Showing posts with label Angel Posie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angel Posie. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 June 2017

BlogPaws Conference Update #5 and Taking It Easy on Sunday Selfies #146 Blog Hop with Cat on my Head

Supurr Sunday Greetings Wunderpurr Pals

Welcome to another selfie selection and another BlogPaws Conference update.

This week we've had lots of outside time, it's been lovely and warm so we've been Taking It Easy in the garden! MOL

Obviously our theme is:

Taking It Easy

*    *    *

Today we're going to look at some of the Cat Lounge products up close and purrsonal... prepare to drool! MOL 

And before we begin, just so mew know this post is not sponsored in any way whatsoeffur, we are sharing just because we can and because the products were great.

The P.A. loved the Cat Lounge and saw so many fabulous products that we just can't seem to get in the U.K. [Boo the U.K. MOL!!!] but anyhoo, she said the quality of the products was superb and if only the peeps would get stockists here....

These beds were just amazing and they're available from Karma Cat and although the P.A. didn't get one, she really wants to order one now she's back in good old Blighty! MOL

Oh and they do toys too, just look at these, totally pawesome huh?

The Sleepy Pod was another excellent product, it is a bed, carrier and car seat all in one, the P.A. was also smitten with these.

Be One Breed showcased this amazingly pawesome cube play centre, there was no way the P.A. could fit that in her suitcase, although she did think about if fur about a nano-second!!

Before the P.A. had even got to BlogPaws and seen this amazing cat tepee, she'd already made a pattern fur one so we can show mew how to make one with our step by step destructions on Crafting With Cats - however if mew're not in the mood to make one mew can buy a beautiful one from these peeps instead! MOL   Mew can visit BlinkPet fur the handwoven house by clicking the link and fur the Tepee, click here Pet Lifestyle and You aka P.L.A.Y.

On the Saturday, the P.A. was allowed to choose something from the above stand, so guess what the fruitbat got, yep the camo-cat workout leggings!!! MOL MOL But seriously they're amazing... check out MeowUnited as they've got some seriously cool stuff.

Well I think that's enough epically epic products fur one day, even though we've still got more to share!

*    *    *

Don't furget mew can still enter my birthday give-away as we won't be drawing the winner until next Friday, all mew need to do is leave a comment on my birthday post to be in with a chance of winning an epically epic bag of goodies.

*    *    *

Wishing mew all a supurr day with lots of sun puddles and mega warmz and join us tomorrow if mew can as mew know how much we love your company.

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their fabulous blog:

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Sunday, 28 May 2017

BlogPaws Conference Update #2 and Sunday Selfies #146 Blog Hop with Cat on my Head

Supurr Sunday Salutations Pawesome Pals

Today our selfies post is a little different, it's featuring my 'not-clone' clone and the more I look at it the more I realize how much it doesn't look like me at all! MOL   Mew know Cuddle Clones said they remade it, I can tell mew 100% they DID NOT remake it at all, they lied, but hey ho, Cuddle Clones will neffer effur get any business from us again and the P.A. was going to have the entire B Team made - Bad Luck Cuddle Clones, mew should have done a better job.

Anyhoo, sorry fur the digression, today we have a series of BlogPaws pics to share, so we won't ruin it with any commentary, but as mew can see NCB [Not Clone Basil] really seemed to be enjoying himself tremendously, especially when he landed on the Meowijuana stand - nuff said! MOL

Even Erin Version 0.5 [above, bottom right] fell victim to the lure of the Meowijuana stand too, it would appear that Meowijuana is really Kryptonite fur kitties!!! MOL MOL 

The Cat Lounge was epic and the P.A. was lucky enough to get a couple of items from the stand on the Saturday, we'll feature those in another post with all the deets.

As mew can see there was so much happening, so much to see, so many furriends to meet and chat with, epically epic fun!

*    *    *

Wishing mew all a supurr day with lots of sun puddles and mega warmz and join us tomorrow if mew can when we have another Blogpaws post on Mandala's on Monday

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their fabulous blog:

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Sunday, 14 May 2017

Snuggle Pit Sunday ~ Sunday Selfies #144 & Blog Hopping with Cat on my Head

Pawesome Sunday Salutations Purrfect Pals

We do hope mew've been having a delight weekend and that the sun is shining fur mew today.  Our beautiful weather suddenly turned rather pants and it began to rain - Yahoo Weather App, mew lied!!!! MOL

Anyhoo, Dad made us a nice fire in the wood-burner so we've been relishing the heat.

Thus our theme today is:

Snuggle Pit Sunday

Apart from Pandora who got her days wrong and thought it was Tongue Out Tuesday! MOL MOL 

Wishing mew all an epically epic day and also wishing all our beautiful furriends across the pond a furry Happy Mothers Day! 

Bestest purrs and hugs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their fabulous blog:

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Sunday, 7 May 2017

What About Us? Sunday Selfies #143 & Blog Hopping with Cat on my Head

Supurr Sunday Salutations Wunderpurr Furriends


Welcome to another selfie selection

The other day the P.A. stayed home as it was such a beautiful sunny day, anyhoo guess what?  We didn't get to go outside!!!  Can mew believe that... she got her deck chair on the patio and got herself nice and comfy, we know because we could see her through the patio doors.  Honestly we couldn't believe the selfishness of it, there she was snoozing in the sunshine without a care in the wurld and we were stuck indoors...tsk...tsk...tsk, and I was really miffed about it!

Later when she finally remembered we were here, she said and I quote,"Sorry guys but I wasn't going to be chasing aftur Fudge every three seconds."

I gave her my bestest quizzical look and replied. "Seriously, that's your excuse, we had to stay inside because of him!"

"Basil," she said. "You know what he's like if he's out with everyone, he's up a tree, stuck in a tree, on the roof, getting stuck on the roof, racing over the fence into next-doors garden, harassing the birds... you know he can't sit still and I wanted an hour in the garden without constantly chasing the ginger ninja around like a helicopter mum."

"Oh," I answered thoughtfully. "Well next time, let me out and leave him in!"

So today our theme is:

What About Us?

Did your peeps do anything to mew this week that miffed mew off?

Bestest purrs and hugs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their fabulous blog:

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Sunday, 30 April 2017

Sunday Selfies #142 Happy Birthday Smoochie & Give-Away & Blog Hopping with Cat on my Head

Pawesome Sunday greetings wunderpurr pals

Welcome to the pawty

So without further ado 

[This also confirms my theory that mice still can't count - I asked fur 6 candles on the cake!]

Well let the pawty begin and mew're all invited!

 I'll be in charge of the indoor and outdoor buffet tables plus keeping an eye on young Fudge.  Pandora and Amber are in charge of serving beverages while Angel Snowie & Angel Humphrey are behind the bar mixing whateffur mew'd like.  Parsley is DJ'ing [Bast help us!] and Angel Posie will just be floating around as she does! [MOL]

There's refreshments in the garden, mind mew don't fall in the new pond though!

Pawty on furriends!

The Give-Away

An epically epic surprise bag of goodies from the Kit Knit Cos Play Store!

Just leave us a comment to be entered, the give-away is open wurld-wide and we'll draw a winner next week.

Bestest Pawty Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their fabulous blog:

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