Showing posts with label vishus rumours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vishus rumours. Show all posts

Thursday 4 January 2018

Time To Give Those Little Grey Cells a Workout on Brain Training with Professor Basil P.H.D. #30 & Vishus Rumours!

Happy Purrsday Pawesome Pals

Thanks so much fur stopping by today and it gives me an oppurrtunity to 


Mew may have read Amber's post yesterday, where she ALLEGES that I got stuck up a tree at our NYE Pawty and had to be rescued by Fudge and Pandora who subsequently got covered in tree-sap because I was so off my chops aftur having some of Smooch's new nip drink aka 'The Mind Bender'.

Amber also alleges that I said that my rescue was masqueraded as a Kitty Kommando Training Exercise as part of their B Team tutelage to save face... hmmmmm... So here's the 


I, Basil was completely off my chops and did end up in a tree aftur having an ABE aka Actual Body Experience, like an OBE - Out of Body Experience but so much better! MOL

So anyhoo there I was floating up among the trees when I suddenly had the most amazing idea, as mew do when mew're off your chops.  I thought what a purrfect oppurrtunity to see what Fudge and Pandora had learnt in the last few months since they joined our Merry Little Band of Heathens, as mew neffur know when a rescue mission is needed.

I drifted towards the nearest tree, which happened to be a Scotch pine [a furry sappy tree]  and got myself up in the high branches and then feigned I was stuck.  I gave Parsley and Smooch the nod that I was really fine and they spurred Fudge and Pandora into action.

"Pandora, Fudge!" Parsley slurred. "Mew guys need to go get Basil down!"

"Yeah newbies, mew need to rescue Basil!" Smooch hiccuped and jabbed his paw skywards. "Nip on guys, we'll save mew some hot-dogs and burgers!"

"Mew vant us to do vhat?" Pandora asked in her funny little foreign accent.

"Your mission should mew choose to accept it," Parsley said as he ate a really yummy burger. "Is to get up there and save Basil."

"Failure to comply will result in mew both failing Part 2 of your Kitty Kommando Training," Smooch garbled as he downed another Mind Bender. "Come on chop chop, we've not got all night!"

Fudge launched skywards and yelled. "Hang on Basil, I Supurr Fudge will save mew!"

Pandora not to be outdone yelled. "Basil I vill save mew!  Bugger off Fudge!"

Amber at this point was actually passed out on her little orange cushion next to the fire-pit.

Zooming up to my position they fought their way through the dense foliage, aftur several broken branches resulting in Fudge and Pandora getting tree-sap all offur their long fur, they finally reached me and kindly assisted me to the ground.

"Steady!" I said as we descended. "Don't drop me!"

And that's what really happened, I wasn't stuck at all.  Fudge and Pandora passed their test with flying colours, although I have to wurk on a bit of team-building as they need some serious wurk in this area!

Congrats to Fudge and Pandora and phooey to Amber fur spreading vishus rumours! MOL

It's time to get those little grey cells wurking...

[just right click to save the wurdsearch to your 'puter or print it off.] 

And here's the Answer-key fur Crosswurd #16

And here's this weeks jigsaw puzzle

It took us 8 mins 52 secs...  How did you do?

A quick reminder before we go... don't furget to join in the supurr Thankful on Thursday Blog Hop which is hosted by Brian's Home

Thankful Thursday Blog Hop

Until tomorrow...

Keep Calm


Puzzle On

Bestest purrs

Basil & Co xox

Jigsaw Puzzle  Crossword

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