Showing posts with label books with cat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books with cat. Show all posts

Friday 30 November 2018

Feline Fiction on Fridays #82 at Amber's Library featuring **A Tale of Two Kitties** by Nick Harding

Welcome To

With Amber ~ The Best Library Kitty in the entire Mewton~Clawson Parish

Supurr salutations pawesome furriends

*waves paw*

Hello gorgeous library guests and welcome once again, to my private library

I've had another exceptionally busy week in the library, I decided that the books needed a bit of a rearrange, but then I couldn't find anything so I had to put them all back in their original places! MOL

In other news I've had furry stern wurds with the P.A. regarding all our Bionic Basil Adventures as she's just not turning them into books quick enough, I mean she's only got to edit seven and I can't see what the hold-up is.

The P.A. replied, "Seriously Amber, do you think I'm Super Woman?" 

I thought about this fur a moment and then said, "Can mew see if the real Super Woman is available? Then at least we'd get the books done in supurr quick time!"

 The P.A. answered with a chuckle. "Great idea as I have no time at all right now, so I'll tell you what, you get Super Woman to edit the entire series, then find an agent and publisher while I do the day job... I know you can make it all happen Amber."

Can mew believe that? Me either, mew just can't get the staff, not like in the good old days, where staff would only be too grateful to undertake any task, any time! 

So it would appear that little moi now has to find an editor, agent and publisher, so if any of mew fab kitties can point me in the right direction that would be pawesome.

In fact, I wunder if there's a publisher here in Mewton-Clawson, I must make enquiries... and on that note, I think it's time to share this weeks book.

This week I'm sharing

A Tale of Two Kitties:

2 cats, 1 man and a great big life-changing adventure


Nick Harding

**Furstly I have to let mew all know that I was given a free copy of this book in exchange fur a fair review**

Here's the book blurb:

Nick Harding was neither (although, if he had to pick a side he would have chosen the canines, on account of his cat allergies). Then he fell in love with a mad cat lady who forced exuberant kitten Alvin, on him, and the adventure began. 
A Tale of Two Kitties is the story of Nick's unlikely trajectory from cat hater to reluctant cat owner and finally to cat lover, via a global investigation of the weirdly fascinating domestic cat world. Nick embarks on a journey of discovery on which he investigates how cats came to rule the world. 
The story surfs the kitty zeitgeist and takes the reader on a global odyssey through cat history and the modern-day cult of the kitty. From hipsters using cats to take over the internet, to the richest cat in the world; Nick's personal cat journey explains how felines have risen to replace dogs as man's best friend. It's full of fascinating insights about cat behaviour, cat history and cat evolution. 

Nick lives and breathes cats, all in an effort to understand the true essence of his own badly-behaved moggies. It's a memoir, an escapade, an anthology and a social, natural and cultural history that takes the reader on a romp through our cat planet.

*    *    *

Now, what did I think to A Tale of Two Kitties?  Well fur a dude who was a CCH [Certified Cat Hater] and ACA [Avid Cat Avoider], I give him top marks fur his total conversion to full immersion into the wurld and joy of cats - way to go dude, I bet mew wished mew'd entered our realm years earlier! MOL

But seriously this book is really funny in places, the authors' back story had me laughing so much.  He's a top journalist wurking fur many of the Newspapers we read each day here in the UK.

Now mew know I hate to spoilerize anything but I'm going to share a couple of tidbits; on one assignment he dressed as a wizard when interviewing The High Priest of British White Witches, he even had a broomstick and cuddly owl toy, and another time he had an assignment at the furst British nudist hotel [seriously I didn't know there was such a thing] where he played nude ping-pong with the hotel's owner! OMC #Truestory MOL!!!

So how did a CCH become a FFF [Full Feline Fancier]?  Appurrently it was all because of love, that and his gurlfriends absolute and unequivocal INSISTENCE that they get a cat, and the cat in question was called Alvin.  Alvin was quite the character and definitely a kitty with determination and a big purrsonality.  Then a while later, along came Barry, who loves a good game of fetch and is really quite the kitty, he even entered a cat show!

