Sunday 9 April 2017

Sunday Selfies #139 Gorgeous Garden Selfies & Blog Hopping with Cat on my Head

Supurr salutations pawesome furriends

Welcome to another beautiful Sunday on the blog!

Today it's supposed to be 20 C and as it's early morning we're waiting to see if it actually does get that warm because if so, it's going to be epic. 

Also today the P.A. and Dad are meeting up with Shoko & Kali's pawrents and they're coming to visit us here in Sweepy Ville, how freaking exciting is that? WOO HOO all the way from Canada into the wilds of our little village! 

So exciting on so many levels, and we'll hopefully get some pictures with Shoko and Kali too, anyhoo we'll defo have a report fur mew next week.

It's time to share this weeks selfie theme, which is really obvious actually! MOL

Gorgeous Garden Selfies

*    *    *

Wishing mew all a supurr day with lots of sun puddles and mega warmz

Bestest Sunday Purrs

Basil & Co xox

Don't furget to join in the pawesome Sunday Selfies Blog Hop with

 Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo at their fabulous blog:

Gifs and Glitter Graphics

Other graphics used under paid licence  and


  1. How fun that you get to have blogging visitors all the way from Canada!

  2. Enjoy the outdoors and that lovely weather you're having, sweet pals! And we hope you all have fun visiting with Shoko and Kali's folks, too! How cool!

  3. You all always look gawjus. And dat is so cool. We luv awnty Jean and uncle Bill and would luv to meet them in da flesh. Enjoy and have lots of fun. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

    1. Hey Dezi & Raena, it was epic to meet aunty Jean & Uncle Bill, we had a great day! XOX

  4. You all look great! We're having some good weather too. :)

    1. Hi Island Cats, the weather got up to 24.5C, so it was fantastic! XOX

  5. We've had some Great weather for getting out side,xx Speedy

  6. Wow, Such fun happenings at your den, Basil! Hope you had a most wonderfur visit with your Canadian company.

    Lovely bright garden selfies, too! Its so good that Spring has sprung!

  7. Kali and Shoko's folks are so lucky they get to meet you.

    1. Hey all at 15 & Meowing, oh we were so lucky they had a spare day to come visit, it was a really great day! XOX

  8. Great selfies! I hope your parents had a fun time with Kali and Shoko's parents!

  9. The garden selfies look magnificent, Basil and we had a very warm day too. Not anymore, but it was 23°C back then☺ So nice you met Shoko and Kali's pawrents. That must have been a lovely time. Pawkisses for a Happy WednesdayšŸ˜»❤


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