Friday, 2 September 2016

The Pet Parade Blog Hop No: 159 ~ Hosted by Rascal & Rocco Co-Hosted by Basil & Love is Being Owned By A Husky & Barking from the Bayou

Welcome To
The Pet Parade

Many greetings fantabulous furriends

Welcome to another pawesome Pet Parade and to the grand month of September, we love the autumn/fall and Halloween is not far away now!  We hope mew've all had a lovely week, ours has been busy but we did take a few moments of downtime in the garden while the sun was shining, I have to say this was most therapeutic and we enjoyed effury moment of it.

This week we've been field-testing a new cat tracking device on young Parsley which has been fun and mew can read the full report tomorrow.  It was also Parsley's 4th birthday on Wednesday, and nearly 2 years with us, so there's been lots of celebrating - see the link below.

In other news the Flashback Fever posts are still in full swing and we've still got another couple of weeks left with those.

Amber has been really busy as she found several new book series and has had her nose buried in books fur most of her waking life these last couple of weeks! MOL  BTW she can't wait to share them with mew. She said and I quote, "OMC Basil they're fabulous!"

Smoochie has been helping the P.A. organise the new Crafting with Cats feature, which we hope to be sharing furry soon, all while Snowie snoozed looked on intently completely fascinated by all the snipping, clipping, gluing, sewing and decorating.

Humphrey was caught piddling up a tree - see photo - yep, the utter shame of it and the P.A. now knows why said tree is looking rather poorly and going brown.

As fur me, I've been really busy talking with all kinds of wundpurr peeps, and hopefully I'll be able to share soon...

If mew missed anything this week, here's the latest links fur your purrusal

Don't furget to stop by Parsley's Pawty [yes it will last fur days!] and leave a comment to be entered into the give-away prize draw to get your mittens on a whole host of supurr cute surprise goodies that have come from places as far as the magical land of Oz and deepest darkest Peru, and there's even a kraken tentacle - as we all know how effurypurrdy loves a bit of kraken! MOL 

We'll be back tomorrow with the Caturday Special cat tracking report and then again with our usual Selfie Selection on Sunday, so hope mew can join us then.

Wishing mew all a purrfect weekend

Bestest purrs & hugs

Basil & Co xox

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Link up one, some, or all of your favorite social media URLs. Don't be shy, but follow others as well. Remeber, it's a hop. Share nicely.

1. HOST: @RascalandRocco  4. CO-HOST: Bionic Basil on Pinterest  7. HOST image-in-ing - weekly photo linky  
2. HOST: Rascal and Rocco on Pinterest  5. CO-HOST: @MK_Clinton   8. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (Twitter)  
3. CO-HOST: @bionicbasil  6. CO-HOST: M.K. Clinton on Pinterest   9. Animal Shelter Volunteer Life (Instagram)  

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  1. Tell Humphrey I have got my favourite azalea I pee on too.

  2. Crafting with cats sounds like a fun idea!

    1. Hey guys, we did a few posts a while back but sadly it got put on the back burner, howeffur we've been saving enough cardboard boxes to make a kitty city so watch this space to see what we make!! MOL XOX

  3. Looking good, sweet pals! Hey, we're looking forward to hearing about that Parsley tracking device. :)


    1. Hiya guys, oh the tracking thing was fun... but we're sure mew've read all about by now!! MOL XOX

  4. You do lead interesting lives there. Happy pet parading.

    1. Hey Funny Farmers, well we do live in Sleepy Hollow, that borders right on Sherwood Forest, so mew know how interesting it can be! MOL MOL XOX


❤️*Waves Paw* we love comments, thanks so much fur leaving one ❤️
FYI Comment Moderation is on due an influx of SPAM - so if mew don't see your comment straight away, DON'T PANIC!