Epic Greetings Furiends
Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!
Furstly apologies for posting halfway through Wednesday, the P.A. went to the dentist yesterday and upon her return didn't feel like blogging, she asked Smooch to take the reigns, but sadly he was skiving off again under his desk, see below! MOL
Also, we've had a few showers this week, not heavy just gentle rain and in some instances just spots. It's been rather humid too, which isn't pleasant, but here's hoping that the humidness fluffs off soon.

Furst up in the news this week
Smooch Skives Off Again
This is the reason we're late posting this week's news, Smooch was utterly non-compliant in the P.A.'s wish that he should finish today's blog post yesterday.
His excuse was that his laptop wasn't running propurrly, but the truth of the matter was he just wasn't feeling the vibe yesterday! MOL
Yep, we all get days like that!
And check out Smooch's latest TikTok video here, he's very sneaky and cute in the way he uses a mirror!
If mew like Smooch's desk, check out how we made it on our Crafting with Cat's post here.
Next up in the news
Fudge Is On A New Roof
Mew all know by now how much Fudge loves getting on the roof, well he decided to get on the potting shed roof this week to check out nextdoors front garden from a new purrsepctive! MOL
Sorry there's no Follow the Floof this week on TikTok, but we did post a new video of him getting neck scritches in the garden, click here to see!

Finally this week
Melvyn is Stumped!!!
A New Bandana Selection, Which One Should Melvyn Wear Furst?
We purrchased a couple of new bandanas from our epic pal at Eric's Empawrium a few weeks ago, and he also sent us three extra, which was a delightful surprise.
Anyhoo, Melvyn can't decide which one to wear furst, what do mew think he should choose?
1. Parrot
2. Space
3. Funky Cats
4. Good Vibes
5. Stars
Let us know in the comments, and Melvyn will model it for mew next week
Also if mew're in the market for a new bandana, visit Eric's Empawrium and use our Ambassador discount code to get 15% off any purrchase: Bionic15
If mew have any questions for us, about anything, ask away, and we'll answer on next week's post.
Plus we'll also answer any questions left in the comments over the last few days in this section too.
Did Fudge catch the pigeon?? Or anything?
No, Fudge didn't get a pigeon that day, but there was a dead dove in the courtyard on Sunday afternoon, though we think it flew into the conservatory window and broke its neck. So sad!
Fudge, when you have sorted that pigeon out I have one here that needs sorting. He sits on the phone pole outside our bedroom window at 5.15 every morning and coos constantly. Not only that, but it is the most raucous coo you have ever heard!!
Oh no, there's nothing worse than an obnoxious noisy pigeon, especially at 5.15am, Fudge has several ideas for dispatching said cooing nightmare, although none of them are family-furiendly so we can't share them here, but he's sure mew know the ones we mean! MOL
Thank you for the voodoo doll answer, although I assure you, I have no need to make voodoo dolls...*wink*
Don't wurry we won't say a wurd, but if mew want an order just let us know on the side **WINK WINK** MOL
That's us done for today, we will be back on Friday with some more fab fluffers just for mew, and if mew missed Monday's post click here to catch up on a re-run of one of our Cat Hazards posts and get a free printable of 12 Cut Flowers Toxic to Cats.
Epic purrs
Wing Commander Basil & The B Team
Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post!
Graphics created with paid licence www.canva.com
Space bandana, no doubt about it!
ReplyDeleteQuestion: Have you visited the Isle of Wight?
Love them all. I love your kitties.
ReplyDeleteI think Melvyn should wear the Funky Cats one the first.
Have a purrfect day and rest of the week. Scritches all around and my best to your wonderful mom. ♥
Thanks Fudge. If the boys were still here they would have sorted that pigeon for me.
ReplyDeleteMelvyn, start with the parrot bandana and work your way through them.
Kitties are all lookin' good! Smooch looks so comfy and Fudge looks grand against the sky! Those are snazzy bandanas, maybe the space one should be the first Melvyn wears, but I like the Funky Cats too!
ReplyDeleteThe three of you look fabulous. Hey Melvyn, I thing the Funky Cats would look great pal. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
ReplyDeleteYou can't always be feeling it, Smooch, so we get it. Glad you had fun up on that roof, Fudge. Cool shot!
ReplyDeleteAnd Melvyn, we think Funky Cats would look so good on you.
Love the bandanas. The middle one with cats is my favorite. XO
ReplyDeleteI love the funky cats and the stars the best.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting us know about the pigeon...I had a dead nuthatch here recently, same thing...flew into a window...sigh...
Fudge, my man, you look SPECTACULAR up on that pottin' shed roof. MOUSES!
ReplyDeleteStars first, my good mancat, and Funky Cats next! Enjoyed the answers you gave us all. I dodn't know you were so responsive to questions. Next time I have one, I WILL meow it.
ReplyDeleteAmazing photo of Fudge on the roof so beautiful.xxx