Showing posts with label weekly news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weekly news. Show all posts

Wednesday 6 July 2022

Welcome to The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Follow The Floof Some More with Fudge, The Phantom Plant Squasher Revealed and Melvyn's Gone Bananas

MidWeek News Round Up with The B Team ©BionicBasil®2022

 Epic Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

 We mentioned on Sundays post, that the Time Travelling Telephone Box prep has begun, and oh dear what a job! It was supposed to have been painted in 2020, so it's pretty rough now, but anyhoo better late than never and it will look gleaming in about a week or so! 

The Midweek News Round-Up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® The B Teams Time Travelling Telephone Box

We had to scrape quite a lot of the paint off the door as it had started to flake. And after a bit of a sand, the widows will be taped off and the first coat of undercoat will go on.

If mew want to know the history of the K6 telephone kiosk, which is this one, click here to find out all about it.

First up in the news this week

Follow The Floof Some More with Fudge

The Midweek News Round-Up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Follow The Floof with Fudge

Fudge went on another sneaky covert mission to see what the neighbours were doing!

Watch the video on TikTok

Follow the Floof Day Seven 

We're still waiting for his report, he say's he's typing it up and we'll get to read it soon but in the meantime stay tuned for more Follow the Floof.

Next up in the news

The Phantom Plant Squasher Revealed

The Midweek News Round-Up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Parsley The Phantom Plant Squasher

The P.A. was wondering who kept snoozing in the ornamental grass plants and squishing them into little nests, and the other day she caught the cuplrit red-pawed! MOL

Check out Parsley's Instagram video

The Phantom Plant Squasher

He loves it!

Finally this week

Melvyn's Gone Bananas

The Midweek News Round-Up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Melvyn's Gone Bananas

As it's Melvyn's birthday week, he decided he needed to go a little bananas and he found the purrfect bandana to wear at the same time! MOL

Don't furget that his 5th birthday rave and giveaway is still happening if mew want to pop down to level 11 in the bunker and join in the fun.

BBHQ Q&A Banner ©BionicBasil®
If mew have any questions for us, about anything, ask away and we'll answer on next week's post.

Plus we'll also answer any questions left in the comments over the last few days in this section too.

As there weren't any questions or enquiries this week, we decided to share a picture of a painted lady butterfly.

The Midweek News Round-Up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Painted Lady Butterfly

That's us done for today, and we will be back on Friday with another Fluffers post just for mew, so check back for some more funny outtakes.

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Wednesday 29 June 2022

Welcome to The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Follow The Floof Some More with Fudge, Hanging Out In The Garden with Parsley AND Melvyn's Doing A Spot Of Burd Watching **PLUS** BBHQ Q&A

MidWeek News Round Up with The B Team ©BionicBasil®2022

 Epic Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

We'll be sharing the winner of Fudge's epic birthday giveaway on Friday's post, so stay tuned to see if it is mew. 

And mew might remember on Sunday's post we mentioned that we were transplanting a few seedlings, well we planned on watching while the P.A. did all the work and transplanting! MOL

Here's a snap of some of the self-set seedlings prior to being moved.

The Midweek News Round-up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®  Self Set Plants in The Courtyard
Some of the plants are tiny, like the lavender, they are not even 1 cm or 1/2 inch tall, so they have to be extracted with much care. The good news is they are now in pots or other places around the garden which we'll share next week.

First up in the news this week

Follow The Floof Some More with Fudge

The Midweek News Round-Up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Follow The Floof with Fudge on the Roof

This week Fudge went on a sneaky covert mission to see what the neighbours were doing!

Watch the video on TikTok

Follow the Floof Day Six 

Who knows what he'll get up to next, but stay tuned for more Follow the Floof.

Next up in the news

Hanging Out In The Garden with Parsley

Parsley is such a reliable dude, he always stays in the garden and loves reclining on the mill-wheels just watching the wildlife, buglife and birdlife go by. 

The Midweek News Round-Up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Hanging Out In The Garden with Parsley

Sometimes he hides in the border, and he's completely undetectable when he goes into his full Purredator mode.

He laughed himself silly the other day as the P.A. was looking for him for an hour, and she'd walked by his hiding place half a dozen times and didn't seen him until he finally decide to uncloak and appear as if by magic in front of her. 

The P.A. did mutter a couple of unspeakables as he made her really late for work. 

Finally this week

Melvyn's Doing A Spot Of Burd Watching

Melvyn doesn't get out in the garden very much these days as he's a total liability. So when he does go outside he's heavily snoopervised in case he decides to take a little unauthorised trip around the village again.

