Showing posts with label cat safety. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cat safety. Show all posts

Thursday 3 August 2023

**CAT HAZARDS** The BBHQ List of The Top Ten Dangers Around The Home For Cats

Cat Hazards Banner ©BionicBasil®

  Happy Purrsday supurr pals

Welcome to Cat Hazards ~ The Art of Keeping Your Cat Safer ~ Series at BBHQ 

Today we are sharing Part Six of our helpful series. 

If mew're new to being cat staff, then maybe there are a few things mew haven't thought about, and we're here to point mew in the right direction and share tips that we've garnered over 25+ years. And for those seasoned and veteran cat staff, do feel free to add more suggestions and tips in the comments, as all cat hacks are welcome.


The Top Ten Dangers Around The Home For Cats

As a cat pawrent, it is your responsibility to provide a safe and secure environment for your feline companion in your home. Unfortunately, there are various hidden hazards lurking around the house that mew may not even be aware of. Therefore, in this blog post, we will delve into the top ten dangers around the home for cats, so mew can keep your furry furiend out of harm's way.

Links lead to more detailed information in previous posts.

1. Toxic Plants: It is worth noting that many common household plants, including lilies, poinsettias, and azaleas, can be highly toxic to cats if ingested. Therefore, it is necessary to keep these plants out of your cat's reach or opt for cat-friendly houseplants instead (See link at bottom of post for more details). Also, be very careful with cut flowers too.

CAT HAZARDS The BBHQ List of The Top Ten Dangers Around The Home For Cats ©BionicBasil® Plants

2. Chemicals: Household cleaners, pesticides, and other chemicals can pose a considerable health risk to your cat if ingested or inhaled. For this reason, it is critical to store these items securely and keep your cat away from areas where they are being used. Also, the use of air fresheners and candles are not recommended.

CAT HAZARDS The BBHQ List of The Top Ten Dangers Around The Home For Cats ©BionicBasil® Household Cleaners

3. Electrical Cords: Cats love to play with strings and cords, but electrical cords can be a severe risk of electrocution if chewed on. To avoid this, keep cords out of your cat's reach or cover them with cord protectors.

CAT HAZARDS The BBHQ List of The Top Ten Dangers Around The Home For Cats ©BionicBasil® Electrical Cables

4. Open Windows: Although cats enjoy looking out of open windows, they can also be hazardous if your cat falls or jumps out. Therefore, it is advisable to install screens, or open only a small amount, make sure it's secure so little paws can't open it further, or even keep windows closed to prevent accidents, certainly on upper floors.

CAT HAZARDS The BBHQ List of The Top Ten Dangers Around The Home For Cats ©BionicBasil® Open Windows

5. Small Objects: Small objects such as rubber bands, hair ties, small toys etc... can be easily swallowed by cats and cause blockages in their digestive system. To prevent this, it is vital to keep these items out of your cat's reach at all times.

CAT HAZARDS The BBHQ List of The Top Ten Dangers Around The Home For Cats ©BionicBasil® Small Random Objects

6. Human Medications: Many human medications can be toxic to cats, and it is essential to keep all medications out of reach. It is advisable to consult your veterinarian before giving your cat any medication.

CAT HAZARDS The BBHQ List of The Top Ten Dangers Around The Home For Cats ©BionicBasil® Medications

7. Human Food: It is important to note that many common human foods, including chocolate, onions, and garlic, can be toxic to cats. Therefore, it is imperative to keep these foods out of your cat's reach and avoid feeding them table scraps.

CAT HAZARDS The BBHQ List of The Top Ten Dangers Around The Home For Cats ©BionicBasil® Garlic and Onions

8. Plastic Bags: Cats enjoy playing with plastic bags, but they can be a suffocation hazard if your cat gets trapped inside. To prevent this, it is best to keep bags out of your cat's reach or dispose of them properly.

