Saturday 7 October 2017

Pet Peeves with Parsley #7 ~ What's Your Boggle This Week? Getting BUMPED OFF!

Many greetings pawesome pals

Parsley here *waves paw* and welcome to 

Pet Peeves With Parsley

I wasn't best purrleased when I found out that my Thursday slot was getting bumped to Saturday this week because Basil's back with his Brain Training!

So now that's out of the way and it's Saturday I can join in the Caturday Art Blog Hop with  

caturday art

Toon Me... Andy Warhol Eat Your Heart Out ~ I Look FURRBULOUS! MOL

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What's been your biggest pet peeve this week?

...feel free to leave your peeves in the comment form, all are welcome!

Peevish purrs and MOL-ing!



  1. I can't believe you got bumped to Saturday. Who does Basil think he is? It's not like the blog is named after him... oh, wait, it is, still, it's not very nice to get bumped. Try to have a good weekend.

    1. Hi Edie, yep it is Basil's blog so I suppose I should be grateful to have my own post!! MOL MOL XOX

  2. We can't believe Basil bumped you, but you look fabulous in your art Parsley. Mommy's pet peeve is Scylla trying to help her type. Scylla's pet peeve is all the junk Mommy puts on her desk that Scylla has to knock off before she can lay down. Really who needs a keyboard, mouse and cup of coffee!!!!

    1. Hey guys, thanks so much I thought the art was quite funky too! MOL XOX

  3. Parsley, I feel your pain. It’s hard getting a spot on our blog as well. There are five of us and Alberto seems to hog all the writing time. I’ve been bumped off the Linky Party’s so many times I can’t keep track of the numbers on my paws. But on a happy note, I loved your art!
    Purrrs & Head Bonks,
    The often bumped Oliver from The Tribe of Five

    1. Hey Oliver, dude mew know I suppose we need to look at it like this, one day we'll get more posts to write! MOL XOX

  4. Yes you do look fabulous, but where did your eye go in the 3rd one? I am glad you got it back for the 4th.

    1. Hey guys, I don't know, purhaps the filter was darker and blocked my eye out! MOL MOL XOX

  5. It did give an excellent opportunity to show off your awesome art though. We enjoyed it very much!
    PS...I don't know if you'll see my reply to your comment on our Treatibles post, so I wanted to be sure you knew that you should check their website, I think they have an office in the UK.

    1. Hi Jan, thanks I checked their website but couldn't see a UK office, but I'm going to email them and ask! XOX

  6. Stupid siblings. Think they own everything! ~Bear Cat
    ps - thank you for linking up to the Showcase!!!

    1. Hiya MK, Bear & Ellie, yep they do and hopefully we'll remember to link to the next one too! XOX

  7. Well, that's just not fair, Parsley. You deserve a whole week now.

  8. My Pet Peeve is that you are so adorable and I don't get to pet you. :)

  9. Those are great Parsley. My biggest pet peeve is getting some attention outta TW.

    1. Hey CK, oh mew defo need to have wurds with TW fur sure!!! XOX

  10. Oh man, being bumped is just the worst... mind you is the boss, Basil, and it is brain training which peeps need, heck my peep needs two I reckon on account of being unable to multi task!
    Love the images and the 1st has our vote!
    Toodle pip and purrs

    1. Hi Erin, yep Basil's blog so he's in charge pfffftttt!!!! MOL XOX

  11. I'm afraid I can't help you, Parsley, I need a little brain training too..*mumbles* and a few extra lessons in English bacause we don't know the peeve word, but we know that your artwork is pawsome😎Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday😽❤😻

    1. Hiya Binky, oh mew don't need English lessons, your English is better than some peeps we know here!!! MOL FYI a peeve is something that has upset mew or bugged mew... XOX

  12. You got bumped?! No way! I can see why you'd be peeved, 'cause no kitty likes getting the bump! Purr-sonally I think you are the true artist over that Andy man. Hugs to you, chat noir pal!

  13. I would be grumpy too...but at least you didn't get made redundant, that would be really bad.


❤️*Waves Paw* we love comments, thanks so much fur leaving one ❤️
FYI Comment Moderation is on due an influx of SPAM - so if mew don't see your comment straight away, DON'T PANIC!