Showing posts with label parsley sauce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parsley sauce. Show all posts

Thursday 28 April 2016

Thankful on Thursday with Parsley

Today young Parsley Sauce is with us, sharing his uber thankfulness fur having such a beautiful shiny coat, he say's it's because he spends a lot of time primping and preening, and while this is fact he omitted to mention that the P.A. spends quite a bit of time brushing him, sometimes 3 times a day, as young Mr Sauce in all honesty is Addicted to Brush! MOL

The P.A. says he's fur feels like velvet, so she also calls him Mr Mint Velvet.  Seriously though what cat comes hurtling across the garden at light speed when a brush is waved at him? [Pansy]  There are also several types of brush employed, from supurr soft bristles to combs and massage varieties, and Parsley seems to like a combination of treatments on a daily basis. 

Are mew addicted to brush?  

As now I'm curious, as purrsonally I'm not a fan.  Smoochie enjoys it and gets a little too excited resulting in a back-hawk [mohawk], chest hawk and tummy hawk, this is when the phrase: Back Hawk Down comes into play! MOL  Snowie is also a rather keen and willing brushee, as is Humphrey.  Amber can take it or leave it and Angel Posie was a complete no-go-zone unless mew wanted to lose digits.  

This leads me to wunder, is it normal fur cats to be addicted to brush, or am I in the minority of not enjoying this hairy fairy fur inducing past-time?  

The P.A. also has this to say on the joys of brushing; 

If cat fur were currency she'd be a billionaire!  

She would also like to add this addendum; 

After carefully removing all traces of cat fur with a super sticky lint roller from my clothing every morning before I leave the house, by the time I get to work I can still look like I've rolled on the floor in a pile of it - what is this strange phenomenon?  Am I a cat fur magnet? Is it some predisposed condition and if so is it treatable? And forget using any type of lip-gloss unless you want to have fur-mouth! [Not a good look on anyone LOL]


Enjoy your day 


Basil xox

Thankful On Thursdays Blog Hop

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Wednesday 24 February 2016

Wordless on Wednesday with Parsley Sauce

With supurr sleek house panther

Mew may be wundering about the 'sauce' bit - let me explain; when he furst came home from the rescue centre he was called Parson's as he has a slight white ring around his neck, but the P.A. didn't like that name much and really wanted to call him Magic or Midnight or Raven etc... anyhoo mew get the picture... so when he came home and she tried all the names she liked on him and after a few days decided none of them really suited him.

Herein lay the purroblem, as she really hoped one of the names would be right, so after conceding defeat and he was still called Parson's she suddenly had a brainwave to call him Parsley, not too different from his existing name but she liked it so much more, so Parson's became Parsley and offur time that morphed into Mr Sauce as in parsley sauce, and then much to Parsley's chagrin the P.A. plays a game with him; effuryday he is a different sauce.  So here is the last weeks list:

Thursday - Steak Sauce
Friday - Hot Fudge Sauce
Saturday - Sweet Chillie Sauce
Sunday - Mint Sauce
Monday -  Butterscotch Sauce
Tuesday - Hollandaise Sauce

and today he is, of course

Parsley Sauce

As mew can imagine the list is effur evolving, so if mew have any sauces mew'd like to share with us fur future reference in the Mr Sauce game, that would be terrifically pawesome! MOL 

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