Wednesday 6 May 2020

Oh My It's May, Lovely Butterflies and Making VE Day Bunting on The Pet Parade 351 with Dash Kitten, Barking from the Bayou and US!

Spring Pet Parade Banner 2020
Spring Pet Parade Text Banner ©BionicBasil®

Pawesome Greetings Furriends

Welcome to the Pet Parade and our weekly news round up!

Our headline this week is...

Oh My, It's May!

We can't believe it's the 6th of May already, what happened, it's like time is speeding up.  Sorry, we've been a little quiet, it's been a bit weird the last few weeks with one thing and another and then the P.A. hasn't been feeling that great; she's suffering from an acute bout of apathy right now and her normal joy factor is on the fritz a little.  But so it goes, our peeps do go through different stages of life and adjustments need to be made, and it's all whether mew go with the tide or try to fight it, the P.A. is on the least resistant path but that means she's in a bit of a funk, so do bear with us while we address the issue and get her motivated.

Spring Flower Divider ©BionicBasil®

In other news...

The last couple of weeks we've seen a lot of new butterflies in the garden and this is one of them; an Orange Tip, it's so hard to get a good picture of them as they always fluttering here, there and effurywhere! MOL

Lovely Butterflies ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 351

We love seeing all the different ones that visit, and we'll try to get some more pictures soon.

Spring Flower Divider ©BionicBasil®

 And finally this week, on Friday it's VE Day. so to help get the P.A. out of her funk we said she needed to make a banner to mark the 75 years since the end of WWII.  And although celebrations can't be held in their usual capacity we thought that we'd still decorate and have our own pawty and send oodles of gratitude and thanks to all those who did what needed to be done back in the day.

As there wasn't any bunting to be bought in time, patriotic Parsley insisted that some mini flags were made and luckily for him the P.A. had some felt in stock in red, white and blue.

Parsley takes his role as Quality Control Officer furry seriously as mew can see below; he's making sure that the mini flags are well made and are up to scratch!

Parsleychecking the felting flag bunting ©BionicBasil® The Pet Parade 351

We'll be decorating tomorrow ready for Friday so we'll post the picture of the big banner then, and if mew're in the UK or Europe are mew doing anything to mark this special occasion?

Spring Tree Divider ©BionicBasil®

I'll be here tomorrow with some more Brain Training and the answer to last times sudoku puzzle - link above - so do stop by to join me if mew get chance, and let's keep your little grey cells in tip-top condition! 

Until then...

Bestest purrs

Wing Commander Basil & The B Team xox

Spring Flower Divider ©BionicBasil®
The NEW Pet Parade Banner 2019
Spring Tree Divider ©BionicBasil®

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 & Co-Host

Spring Flower Divider ©BionicBasil®

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Spring Flower Divider ©BionicBasil®

And don't furget while we're all on lockdown, we The B Team have got your six and can entertain mew fur weeks; there are oodles of colouring pages to download and not furgetting the colouring books too.  There's a page full of crafting projects to keep your mittens making stuff, and if books are your thing, check our Amber's Book Reviews fur your next pawesome read! 

There are some epically exciting adventure stories too, so read our thrilling tales episode by epic episode.

We'll also be adding some new Brain Training soon, just to keep your little grey cells in tip-top condition. And we’ll be adding extra jigsaw puzzles to the puzzle page.

If mew want to see more of what's been happening at BBHQ since the lockdown began, check out our Instagram feed where mew can see our daily diary and exclusive videos that we don't put here on the blog.

Follow The B Team @BionicBasil® on InstacatTwitter and Facebook

Graphics created with paid licence