Alongside the main story, there's some really great info too as the author explores many avenues of cat culture and history on his purrsonal journey into full CATDOM.

And I know mew're wanting to know, would I recommend this to mew?

In a wurd, yes I would, I think it's highly entertaining and would be a purrfect Sunday afternoon read.

And just before I pop off, I'd like to say a special thanks to Mirror Books fur sending me a copy of, A Tale of Two Kitties.

*    *    *
  • Print Length: 217 pages
  • Publisher: Mirror Books; 1 edition (11 Oct. 2018)

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

A Tale of Two Kitties

Offurall Enjoyment

I do hope mew enjoy this book if mew decide to give it a try... 

...and if mew've read it already, what did mew think?

*    *    *
Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew. And don't furget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page, plus if mew'd like an exclusive Library Card fur speshal access to my library, just email me at:

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

Happy reading or listening until next time


Amber xox

Follow Us @BionicBasil on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

 graphics created with paid licence and

Friday 16 November 2018

Feline Fiction on Fridays #80 at Amber's Library featuring **Happy Cats** by Charlie Ellis & Pawesome Give-Away!

Welcome To

With Amber ~ The Best Library Kitty in the entire Mewton~Clawson Parish

Supurr salutations pawesome furriends

*waves paw*

Hello gorgeous library guests and welcome to my private library

OMC, guys what a week...AGAIN!  The P.A. is up to her eyeballs at wurk, so do bear with us while she gets sorted, as she's had to move offices this week, and new staff have started, so mew can imagine trying to sort out all the refurb, setting up new departments etc... it's not a 5 minute job, so hopefully we'll be visiting mew all on the weekend to catch up on your epic adventures.

As fur me, I'm feeling great and am so much more agile at the moment, and we're investigating the CBD oil to see if I can purrhaps try that to help with my arthritis, but in the meantime, the meds from the vets are doing a stellar job. 

And if mew're wundering why there's no pic of me in this section, just scroll down.... MOL 

And now I think it's time to share this weeks book.

This week I'm sharing

Happy Cats 


Charlie Ellis

**Furstly I have to let mew all know that I was given a free copy of this book in exchange fur a fair review**

Here's the book blurb:

For every cat that hisses and stares at you, there is a happy cat somewhere in the world that would love to receive your attention. A celebration of joyful and jubilant felines, this book is especially crafted for all the cat lovers out there who are desperate to have a puss that loves them back.

*    *    *
Aftur Fudge and Pandora heard me laughing, rather loudly they came to investigate...

Jeez, what does a kitty have to do to get some peace around here!!!!!

Finally, I was alone in the catservatory...

So what did I think to Happy Cats... I thought the pictures and captions were epic; I laughed and laughed and laughed! 

Charlie Ellis has really picked some of the best kitty photo's out there to use and I know mew'll think so too, this is one of those little books, that when mew've had a bad day, i.e: somepurrdy ate your breakfast while mew were at the water fountain, or mew went to get back in bed and somepurrdy else has hijacked your spot, or even, mew went to use your favourite litter box only to find that Smooch didn't get his back-end in the tray... nuff said on that matter [MOL], but anyhoo my point is this, if mew need a chuckle and smile to brighten your day, this little gem is definitely fur mew!

And what's even better the pawesome peeps at Summersdale Publishing sent me an extra copy to give-away*, so if mew would like to get your mittens on a copy of this pawesome book, just leave a comment below and we'll share the winner on next Friday's post.

*The give-way is open wurld-wide ~ Unless mew're in one of those countries that aren't allowed to join in. Mew know who mew are!


And just before I pop off, I'd like to say a special thanks to Summersdale Publishing fur sending me Happy Cats, guys, mew made my day!

  • *    *    *
  • Hardcover: 96 pages
  • Publisher: Summersdale (11 Oct. 2018)

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Ratings of:

Happy Cats

Offurall Enjoyment

I do hope mew enjoy this book if mew decide to give it a try... 

...and if mew've read it already, what did mew think?