The Midweek News Round-Up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Melvyn's Doing A Spot Of Burd Watching

Anyhoo, he did enjoy his last outing a few days ago and he loved watching all the burds at the burd-feeder squabbling over the seed.

He was literally transfixed by them! MOL

BBHQ Q&A Banner ©BionicBasil®
If mew have any questions for us, about anything, ask away and we'll answer on next week's post.

Plus we'll also answer any questions left in the comments over the last few days in this section too.

Memories of Eric and Flynn asked on last week's News Round-Up: 

 Fudge what happened to that tuft of fur on your left shoulder, day 4?

Fudge says, "Well it's a really funny story, and if mew haven't seen the aforementioned tuft, click the day 4 link above and check it out on TikTok! Now I'll tell mew about the tuft, when I first arrived at BBHQ way, way back in the day and the P.A. released me from the carrier into the downstairs office, she noticed that same tuft sticking up and she thought it was some loose fur and tried to pull it off. It didn't come off because it is furrmly attached to my purrson. It is actually located in the centre of my back between my shoulder blades, and it has some long, whiskery strands supported by a floofy tuft, I like to think of it as a special antenna of sorts, a magical extension if mew will, anyhoo I can tell mew this it is very sensitive to touch!" MOL MOL 

I hope that answers your question.

That's us done for today, though we will be back on Friday with the first Friday Fluffers of the current season, and if mew missed Monday's post click here to catch up on our epically epic 10-year blogoversary celebration!

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Wednesday 22 June 2022

Welcome to The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Follow The Floof Some More with Fudge, Smooch Got Moved Into The Shade AND It Rained All Day Caturday **PLUS** BBHQ Q&A

MidWeek News Round Up with The B Team ©BionicBasil®2022

 Epic Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

Epic news, Smooch's Birthday Goodie Box finally reached Catwoods Porch Party safe and sound, and Basil's Birthday Goodie Box reached Tinsel and Naughty Netty, so there are quite a few rather happy cats this week! That's what we like to hear!!! MOL 

First up in the news this week

Follow The Floof Some More with Fudge

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Follow The Floof Some More with Fudge

Fudge really likes his new mini-series on TikTok, and mew can still watch the videos if mew don't have an account. Mew just won't be able to comment or like the post.

Follow the Floof Day Four

Follow the Floof Day Five

Follow the Floof Day Six is coming later this week.

Next up in the news

Smooch Got Moved Into The Shade

Last week was rather warm, and on Thursday it was especially hot, and Smooch was laying on the bench in the courtyard in the full sun, so the P.A. picked him up and placed him on the right side of the bench, which was in the shade and about 8 degrees cooler! MOL

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Smooch Moved Into The Shade

And this was his reaction, so funny! 

Finally this week

 It Rained All Day Caturday

And after the hot weather on Thursday and Friday, it rained all day on Caturday.

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ©BionicBasil® Pandora Under The Gazebo

Pandora loves being in the garden, and she spent hours snoozing under the gazebo while the gentle rain pitter-pattered down.

This was great for the trees and all the plants in the garden, as they got a lovely soaking at a gentle pace, and it meant the P.A. could have a day off watering all the pots.

It's also quite hot again this week at BBHQ, so the door painting is not happening, as the P.A. will probably burst into flames if she's out in the sun too long! MOL

BBHQ Q&A Banner ©BionicBasil®
If mew have any questions for us, about anything, ask away and we'll answer on next week's post.

Plus we'll also answer any questions left in the comments over the last few days in this section too.

Edie asked:

Is Smooch knitting a tank cozy in the craft room?

Smooch's reply: Sadly, that's the wrong answer, but I'm sure Jake will love what I'm creating! MOL MOL 

Wendy asked: 

 Are Smooch and Melvyn related?

No, they're not related. Smooch came from a feral family at the P.A.'s work in 2012, mew can read all about his early days here. And Melvyn arrived at BBHQ in 2019, his debut was on our Valentine's Day crafting post, and I don't think we've ever shared his story, we must do one at some point.

Am curious if you've ever contacted a psychic or wizard to help you communicate with any of your ghostly visitors?

Yes, we had a couple of psychics visit BBHQ, I think we spoke about one of the visits here, although not in-depth. The P.A. will divulge more in the autumn/fall.

That's us done for today, Amber will be back on Friday with another fab book just for mew and her very last review of the current season, and if mew missed yesterday's post click here to join in on Fudge's 7th Birthday pawty and Giveaway. 

