Tuesday 13 September 2016

FLASHBACK FEVER! BionicBasil Revisited #11 ~ The Smooch Report - Tunnelling to Victory - Giro in Jeopardy!

Welcome to our eleventh Flashback post.

Today we are going all the way back to January 29th 2013 and revisiting The Smooch Report, he hadn't been with us furry long at this point and he was still getting used to being a tripawed kitty and living inside.

Let's jump in the time dilation vortex and go, way, way back....

Woo hoo, that was fun... not to swirly either! MOL

Welcome to the latest Installment of 

The Smooch Report!

As mew can see, Das Smooch is really getting himself settled in.  There I was the other day, playing with my Giraffe - Giro, so very kindly given to me by the pawesome peeps at

(Fur being a speshul runner-up in their fan'cat'stic photo competition last year)

Anyways I digress, so there I was having a supurr furry wunderpurr time, minding my own buziness playing with my giraffe when this happened...


And the little Smooch wanted my giraffe - I just couldn't believe it!

Can mew?

(Mock Shock is adorning my most furry handsome face right now!)

He was using all of his uber cute Smoochie Skillz to try and lure my giraffe away.  Well let me tell mew, the giraffe is mine and all the uber cute Smoochie skillz in the known Cosmos are not going to get in-between me and Giro the Giraffe.

Better luck next time Smooch!


 See mew in the next post

 Yours on permanent toy patrol for the indefinite and unforeseeable future

Bestest purrs and meows


Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence www.canva.com and www.pizap.com


  1. Replies
    1. Guys he did get Giro aftur all of that, but I did snaffle him back! MOL XOX

  2. MOL Dat's so cute. And so is Gyro da giraffe. Ya'll play nice and have a great week.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Hiya Dezi & Raena, we always play nice *ahem* MOL MOL MOL!!!!XOX

  3. We didn't know your blog in 2013, it's so cool that you do Flashback posts ! Purrs

    1. Hey Swiss Cats, so glad mew are flashingback with us and getting to see a bit of the heathen hoards history aka H.H.H.! MOL XOX

  4. I love these flashback posts, as I wasn't around until earlier this year.

    1. Hey Chatty Cats, we've got more posts thank mew could shake your tail at to share, so glad mew are enjoying them! MOL XOX

  5. Basil, do you still have Giro? Did you ever decide it was okay to share? Furry minds want to know. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Hiya guys, yes I still have Giro, he is safe and sound in my private office in the bunker, no I don't share Giro with anyone, admittedly Smooch did get hold of him but I giraffe-napped him back. We have our own playtime in peace and quiet now! MOL XOX

  6. That was quite the leap by Smoochie.

    1. Hey Island Cats, mew know Smooch absolutely astounds us with what he can do on only 3 legs - his back leg is missing right up to his pelvis, but to watch him run, play and chase mew'd think he was normal - yeah right let me rephrase that - semi normal!!!! MOL XOX

  7. Great flashback. I didn't even know about cat blogs in 2013 so these are like new to me.

    1. Thanks guys, we only started blogging mid 2012 so in the grand scheme of blogging we're still quite new! MOL XOX


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