Welcome To
With Amber ~ The Best Library Kitty in the entire Mewton~Clawson Parish.

*waves paw*
Hello gorgeous library guests and welcome to my private library.
I do hope mew are all staying and home and staying safe if mew can, and for all those on the front-line we at BBHQ salute mew, and give much thanks for your continued fight in this war against covid-19.
A completely contactless service has been operating for the last two weeks with extra PPE [purrsonal protection equipment] and cleaning implemented to keep staff and customers safe, and the staff still wanted to continue to work and to stay open next week. So it's been a real hard week with tough decisions to make, and the P.A. and dad decided that today at noon the gates will shut to keep everyone safe as cases are on the increase; last night in Nottinghamshire the number was up to 94, double what it was a few days ago.
Therefore we will be holed up in our compound at BBHQ for the next few weeks, only venturing out locally on short recon missions for necessities, such as; cat food, kibble and catnip, oh and food for the P.A. and dad too!
This week we're also joining in Friday Fill-ins Blog Hop with the fabulous 15 & Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs

1. My favorite outdoor activity is _____________________.
2. One positive aspect of social isolation is
3. It’s fortunate that _________.
4. I have _________ memorized.
The P.A.'s answers are...
1. My favorite outdoor activity is walking/hiking and then gardening.
2. One positive aspect of social isolation is it helps stop the spread of this deadly virus.
3. It’s fortunate that I really like my own company, actually I am a bit of a recluse under normal circumstances.
4. I have nothing memorized; that's what notebooks are for, especially the beautiful Paperblank ones! LOL
And now it's time to share this weeks book.

This week I'm sharing another title from Melvyn's Top 10 Book Picks from Wurld Book Day aftur he asked me ever so nicely the other day!
Why is Snot Green?
And other extremely important questions (and answers) from the Science Museum
Glenn Murphy
And other extremely important questions (and answers) from the Science Museum
Glenn Murphy
Here's A Small Snippet of the Book Blurb:
Why is snot green? Do rabbits fart? What is space made of? Where does all the water go at low tide? Can animals talk? What are scabs for? Will computers ever be cleverer than people? Discover the answers to these and an awful lot of other brilliant questions frequently asked at the Science Museum in this wonderfully funny and informative book.
I was a little skeptical when I furst picked up this book, but aftur getting snuggled in my nest and getting started I found it to be seriously pawesome!
Not only does it explain why snot is green, it is full to bursting with fun facts about space, sciency stuff, weather phenom-a-nom-noms, human anatomy, anipals, robots plus AI and oodles of other interesting things.
So if mew're looking for a fun book to entertain the youngsters in your family or even yourself during this lock-down, I would really recommend this. Plus it makes learning fun for the youngsters with its informal approach and it has illustrations throughout.
There are more books in the series, so if mew like this one, mew can get your mittens on several others too.
Thanks Melvyn, mew picked a really great book!
Give it a whirl, mew'll be surprised at what mew might learn.
So if mew're looking for a fun book to entertain the youngsters in your family or even yourself during this lock-down, I would really recommend this. Plus it makes learning fun for the youngsters with its informal approach and it has illustrations throughout.
There are more books in the series, so if mew like this one, mew can get your mittens on several others too.
Thanks Melvyn, mew picked a really great book!
Give it a whirl, mew'll be surprised at what mew might learn.
* * *
- Paperback: 304 pages
- Age Range: 9 - 11 years
- Publisher: Macmillan Children's Books
I do hope mew enjoy this informative book if mew decide to give it a try...
...and if mew've read it already, what did mew think?
* * *
Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew. And don't furget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page.
Until next time
Keep calm and read on
Keep calm and read on
Follow me at angry_amber_badtemperedkitty