Showing posts with label upcycle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label upcycle. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 February 2025

**VALENTINE'S CRAFTING RE-RUN**PART 4** Crafting With Cats Valentine's Special ~ **CAT TREE GLOW UP** The Best Cat Tree Makeover In The World **MEW WON'T BELIEVE YOUR EYES**

Welcome to

Crafting with Cats Valentine's Special Banner ©BionicBasil®

Supurr Furbulous Greetings Pawesome Pals

Thanks for joining us for Part 4 of our supurr fun Crafting with Cats re-run.

If mew missed Part I, click here to see how we made an epic heart shaped crinkle mat, and here for Part II, when we made some epic catnip hearts and kicker toys. Check out Part III for the most epic Valentine's Cat Cottage ever.

Stay tuned for more epically epic crafty fun!

If mew missed any of our previous CWC posts, stop by the Crafting with Cats Page and see all our previous projects, and mew don't have to be an expert in anything to make any of them. Plus we offer workarounds and no-sew projects for those who don't like to sew.

*    *    *
**A quick note before we begin**

All Crafting with Cats ideas and creations are of our own design and we share them fur purrsonal/home use only.

  So purrlease do not copy for commercial/resale purrposes.

Copyright ©BionicBasil®

This time we're updating an old cat tree, which no one loved, and we're calling it...


The Best Cat Tree Makeover in the World!

We don't know about mew, but we think that most cat trees are sooooo horrendously bland and boring, with zero purrsonality. 

So when we were planning this project we decided that if we're doing a makeover, WE'RE DOING A MAKEOVER, if mew get our drift. There's no point in getting some faux fur and redoing it the same, what would be the fun in that. Besides mew guys know what we're like by now, and if we can't make it look epically epic then we're not going to do it.
Valentine's Special Crafting with Cat ©BionicBasil® The Best Cat Tree Makeover In The World

What We Used:

An old cat tree that still has some life in it but looks a little sorry for itself

Funky fabric, we chose a selection of rather ditzy kitsch fabric in fun patterns

Trim, we used some small pom pom trim in 3 different colours

Glue gun + extra glue sticks

Staple gun + extra staples

Gorilla tape and self-adhesive rubber grommets

needle and thread

Today we're doing things a little bit differently again; instead of step-by-step instructions, we're sharing a video of the entire process... so get a lovely beverage, sit back, relax and just press play!

If for any reason the video doesn't play go here to: watch direct on YouTube

If there are any parts of the process mew'd like to know more about, ask us in the comments.

Pandora loves her new princess cat tree in the catservatory, although Smooch did manage to try it out before it even made it into the catservatory, and then Melvyn and Fudge both tried it out while she was outside!
Valentine's Special Crafting with Cat ©BionicBasil® The Best Cat Tree Makeover In The World - Cats
Everyone loves it, in fact we think it's one of the best things we've ever done! MOL

What do mew think to it? 

And that furiends furry sadly brings us to the end of today's pawesomely fun Crafting with Cats post, we do hope mew liked it. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel as we've got lots of videos there, and some of which mew might have not seen before.

We'll be back tomorrow with another epic selfie, can mew guess who's centre stage this week??? 

Epically crafty purrs and don't forget to...
Valentine's Banner ©BionicBasil® Stay Fluffy

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Don't furget to subscribe to our blog and never miss another post. 

We at BionicBasil HQ are not responsible or liable fur any injuries to person/s and/or cat/s, crafting addictions, glue on cats, paper cuts, misplaced pins and needles, cats stealing your supplies, broken scissors, cat fur stuck on your projects, or your project not turning out as planned.  By using this information you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless BionicBasil and staff from and against any and all claims for personal injuries or damages of any kind arising from the use of any Crafting With Cats posts we may share.
Graphics created with paid licence and www.befunky  

Monday, 3 February 2025

**VALENTINE'S CRAFTING RE-RUN**PART 2** Crafting With Cats Valentine's Special ~ Catnip Hearts and Kicker Toy and Come Say Hi to Young Melvyn (Melvyn's First Time on The Blog in February 2019)

 Welcome to

Crafting with Cats Valentine's Special Banner ©BionicBasil®

Supurr Furbulous Greetings Pawesome Pals

Thanks for joining us for Part 2 of our supurr fun Crafting with Cats re-run. We thought we'd get a head-start on the Valentine's Crafting, as the big day is just under a couple of weeks away, so if mew want to make anything, mew should have plenty of time! 

If mew missed Part 1, click here to see how we made an epic heart-shaped crinkle mat.

Stay tuned for more epically epic crafty fun!

