Sunday, 18 September 2016

Sunday Selfies #110 Pirate Cats & Blog Hopping with Cat on my Head

Sunday salutations pawesome furriends and arrrrrrrrrr!

As it's Meow Like A Pirate Day tomorrow we thought it only fitting to get right into the vibe by donning our bestest pirate garb and getting our 'pirate on' in a propurr manner fur the main event in the morning, which we must say mew won't want to miss! MOL

So our theme today is:

Pirate Cats

Join us on the morrow when me and my scurvy crew will be sailing the high-seas in epic purrportions...

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their fabulous blog:

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence and


  1. Arrgh me Hearty's Ye make some fine Pirates,don't forget tis me annual Pirate party and giveaway for best dressed pirate,Ye still 'ave time to enter ye selves,xx Captain Speedy

    1. Arrrrrrrrrr Cap'n Speedy, thank ye furry much we'll be 'aving some of that then! MOL Arrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! XOX

  2. Cool pirate selfies, though peeps and I are a bit worried about the scurvy, would lemonade help, as we have a few galleons on tap at the Palace, just moor ye-selves up in the moat and help yourselves... purrs ERin

    1. Arrrrrrrrrrr Erin, we don't really be 'aving scurvy, we just like the way it sounds!!! MOL Arrrrrrrrrrr!! XOX

  3. You are more handsome than Jack Sparrow.

  4. Replies
    1. Arrrrrrr Island Cats, ye be some of thee finest pirate cats I know1!! Arrrrrrrrr!! XOX

  5. Oh my mouses, Basil. You look GREAT as a pirate, for sure! purrs

  6. We will be back to see your Monday adventure. Happy Meow Like a Pirate Sunday Selfie Day

    1. Thank ye kindly Dash Kitten Crew, we'll be sailing your waters on the morrow!!! Arrrrrrrrrrr!!! XOX

  7. Ye look just purrfect Cap'n :) Pawkisses fer a great week ahead :) <3

  8. Wowee! You look like a mighty fierce captain! (And a cute one, too!)

    1. That be most generous of thee to say Chatty Cats!!! Arrrrrrrrr!!! XOX

  9. A striking scurvy pirate-cat you be, Basil! Yarghh! Ya got a jolly galleon to sail and plunder the seas with, too!

    1. Arrrrrr that be true Pippo & Minko, and thee scurvier thee better!!! Arrrrr!!! XOX


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