CAT HAZARDS The BBHQ List of The Top Ten Dangers Around The Home For Cats ©BionicBasil® Plastic Bags

9. Toilet Bowls: It is worth noting that open toilet bowls can be a drowning hazard for cats, especially curious kittens. It is always advisable to keep the lid closed or install a toilet seat lock.

CAT HAZARDS The BBHQ List of The Top Ten Dangers Around The Home For Cats ©BionicBasil® Toilet Lid Up

10. Hot Surfaces: Although cats love to curl up in warm areas, they can get burned if they lay on hot surfaces such as stovetops or heaters. To prevent this, it is advisable to keep these areas off-limits or supervise your cat when they are in these areas.

CAT HAZARDS The BBHQ List of The Top Ten Dangers Around The Home For Cats ©BionicBasil® Hot Surfaces

By being aware of these common dangers around the home, mew can help ensure that your cat stays safe and healthy. As always, if mew suspect your cat has ingested something toxic or is experiencing any symptoms of illness, please contact your veterinarian immediately.

It doesn't take long to make your home a safe place, and mew'd do it for a baby/toddler/child, so do it for your cat too, and our K9 buddies of course!

If mew're looking for plants which are ok to have in your home check out: 

Top 12 Common Cut Flowers 'Safe' To Have Near Cats 

And if mew're looking for more advice on being a cat pawrent, check out our Top Tips for Cat Pawrents page too.

Thanks for joining us today, and we hope mew like our Cat Hazards series. We'll be back on the morrow with some more Friday Fluffers, so do join us for a few laughs.

Until then...
Stay Safe Banner ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Disclaimer: We are not vets, animal medical professionals, animal doctors or have any formal qualifications in animal health. If mew are worried or concerned about anything at all, purrlease take your feline furiend to your purrsonal veterinarian or other health care provider and seek expert advice and assistance immediately.

See more content, including fun photos and videos Featuring The B Team 


Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post 

Graphics created with paid licence 

Monday 5 September 2022

**NEW** Cat Hazards ~ Part 6 ~ The Art of Keeping Your Cat Safer ~ Top 12 Common Indoor Plants 'Safe' To Have Near Cats **Free Printable List with Pictures**

Cat Hazards Banner ©BionicBasil®

  Happy Monday supurr pals

Today we're sharing Part Six of our Cat Hazards series, and if mew missed the last post click here to catch up on the free A4 printable of 'safe' cut flowers to have near cats.

If mew're new to being cat staff, then maybe there are a few things mew haven't thought about, and we're here to point mew in the right direction and share tips that we've garnered over 25+ years. And for those seasoned and veteran cat staff, do feel free to add more suggestions in the comments, as all tips and cat hacks are welcome. 

Let's Talk About House Plants - AGAIN!

In our second Cat Hazards post, we talked about house plants which are highly toxic to cats and should be avoided at all costs ~ There is a free A4 Printable available on the post for mew.

Today we're sharing a list of the Top 12 Indoor Plants which are deemed **safe to have near your kitties.

Top 12 Common Indoor Plants Safe To Have Near Cats

And here's a free A4 printable so mew can have a visual reference of what's ok to have near Fluffy.

Top 12 Common Indoor Plants Safe To Have Near Cats - see website disclaimer ©BionicBasil®
right-click the graphic to print it off and stick on your fridge or noticeboard

**Just remember that nothing is truly safe, especially if ingested in larger quantities. And mew really don't want Fluffy drinking any water that is sitting in a plant saucer.

Ideally, we would advise mew to position your plants in areas inaccessible to fluffy, as mew can never be too careful. 

We have several spider plants at BBHQ, which are in an accessible place for a nibble alongside our homegrown cat grass, and if mew'd like to grow your own cat grass and other greens see the links below. 

The B Team have never shown any adverse effects from nibbling on our spider plants, however all cats are not the same, as all humans are not the same.

If mew are bringing in a new plant from the 'safe' list we would recommend monitoring things closely for a few weeks, just in case your kitty is not compatible with it.

There are more 'safe' plants which mew can have in your home and if mew'd like another list, drop us a comment, and we'll extend this information further.


