to speak.  "Cap'n Basil, I do believe that ye crew o'er there have just blown up thee Kraken,"

"Say what?" I choked.

"Ye crew have just blown up thee Kraken!" Horice repeated.

"Horice, I heard ye the first time, it's just that I'm seeing what mew're saying, but I really can't believe my eyes," I answered.

Parsley, Snowie and Smooch stared mouths agog at the scene unfolding in front of us.

A huge flaming mushroom cloud enveloped the multi-tentacled beast.

**2015 REVISITED** Tuesday Tails ~ The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VII ©BionicBasil®

"Jumping jeepers!" Snowie burst out. "What the fluff is happening?"

"Horice is there any way mew could toss me to the ship from here?" I asked urgently.

The heffle-lump thought for a spell. "Aye Cap'n Basil, if I hold ye in me trunk and get a lash on I think I could possibly get ye the distance ye require."

"Make it so big guy," I said. "I need to be on that ship, mew guys get the rowboat and meet me there pronto."

Grasping Horice by the trunk, I gripped on tightly with both paws.

"Are ye ready Cap'n Basil?" he asked.

"Aye that I am."

He lifted me up and then began to spin his trunk like a propeller, faster and faster and faster.

I was barely holding on when Horice yelled. "Now!"

I let go and was jettisoned at almost warp speed towards the ship.

As I flew I saw Parsley, Snowie and Smooch running along the soft, sandy shore towards the moored rowboat with Horice hot on their heels.

**2015 REVISITED** Tuesday Tails ~ The Extraordinary Voyages of Cap'n Basil Blackheart & His Motley Crew ~ Part VII ©BionicBasil®

I whipped my sword out and held it in front of me as I soared through the air like a burd on a purrfect trajectory towards The Crimson Revenge.

Just as I had almost reached my crew, a huge thundering boom resounded around the bay, I barrel rolled to pinpoint the source, and when I did locate it my heart sank, the Kraken was small fry compared to what was coming next.


As each episode passes there are still so many questions, such as:

Is the Kraken gone for good?

What did The Creator Dude tell mew?

How did mew know the crew and ship were in trouble?

Did mew learn the secrets of the universe?

What was it like to travel by smoke?

Are mew really having sushi fur dinner?

Is The Crimson Revenge on fire?

OMC who the flip has turned up now?

And how could anything possibly be wurse than a Kraken?

*    *    *

To find out what happens next, drop by on Thursday for the continuing tension in Part 8, and to see what on earth is going to happen next!  Mew won't catch your breath! 


This be

Cap'n Basil & the Crew of The Crimson Revenge

Signing out until the next time... ARRRRRRR

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