If mew missed any of our previous CWC posts, stop by the Crafting with Cats Page and see all our previous projects, and mew don't have to be an expert in anything to make any of them. Plus, we offer workarounds and no-sew projects for those who don't like to sew.

*    *    *

**Purrlease Note**

All Crafting with Cats ideas and creations are of our own design, and we share them for purrrsonal/home use only.

  So purrlease do not copy for commercial/resale purposes.

Copyright ©BionicBasil 

*     *     *

This time we're making 

Catnip Hearts and Kicker Toy Crafting with Cats @BionicBasil

What Mew Will Need:

Felt squares

Cotton fabric of your choice


Tailor's chalk or similar fabric marker


Thread and Needle or Sewing machine


And we used lots of homegrown BBHQ catnip and catmint

Optional Cat ~ Parsley was today's Craft Room Snoopervisor

Here's our selection of fabric

Ooooh what purretty colours!

Making The Catnip Hearts

1. Parsley was snoopervising today's session and making sure all Health & Safety protocols were carried out.

2. Cut out a cardboard template of your chosen heart.

3.  Pick which colour felt square and trace 2 x heart outlines. 

4. Repeat No. 3, then cut out hearts and place right sides together.

5. & 6. If mew don't have a sewing machine, that's ok. Mew can hand stitch the hearts together.  We used the sewing machine and left a good inch so we could turn the right sides out.

7. Turn right sides out, and your heart should look something like this.

8.  Get your catnip and stuff to the brim, then hand stitch the last part of the seams together.

Making The Catnip Heart Kicker Toy

1.  Take your chosen fabric, we used this lovely cotton print. Cut a rectangle, mew can make to a size of your choice, though ours is approx 8 x 4 inches.

2.  Fold the rectangle along the long edge [in-half] and sew along the bottom and long edge, either by hand or with a sewing machine. 

3. Turn right side out and get your wadding ready.

4.  Stuff kicker toy, alternating with wadding and then catnip until full.

5.  Cut your ribbon into approx 4 inch lengths and add to top edge, tack in place if mew need to.  Stitch securely along the top edge to fully secure ribbons. 

And mew should now have something like this - some epically epic toys and a crazy cat or two, or maybe even three! MOL

Smooch was loving it!

Here's Melvyn's very first photo on the blog in 2019 - what a cutie! 

Before we go any further, we need to make a quick introduction, my young nephew Melvyn has just moved in so purrlease say hi, mew can see the furrmily resemblance, can't mew? What a cheeky little chap he is! MOL 

Even crotchety Amber got stuck in too.

In total from start to finish, these 3 toys took about 25 mins to make. It would have been quicker but the P.A. couldn't see to thread the needle - PFFFFTTTT - OLD TIMERS!

As mew can see the Valentine's toys were a total hit, the P.A. said she'd never seen so much cat drool and made a note on a post-it to use less potent nip next time - though we promptly ate said post-it note as we really like the extra potent nip! MOL 

And that furriends furry sadly brings us to the end of today's fun Crafting with Cats post, we do hope mew liked it and if mew decide to make your furry own Valentine's toys, we hope mew enjoy them as much as we are still enjoying ours! 

Epically crafty purrs and don't forget to...
Valentine's Banner ©BionicBasil® Stay Fluffy

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team 


We at BionicBasil HQ are not responsible or liable fur any injuries to person/s and/or cat/s, crafting addictions, glue on cats, paper cuts, misplaced pins and needles, cats stealing your supplies, broken scissors, cat fur stuck on your projects, or your project not turning out as planned.  By using this information you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless BionicBasil and staff from and against any and all claims for personal injuries or damages of any kind arising from use of any Crafting With Cats posts we may share.

Graphics created with paid licence and
mewsic used under paid licence

Thursday, 10 October 2024

**Spooky Crafting With Cats** **RERUN ~ PART THREE** How We Made A Pumpkin Pouffe and Some Other Really Fun Pumpkin Inspired Stuff

Welcome to

The B Team's Halloween Crafting with Cats Banner  ©BionicBasil® October  23

Supurr Spooky Greetings Pawesome Pals

Thanks for joining us for Part Three of our Halloween Crafting with Cats Rerun. Mew know we have so much fun making all this stuff, and we hope mew enjoy seeing it!

If mew missed any of our previous CWC posts, stop by the Crafting with Cats Page and see all our previous projects. Mew don't have to be an expert in anything to make any of them.  Plus, we offer workarounds and no-sew projects for those who don't like to sew.