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Wednesday 15 June 2022

Welcome to The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Follow The Floof with Fudge, Up Close and Purrsonal with Melvyn and Smooch's Top Secret Project **PLUS** BBHQ Q&A

MidWeek News Round Up with The B Team ©BionicBasil®2022

 Epic Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

It's all been happeing this week at BBHQ. From cats up trees to top secret projects coming to light. And then the back door is being prepped for painting and the P.A. discovered that the wood had got a tiny bit of rot happening which displeased her immensely as it's mahogany hardwood, so after some nifty scraping, treating and filling, the door will last a while longer yet! MOL

First up in the news this week

 Follow The Floof with Fudge

The Midweek News Round-Up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Follow The Floof with Fudge

Fudge has been busy the last few days with his TikTok Video's, he's got a new theme called, yep mew guessed it, Follow The Floof! MOL

Check out his video's so far.

Follow The Floof Day One

Follow The Floof Day Two

Follow the Floof Day Three

Next up in the news

Up Close and Purrsonal with Melvyn

The Midweek News Round-Up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Up Close and Purrsonal with Melvyn

Melvyn thought it might be nice to share a propurr close-up of all his epic handsomeness! MOL

Finally this week

Smooch's Top Secret Project

The Midweek News Round-Up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Smooch's Top Secret Project

Smooch has been a bit sneaky lately, he's been hanging out in the craft room at BBHQ wurking on a secret project, what do mew think it could be?

BBHQ Q&A Banner ©BionicBasil®

We will answer any questions left in the comments over the last few days here.

On last weeks News our fabulous commentor Catladymac asked,

No supernatural doings lately?

The P.A. says, there will be more Haunted Happenings in the autumn/fall. Sadly she doesn't have time during the summer months as there are too many jobs in the garden and this year there's extra painting happening too, which steals all her extra blogging time.

If mew have any questions for us, about anything, ask away and we'll answer on next weeks post.

That's us done for today, Amber will be back on Friday with another fab book just for mew, and if mew missed Monday's latest Brain Training post click here to catch up on all the fun puzzles and see if mew can beat our rather slow time on the jigsaw! MOL

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Wednesday 2 January 2019

The Catmas Laundry Make-Offur on The Pet Parade 281 with Dash Kitten, Us & Barking from The Bayou

Wednesday Greetings Pawesome Furriends

Welcome to The Pet Parade and our weekly news round-up!

We do hope your New Year has got off to a terrifically fine start, ours is totally pawesome as Basil's back from the RB, in his angelic form of course fur now.

So OMC, what the fluff happened to us since last Thursday, it was like we fell off the planet... would mew believe us if we told mew we'd been held captive in some weird time space continuin-anom-nom-nom bubble since late last Wednesday evening battling some strange alien creatures again? Well as exciting and as normal as that sounds fur BBHQ, that's not the case at all! MOL  

Our absence is much easier to explain and a lot less exciting... the P.A. in all her wisdom decided that the laundry needed redecorating - she's actually been putting it off fur the last couple of years as the cupboards and wooden wurktop needed a spruce up too.  And we've not been feeling furry festive if we're honest... it's been a tough few months at BBHQ.

So a week last Caturday the painting bug ambushed her and grabbed her by the shoulders, giving her a rather vigorous shake and so she headed off into the shed in search of paint.  A while later [we nearly had to send a search team aftur her - she emerged from the archives carrying all the supplies she'd bought 2 years ago to do the job.

She said and we quote, "This shouldn't take too long!"

Famous last wurds or what?! MOL

She finally finished on New Years Eve, so that's why we haven't been about much as things took considerably longer than anticipated, but the great news is the laundry now looks epic.  

Fudge was best purrleased especially when he saw all the mini TTTB [Time Travelling Telephone Boxes] lined up in the cupboard and had to do a double-take. 

We've got a new colour and new sparkles on the walls - glitter paint is a must here - the units have been painted in a flat white eggshell [2 coats of undercoat and 2 coats of eggshell], the solid beech wurktop was a strange orangey colour which we found most offensive but now aftur using 2 coats of darker wood-stain it looks like dark oak - amen to that! 

New crystal door knobs were applied to finish the cupboards and effurything now looks epic, the only purroblem is this...

The P.A. said. "Oh for fluffs sake, now everywhere else needs painting!"

And so it goes...

Happy Wednesday! MOL

As there weren't any new posts much this week, here's a few completely random ones from the past year:

And if mew still need some more entertainment, get our free mandala colouring books below:

Amber will be here on Friday with a fantastic book she can't wait to share with mew all, so do stop by the library, tea and nip cookies will be served, and we hope to see mew then! 

Bestest purrs and big hugs

The B Team xx

Now let's HOP on... 

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