Check out our definitive guides to growing greens for your cat

If mew can't grow your own cat grass for whatever reason, take a look at our review of My Cat Grass mail order company, click the link. (This isn't an affiliate link)

Or check out our definitive guides for growing greens for your cat:

If mew need any further info on growing your own plants or have queries on anything else in today's post, let us know in the comments as we answer all our readers' questions on our Wednesday posts, The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up.


What To Do If Your Kitty Ingests or Licks Something That Might be Poisonous or Toxic

If mew think that Fluffy may have ingested something that he or she shouldn't have, call your emergency vet immediately.

Or call the Animal Poisonline run by the PDSA on 01202 509000 - calls cost £30 payable at the time of the call. 

If mew are in the USA, mew can call Pet Poison Helpline on 855-764-7661 - they have a $75 charge payable at the time of the call.

Our advice, check online for your country and keep the number handy, whether that's stored in your phone or on the fridge, or where mew keep your emergency numbers.

The above prices are correct at the time of posting - September 2022 

Please note: these are not affiliate links, and we are in no way linked to either organisation in any capacity.

It doesn't take long to make your home a safe place, and mew'd do it for a baby/toddler/child, so do it for your cat too, and our K9 buddies, of course!

If in doubt, don't do it! 

We'll be back in a couple of weeks with some more top tips, and if mew missed any of our previous Cat Hazards posts, stop by our Top Tips for Pawents page, and mew'll find oodles of useful stuff and pointers to help mew safely navigate pet pawrenthood.

Until next time...

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Disclaimer: We are not vets, animal medical professionals, animal doctors or have any formal qualifications in animal health. If mew are worried or concerned about anything at all, purrlease take your feline furiend to your purrsonal veterinarian or other health care provider and seek expert advice and assistance immediately.

The safe indoor plant list is subject to change pending new information and data on the aforementioned plants, but at the time of publishing was correct according to our resources.

Graphics created with paid licence   

Monday 22 August 2022

**NEW** Cat Hazards ~ Part 5 ~ The Art of Keeping Your Cat Safer ~ Top 12 Common Cut Flowers 'Safe' To Have Near Cats **Free Printable List with Pictures**

Cat Hazards Banner ©BionicBasil®

  Happy Monday supurr pals

Today we're sharing  Part Five of our Cat Hazards series, and if mew missed our last post, click here to catch up on a re-run of our Cat Hazards posts sharing the dangers of air fresheners and candles.

If mew're new to being cat staff, then maybe there are a few things mew haven't thought about, and we're here to point mew in the right direction and share tips that we've garnered over 25+ years. And for those seasoned and veteran cat staff, do feel free to add more suggestions and tips in the comments, as all cat hacks are welcome. 

Let's Talk About Cut Flowers or Bouquets

Recently, we re-ran our free A4 printable list of cut flowers that are toxic to cats which are really best avoided at all costs, and unfortunately they are among some of the most readily available flowers to buy.

So if mew really love your cut flowers, what can mew have?

We did a bit of research and floated around the interwebs a little while we gathered information on today's list of:

The Top 12 Common Cut Flowers Safe** To Have Near Cats

And here's a free A4 printable so mew can have a visual reference of what is ok to have near Fluffy.

Top 12 Common Cut Flowers Safe To Have Near Cats - see website disclaimer ©BionicBasil®

right-click the graphic to print it off and stick on your fridge or noticeboard

There are quite a few more safe** flowers and if mew'd like another list, drop us a comment, and we'll extend this information further.

But don't forget:


Always make sure that Fluffy can't knock the vase over, or drink the water.

And we would always recommend keeping any cut flowers, even those on the safe list in a place where your cat can't have access to them.

At BBHQ we just don't have any cut flowers in the house, we have house plants but never any flowers.

If your kitty is looking or trying to eat the flowers or any foliage, this indicates to us that your cat is probably looking for cat grass to assist with a possible furball removal, or digestive issue and we would recommend that mew always have fresh cat grass available, especially for indoor-only cats. 

