Showing posts with label Burd Watching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burd Watching. Show all posts

Wednesday 29 June 2022

Welcome to The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Follow The Floof Some More with Fudge, Hanging Out In The Garden with Parsley AND Melvyn's Doing A Spot Of Burd Watching **PLUS** BBHQ Q&A

MidWeek News Round Up with The B Team ©BionicBasil®2022

 Epic Greetings Furiends

Welcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!

We'll be sharing the winner of Fudge's epic birthday giveaway on Friday's post, so stay tuned to see if it is mew. 

And mew might remember on Sunday's post we mentioned that we were transplanting a few seedlings, well we planned on watching while the P.A. did all the work and transplanting! MOL

Here's a snap of some of the self-set seedlings prior to being moved.

The Midweek News Round-up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil®  Self Set Plants in The Courtyard
Some of the plants are tiny, like the lavender, they are not even 1 cm or 1/2 inch tall, so they have to be extracted with much care. The good news is they are now in pots or other places around the garden which we'll share next week.

First up in the news this week

Follow The Floof Some More with Fudge

The Midweek News Round-Up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Follow The Floof with Fudge on the Roof

This week Fudge went on a sneaky covert mission to see what the neighbours were doing!

Watch the video on TikTok

Follow the Floof Day Six 

Who knows what he'll get up to next, but stay tuned for more Follow the Floof.

Next up in the news

Hanging Out In The Garden with Parsley

Parsley is such a reliable dude, he always stays in the garden and loves reclining on the mill-wheels just watching the wildlife, buglife and birdlife go by. 

The Midweek News Round-Up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Hanging Out In The Garden with Parsley

Sometimes he hides in the border, and he's completely undetectable when he goes into his full Purredator mode.

He laughed himself silly the other day as the P.A. was looking for him for an hour, and she'd walked by his hiding place half a dozen times and didn't seen him until he finally decide to uncloak and appear as if by magic in front of her. 

The P.A. did mutter a couple of unspeakables as he made her really late for work. 

Finally this week

Melvyn's Doing A Spot Of Burd Watching

Melvyn doesn't get out in the garden very much these days as he's a total liability. So when he does go outside he's heavily snoopervised in case he decides to take a little unauthorised trip around the village again.

The Midweek News Round-Up at BBHQ ©BionicBasil® Melvyn's Doing A Spot Of Burd Watching

Anyhoo, he did enjoy his last outing a few days ago and he loved watching all the burds at the burd-feeder squabbling over the seed.

He was literally transfixed by them! MOL

BBHQ Q&A Banner ©BionicBasil®
If mew have any questions for us, about anything, ask away and we'll answer on next week's post.

Plus we'll also answer any questions left in the comments over the last few days in this section too.

Memories of Eric and Flynn asked on last week's News Round-Up: 

 Fudge what happened to that tuft of fur on your left shoulder, day 4?

Fudge says, "Well it's a really funny story, and if mew haven't seen the aforementioned tuft, click the day 4 link above and check it out on TikTok! Now I'll tell mew about the tuft, when I first arrived at BBHQ way, way back in the day and the P.A. released me from the carrier into the downstairs office, she noticed that same tuft sticking up and she thought it was some loose fur and tried to pull it off. It didn't come off because it is furrmly attached to my purrson. It is actually located in the centre of my back between my shoulder blades, and it has some long, whiskery strands supported by a floofy tuft, I like to think of it as a special antenna of sorts, a magical extension if mew will, anyhoo I can tell mew this it is very sensitive to touch!" MOL MOL 

I hope that answers your question.

That's us done for today, though we will be back on Friday with the first Friday Fluffers of the current season, and if mew missed Monday's post click here to catch up on our epically epic 10-year blogoversary celebration!

Epic purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 

Don't furget to subscribe and never miss another post! 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Wednesday 22 January 2020

BBHQ Winter Burd Watch, and TODAY It's Answer Your Cat's Question Day on The Pet Parade 336 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

Hello fab furiends

Welcome to our weekly news round-up here at BBHQ.  So what's been happening in Mewton-Clawson we hear mew ask?

Well, where to start, Smooch and Pandora, along with Amber and Fudge have been taking it in turns doing a spot of burd watching from the comfort and coziness of the catservatory.

Smooch and Pandora ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 336

Amber and Fudge ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 336

They've spotted several new blackburds, hedge sparrows, robins, blue tits, house sparrows, doves, pigeons, a song thrush and a chaffinch or two so far.  Not a bad week, and we're hoping to spot a few more in coming days, so we'll keep mew posted if any new ones turn up.

We have several watering holes and bird-baths located around the garden, and approximately 7 feeders, 2 small bird houses where the P.A puts the mealwurms for the smaller burds, and a new feeder which has 4 jars of special burd food in.  So there's plenty to go around.

We'll share more next week on the BBHQ Winter Burd Watch series.

Also today...

It's Answer Your Cat's Question Day, so kitties if mew could ask your hoomans a question and they could understand and answer it, what would it be?

I asked each of The B Team and here's their questions.  I thought we'd have a selection of profound and deeply life-changing, wurld-altering questions, but instead I got this...

Melvyn:  Why can't I go outside?

P.A.: Because you're a total liability and come back naked, in other words you lose your collar!

Fudge: Why can't I go outside either?

P.A.:  See answer to Melvyn's question, another total liability! 

Smooch: Why don't Melvyn and Fudge go outside?

P.A.:  For the 3rd time, Melvyn and Fudge like to go into other peoples gardens, and then come back naked - I'm not having it, stay in our garden with your clothes on or don't go out! 

Parsley: Those 3 are complete idiots, what I want to know is when are we going on holiday? 

P.A.: Soon!

Pandora: When is my new Fashion with Felines series starting?

P.A.: Soon! 

Amber: Why the fluffing fluff are mew waking me up to ask me something so stupid?

P.A.: Who upset Amber and made her angry?  [tiptoes away and hides]

Me, Basil: Who's been driving my hummer without purrmission?

P.A.: That would be Smooch!

And there mew have it, 7 questions that will not change or alter the wurld in any way at all! MOL

If mew've missed any of the posts offur the last week, here's the catch up links:

Amber will be here on Friday with another fun book she can't wait to share with mew all, so do stop by the library; tea and nip cookies will be served, and hopefully she will have reached her £30 target on her commentathon for the Oz bush fires, if mew haven't been and left a quick paw print purrlease do as we only need 4 more comments at the time of writing this post [Tuesday afternoon].

Best purrs

Wing Commander Basil The B Team

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