Previous Halloween Crafting Posts

*    *    *
**A quick note before we begin**

All Crafting with Cats ideas and creations are of our own design, and we share them for purrsonal/home use only.

  So purrlease do not copy for commercial/resale purrposes.

Copyright ©BionicBasil®

*     *     *


Pumpkin Pouffe with Catnip Leaf Cushions and Catnip Stalk Kicker Toy ~ OH YEAH! 

Cute Mini Pumpkin Trimmed Halloween Bandanas

Easy Peasy Pumpkin Collar 

Halloween Pawty Divider ©BionicBasil®

First up is the 

Pumpkin Pouffe with Catnip Leaves and Catnip Stalk Kicker Toy

What Mew Will Need:

Pumpkin - Orange faux fur - our piece was 1m x 1.5m 

stuffing/wadding - we used the filling from 2 x 18" square cushions we had spare

Leaves - green fabric, wadding, catnip

Stalk - 2 x beige felt squares, wadding, catnip

threads - orange, brown and green

needle, scissors, chalk, tape measure

sewing machine or mew could hand sew if mew wanted

Optional Cat/s ~ Parsley, Smooch and Fudge were today's Craft Room Snoopervisors


As we've never made a pumpkin before, instead of cutting into the faux fur straight away, we made a toile, aka mock-up of the pumpkin to a: see if the pattern worked and b: check that it was the right size - so if in doubt always make toile out of some old fabric or calico first, as then if it doesn't work mew've not wasted your expensive fabric.

The Pumpkin Pouffe with Catnip Leaves and Kicker Stalk Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special Toile

1.  Cut 6 x ellipse shape; ours were approx 12" wide by 27" long.

2. Pin edges together and sew each panel in turn.  On the last panels to be sewn, leave a 6" - 8" gap to turn right sides out before stuffing.

3. Check size suitability - Parsley was on paw for this step, and he said it was purrfect.

4. Stuff to check the overall shape and finished size.

So now that we're happy with the size, plumpness and dimensions, etc...  we took the faux fur to make our pumpkin - mew don't have to make a toile unless mew want a bigger or smaller version than ours and to test it with your pet.

The Pumpkin Pouffe with Catnip Leaves and Kicker Stalk Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special faux fur

1. to 4. Same steps as above on toile: cut, pin right sides together, sew and repeat with all panels, leaving a gap on the last seam.

The Pumpkin Pouffe with Catnip Leaves and Kicker Stalk Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special faux fur

5. Turn right-sides out.

6. Begin to stuff with the wadding.

7. Shape your pumpkin as you stuff until mew're happy with the desired amount of plumpness.  We didn't over-stuff ours as we wanted it to be nicely spongy without being too full.  Hand stitch the final part of the seam closed.

8. This is how your finished pumpkin should look.

Optional Catnip Leaf Cushions and Catnip Stalk Kicker Toy

We had a look online as to the shape of a pumpkin leaf and drew straight on the fabric freehand. Our leaves are approx 9" x 9"

The Pumpkin Pouffe with Catnip Leaves and Kicker Stalk Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special catnip leaves

1.  We cut 4 pieces of some old green curtain fabric we had in stock from about 1999, but mew could use felt squares or any cotton fabric.

2. & 3.  We used the same technique as we did with our Snuggle Mats to sew the wadding in place: Wadding on the top and the two green leaves underneath with right sides together, and stitched all the way around leaving about 4" - 5" gap to turn right-sides out.

4. Turn right sides out and stuff with as much catnip as mew want, and hand-sew the final part of the seam together.  We grow our own organic catnip, so we used loads, as we think more is better!

And mew should now have something that looks like this. Many apologies for the cat fur, crumpledness, drool and teeth marks; we got a little carried away before the P.A. could take a picture - OOPS! MOL!!

The Pumpkin Pouffe with Catnip Leaves and Kicker Stalk Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special catnip leaves c

Next, we made the stalk.

The Pumpkin Pouffe with Catnip Leaves and Kicker Stalk Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special catnip stalk

1. Take your first felt square as modelled by Smooch.

2.  Fold the edge over approx 1" and stitch the entire length - on the shorter side of the square - to create a ridge effect.

3. & 4.  Repeat until mew have something like this.

The Pumpkin Pouffe with Catnip Leaves and Kicker Stalk Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special catnip stalk

5. Fold felt in half ridge sides together, and draw stalk shape and sew.

6.  Cut excess felt away.

7. Turn ridge sides out.

8. Stuff with catnip and wadding to your desired plumpness.

The Pumpkin Pouffe with Catnip Leaves and Kicker Stalk Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special catnip stalk

9. Measure the diameter of the stalk and cut a right-sized circle from the remaining felt sheet, as modelled by Fudge.

10. & 11. Check it fits and hand-stitch all the way around.