The B Team always have fresh greens available, and if mew can't grow your own, there are many places that supply ready-grown cat grass by mail order, or check at your local florists or garden centre as we've noticed there are several places around us which have recently started selling ready-grown cat grass, and catnip plants.

If mew want to check out a review of My Cat Grass mail order company, click the link.

Or check out our definitive guides for growing greens for your cat:

If mew need any further info on growing your own plants or have queries on anything else in today's post, let us know in the comments as we answer all our readers' questions on our Wednesday posts, The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up.

What To Do If Your Kitty Ingests or Licks Something That Might be Poisonous or Toxic

If mew think that Fluffy may have ingested something that he or she shouldn't have, call your emergency vet immediately.

Or call the Animal Poisonline run by the PDSA on 01202 509000 - calls cost £30 payable at the time of the call. 

If mew are in the USA, mew can call Pet Poison Helpline on 855-764-7661 - they have a $75 charge payable at the time of the call.

Our advice, check online for your country and keep the number handy, whether that's stored in your phone or on the fridge, or where mew keep your emergency numbers.

The above prices are correct at the time of posting - August 2022 

Please note: these are not affiliate links, and we are in no way linked to either organisation in any capacity.

It doesn't take long to make your home a safe place, and mew'd do it for a baby/toddler/child, so do it for your cat too, and our K9 buddies, of course!

If in doubt, don't do it! 

Next time in this series we'll cover the Top 12 Safe House Plants For Cats, and if mew missed any of our previous Cat Hazards posts, stop by our Top Tips for Pawents page, and mew'll find oodles of useful info and pointers to help mew safely navigate pet pawrenthood.

Until next time...

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Disclaimer: We are not vets, animal medical professionals, animal doctors or have any formal qualifications in animal health. If mew are worried or concerned about anything at all, purrlease take your feline furiend to your purrsonal veterinarian or other health care provider and seek expert advice and assistance immediately.

The safe flower list is subject to change pending new information and data on the aforementioned flowers, but at the time of publishing was correct according to our resources.

Graphics created with paid licence  

Monday 1 August 2022

Cat Hazards **RERUN** The Art of Keeping Your Cat Safer ~ Top 12 Common Cut Flowers Toxic For Cats & To Avoid ~ **Free Printable List with Pictures**

Cat Hazards Banner ©BionicBasil®

  Happy Monday supurr pals

Today we're sharing a rerun of Part Three of our Cat Hazards series, and we're carrying from our last C.H. post in which we discussed what house plants to avoid.

If mew're new to being cat staff, then maybe there are a few things mew haven't thought about, and we're here to point mew in the right direction so mew can learn what's safe and what's not. And for those seasoned and veteran cat staff, do feel free to add more suggestions in the comments as...


...and helps avoid and avert all kinds of disasters.

Let's Talk About Cut Flowers or Bouquets

Let's take a look at our Top 12 Common Cut Flowers Toxic For Cats list of what mew really don't want in your bouquet or cut flower arrangement.

Top 12 Common Cut Flowers Toxic For Cats & To Avoid ©BionicBasil®
right-click the graphic to print it off and stick on your fridge or noticeboard

There are many more cut flowers that are not safe to have in your home, so we suggest mew do your homewurk and make informed decisions for the safety of your cat.

The P.A. refuses to have cut flowers in the house. In fact, she hates cut flowers and thinks all flowers should stay in the garden where she can look at them for months on end instead of a week or so. Though she does fully understand and appreciate for peeps who don't have a garden or outdoor space and who do like a riot of colour around their homes using cut flowers. Still, there are other ways to indulge in this scenario, purrlease see our top tip below.

Let's Talk Cut Flowers

If mew're a fan of the readily available bouquets at supermarkets or other retail stores, they're pretty much filled with the flowers or a combo of what we've mentioned above and generally are not safe to have around your kitty.

