Showing posts with label Black and white cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black and white cats. Show all posts

Thursday 7 April 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Angel Posie

Angel Posie is with us today showing us her thoughtless and reckless abandon on one of her many expeditions down the field.

It will be a year this month since she went OTRB [22.4.15] and we still miss her furry chops effuryday.

She was a grumpy, bad tempered kitty and it still makes us smile today because we loved her.  When the P.A. furst saw her at the rescue, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that no sane, rational purrson would effur adopt her and give her a purrmanent home as she had a severe purrsonality disorder and was a scratcher/biter/semi-feral wild cat -  and I bet mew wouldn't think that to look at her little, uber cute chops but looks can be furry deceiving!  Even the peeps at the rescue thought the P.A. was more than a little bonkers and expected her back the following week to give Posie back.  

The P.A. knew that Posie would neffur be a true lapcat or furry affectionate but she didn't mind and bundled her off home with Snowie, happy in the knowledge that whateffur Posie was like, she'd got a home fur life regardless.  Offur the years Posie mellowed slightly, moderately slightly and liked her own company, and sometimes she would get on a lap but only if there was a soft cushion between her and said lap.  She was neffur one fur cuddles, not like the rest of us but she did like being brushed, a lot and tickles behind the ears.

All in all, we wouldn't have swapped her fur all the catnip in all the cosmos!

Wishing mew all a day of delights

Bestest purrs

Basil xox

Thoughtless Thursday

And mew can also join in the 
Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

Graphics created used under paid licence
 Glitter Text

Thursday 18 February 2016

Thoughtless on Thursday with Angel Posie

Fabulous greetings wunderpurr pals

Today Angel Posie is joining us and being thoroughly thoughtless lazing in lilac!!!

The one thing that Posie excelled at was sweeping, she could sweep nearly the entire day away and she didn't care where she did it, the cooker top [off of course], the kitchen table, the sofa, the pouf, the sideboard, anywhere was fair game fur a snooze! MOL 

We hope mew are having a lazy day and keeping warm, the temperature has dropped here this week and it's pawsitively Baltic, howeffur we've assigned the P.A. to fire duty and have been basking in front of the wood-burner keeping our tootsies supurr toastie.

Here's to hot fur and snoozing by the fire

Purrs and kisses

Basil xox

glitter maker

Thoughtless Thursday

"Don't think, just link!" 

glitter maker
And mew can also join in the 

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop 

 with Pepsi Smart Dog 

Graphics used under paid licence and
Glitter Text