12. Mew should now have something that looks like a pumpkin stalk.

After all of that, put it all together mew should now have something that looks like this! 

The Pumpkin Pouffe with Catnip Leaves and Kicker Stalk Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special


Talk about an ALL-IN-ONE solution for snoozing, playing and recreational nip activities; this is beyond purrfection, and let's see who loved it the best! MOL

The Pumpkin Pouffe with Catnip Leaves and Kicker Stalk Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special catnip stalk WHO LOVES THE PUMPKIN

Well, we think the photo speaks for itself, everypawdy loved it!

Halloween Pawty Divider ©BionicBasil®

Cute Mini Pumpkin Trimmed Halloween Bandanas

The Mini Pumpkin Trimmed Bandanna on Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special Melvyn

What mew will need:

Fabric - we used cat-themed Halloween fat quarters

Mini pom pom trim in orange

Cotton thread; orange and colours to match your fabric

Quick-release collar safety collar

The Mini Pumpkin Trimmed Bandanna on Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special

1. This is our fabric; isn't it epic?

2. Cut a triangle-shaped pattern with a straight edge at the top on the sides - this is for the collar to go through. Our pattern dimensions are: 9.5" across the top edge and from the top to the point at the bottom it's 4.5" including a 0.5" seam allowance.

3. Cut 2 pieces of each fabric.

4.  Fold over and sew a small straight edge with a zigzag stitch. Repeat on all other pieces of fabric, so in our case we stitched 8 x edges.

The Mini Pumpkin Trimmed Bandanna on Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special

5. & 6.  Place the right sides together and stitch from the bottom of the zigzag seam along to the pointy bit and back up the other side, finishing at the zigzag stitching. Then sew across the straight top edge, leaving a small gap to turn right sides out, as it would be rather fiddly to try and turn it right side out where the collar holes are.

7. Turn right sides out and press.

8. Mew should now have something that looks like this.

The Mini Pumpkin Trimmed Bandanna on Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special

9. & 10. Take your pom pom trim and sew it around the bottom edge. 

11. Topstitch across the top straight edge to finish off the seam.

12.  Thread your collars through the holes and mew should now have at least one mega, funky bandana like this.

Don't Fudge and Melvyn look epically EPIC?

The Mini Pumpkin Trimmed Bandanna on Creepy Crafting with Cats ©BionicBasil®Halloween Special Fudge and Melvyn Modelling the Bandannas


Never leave your cat alone wearing a bandanna or clothes of any description.

Halloween Pawty Divider ©BionicBasil®

Easy Peasy Pumpkin Collar 

What mew will need:

1 x collar - quick-release safety type is our fav

Some orange pom poms approx 1" size
 Non-toxic glue and/or glue gun

Creepy Crafting with Cats Halloween Special ©BionicBasil® BBHQ Easy Peasy Pumpkin Collar
1.  Lay the collar out and see how many pom poms are required.

2.  Start gluing pom-poms onto the collar.

 3.  Continue gluing, leaving the clasp area free.

4. It should now look like an oversized orange caterpillar! MOL

Find a willing kitty model and voila; one pumpkin collar, looking epically epic on our very own Parsley who was the purrfect choice to wear this fun creation.

Doesn't Parsley look SPOOKTACULAR?

Creepy Crafting with Cats Halloween Special ©BionicBasil® BBHQ Easy Peasy Pumpkin Collar


Periodically check for loose pom poms, and don't leave your kitty unattended while wearing them.

Halloween Pawty Divider ©BionicBasil®

And that furiends furry sadly brings us to the end of our third Halloween Crafting with Cats Rerun. We do hope mew liked it, and feel free to post your pawesome crafty pics on our Facebook page at:

Amber will be back tomorrow with another furbulous book review, so we do hope mew can join us then.

Spooky purrs


Wing Commander Basil & The B Team

Halloween Pawty Divider ©BionicBasil®

Follow Us @BionicBasil®  at InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Halloween Pawty Divider ©BionicBasil®
We at BionicBasil HQ are not responsible or liable fur any injuries to person/s and/or cat/s, crafting addictions, glue on cats, paper cuts, misplaced pins and needles, cats stealing your supplies, broken scissors, cat fur stuck on your projects, or your project not turning out as planned.  By using this information you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless BionicBasil and staff from and against any and all claims for personal injuries or damages of any kind arising from use of any Crafting With Cats posts we may share.
Halloween Pawty Divider ©BionicBasil®
Graphics created with paid licence and