If mew go to a florist and custom order a bouquet, then mew can obviously choose safe flowers to have in your home. However, don't go to your florist and expect them to know which flowers are cat safe and which are not; the chances of them knowing this info is slim unless the florist is actually cat pawrent themselves.

We despair when we see on social media that someone has a vase filled with the huge stargazer lilies, and their cat is sitting right next to it, just one nudge and that deadly pollen is on the cat's fur and the next thing the cat is having a bath, and then the very next thing is they're off the vet with a whole host of symptoms such as drooling, vomiting, lethargy, decreased appetite, urination issues and even purrhaps kidney failure. Or they share pictures of their cats with their noses stuck amongst the petals of say, tulips or daffs, like WHAT THE FLUFF PEEPS!


Unless they're on the safe list, and we'll be sharing our Top 12 Safe Flowers For Cats soon, so mew can build up a knowledge base of what's hot and what definitely is not in the kitty kouture flower wurld.

Just remember your cat doesn't know that they are poisonous, Fluffy doesn't have a degree in botany, and as we said in our last Cat Hazards post, it's always a great idea to have some fresh cat grass indoors for them to nibble on should they fancy getting their daily greens intake up. 

Check out our definitive guides to growing greens for your cat:


Top Tip Banner ©BionicBasil®

We know not everypawdy lives with access to a garden or outdoor space and therefore love to have flowers in their homes, and we totally understand the need for colour and nature in our daily lives. Though this could prove supurr dangerous for Fluffy if he or she decides to become a flower fancier.

Our solution is not only practical, but it also saves money too, and mew get to have oodles of pretty flowers indoors.
Top 12 Common Cut Flowers Toxic For Cats & To Avoid BionicBasil® Faux Flower Bouquet

There are many companies who make excellent faux flowers, and we did mention one such company in our previous post - see the link at the top of this post - we know it's probably not the vibe most flowers lovers want, but what's more impawtant; the safety of your cat or a bunch of flowers that will be dead in a week or two, and could pawsibly be deadly to your cat as well?

Top 12 Common Cut Flowers Toxic For Cats & To Avoid BionicBasil® Dried Flower Bouquet

Mew can also purrchase dried flower arrangements, as they're back in vogue now after years of being seen as somewhat dated and old-fashioned, or mew can even make your own arrangement.

 Some of the dried arrangements available to buy are absolutely gorgeous and as with faux flowers, a little dust once a week or a quick blow with the hairdryer to keep them clean and fresh is all they require, and they last for as long as mew want them too.

What To Do If Your Kitty Ingests or Licks Something That Might be Poisonous or Toxic

If mew think that Fluffy may have ingested something that he or she shouldn't have, call your emergency vet immediately.

Or call the Animal Poisonline run by the PDSA on 01202 509000 - calls cost £30 payable at the time of the call. 

If mew are in the USA, mew can call Pet Poison Helpline on 855-764-7661 - they have a $75 charge payable at the time of the call.

Our advice, check online for your country and keep the number handy, whether that's stored in your phone or on the fridge, or where mew keep your emergency numbers.

Please note: these are not affiliate links, and we are in no way linked to either organisation in any capacity.

(Prices accurate at the time of posting - August 2022)

It doesn't take long to make your home a safe place, and mew'd do it for a baby/toddler/child, so do it for your cat too, and our K9 buddies of course.

Check out part four, where we cover Candles and Spray Air Fresheners, and if mew missed any of our previous Cat Hazards posts, stop by our Top Tips for Pawents page, and mew'll find a veritable info-fest of helpful stuff and pointers to help mew safely navigate pet pawrenthood.

Until next time...

Stay Safe Banner ©BionicBasil®

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Disclaimer: We are not vets, animal medical professionals, animal doctors or have any formal qualifications in animal health. If mew are worried or concerned about anything at all, purrlease take your feline furiend to your purrsonal veterinarian or other health care provider and seek expert advice and assistance immediately.

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

Graphics created with paid licence