*    *    *

Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew. And don't furget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page, plus if mew'd like an exclusive Library Card fur speshal access to my library, just email me at:

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

Happy reading or listening until next time

Soft purrs

Amber xox

Follow Us @BionicBasil on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

 graphics created with paid licence and

Friday 9 November 2018

Feline Fiction on Fridays #79 at Amber's Library featuring **Magical Mystery Paws** by Mandy Morton

Welcome To

With Amber ~ The Best Library Kitty in the entire Mewton~Clawson Parish

Supurr salutations pawesome furriends

*waves paw*

Hello gorgeous library guests and welcome to my private library

Wow, what a busy week it's been, and this post nearly didn't happen because the last couple of chapters of The Clockwurk Labyrinth were in progress, mew can catch up on yesterdays Grand Finale by clicking the previous link.

And if mew've missed this years B Team blockbuster adventure, then mew might like to catch up on all the action as we rescued Fudge from an eveel dimension and saved Basil's old team from a fate wurse than the eveel dimension they were stuck in.  When I say it was an epic tale, it was an EPIC TAIL! MOL

It's got much colder the last week, so I've been getting lots of snuggle sessions in with the P.A. and I must say I think her slippers are supurr fun! MOL  Appurrently Pandora will be doing a Fashion with Felines post soon as she's got some really cool kitty things to share with mew all, including these slippers.

But enough fashion talk, as I've got a fab book to share with mew this week, it was only released on Audible a few days ago and I couldn't wait to get my mittens on it and share it with mew all.

This week I'm sharing

Magical Mystery Paws

The No 2 Feline Detective Agency Series Book 6


Mandy Morton

Here's a little snippet of the book blurb:

Meet Hettie Bagshot, a long-haired tabby cat whose whiskers twitch at the first sign of a mystery, and her best friend Tilly Jenkins. Together, they run the No. 2 Feline Detective Agency, and nothing will stop them from untangling each brain-teasing case that comes their way.
In scorching temperatures, Hettie Bagshot and her sidekick Tilly set out on a road trip to catch a killer cat amid a sea of entertainers. As Psycho Derek s bus lurches from one venue to the next, the killer strikes again. The big question for The No. 2 Feline Detective Agency is who will be next?
*    *    *
I'm sure that I've missed a couple of reviews fur this series but we'll come back to those in a future post/s. That's what happens when mew've got so many books, mew can't remember what mew've read or when mew read it!! MOL

Now, what did I think of book 6 in this series?  Mandy Morton neffur disappoints with these books, they have humour, mystery and of course, a little dash of murder sprinkled with eveel intent, but luckily there's always Hettie and her faithful sidekick, Tilly to put the pieces together and solve the crimes.  

This book, as its predecessors, rattles along at a fair old pace and as mew know I like to listen to the audio version, as I find they're even more entertaining when the narrator really engages with the characters.  And speaking of characters, these books are full of such interesting kitty-folk, that mew can't help but want more.

Each one can be read as a stand-alone or in sequence.  Fur me purrsonally, I love a good series and I really like an author who writes a huge series with many books, and I'm purraying to Cod that more will emerge offur the years, as it would be criminal not to continue it in my humble opinion.

Would I recommend this to mew?  Of course, I would, as it's such a fun read/listen and if like me, mew love cosy mysteries and cats, then this is definitely fur mew!

*    *    *
Audio: 6 Hours 6 Mins
  • Paperback: 240 pages  
  • Publisher: Farrago 12 July 2018

The Amber Biblio Rating System Fur Offurall Enjoyment:

Rating of:

Magical Mystery Paws

Offurall Enjoyment

I do hope mew enjoy this series if mew decide to give it a try... 

...and if mew've read it already, what did mew think?

*    *    *
Sadly it's time fur me to say BFN or bye-fur-now as mew know the drill, so many books, so little time and I'll be back next week with another specially paw-picked book just fur mew. And don't furget that all my previous reviews can be found on my Book Review page, plus if mew'd like an exclusive Library Card fur speshal access to my library, just email me at:

deardrbasil @ gmail . com

Happy reading or listening until next time

Soft purrs

Amber xox

Follow Us @BionicBasil on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

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